const app = getApp() Page({ data: { currentIndex:0, height:0, login: false, content: [ {text: "我的收藏"}, {text: "我的已购"}, {text: "收听历史"}, {text: "我的礼包"} ] }, onLoad() { const that = this; wx.getSystemInfo({ success (res) { that.setData({ height :res.windowHeight }) } }) }, onShow() { const that = this if (!that.login) { wx.getStorage({ key: 'userinfo', success(res){ that.setData({ login: ? true : false, }) } }) } }, // 点击获取头像和昵称 bindGetUserInfo(e) { const that = this; wx.getUserInfo({ success: function (res) { wx.setStorage({ key: "userinfo", data: JSON.stringify(res.userInfo) }) that.setData({ login: true }) } }) }, checkItem(e) { const that = this; if ( === { return false; } else { that.setData({ currentIndex: }) } }, // 滑动切换tab changeTab(e) { const that = this; that.setData({ currentIndex:e.detail.current }) } })