What ---- Hosts file which is used for improving IPv6 access speed to Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc. in Mainland China. | \ | | | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Hosts | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lennylxx/ipv6-hosts/master/hosts | | Wiki | https://github.com/lennylxx/ipv6-hosts/wiki | | Info | [1e100 servers deployment geoinfo], [SN-domain servers list] | * You may need [HTTPS Everywhere] to secure your transmission. * [How to decode Google SN domains] Scripts ------- [update_hosts.py] ``` usage: update_hosts [OPTIONS] FILE A simple multi-threading tool used to update hosts file. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s DNS set another dns server, default: 2001:4860:4860::8844 -o OUT_FILE ouput file, default: inputfilename.out -t QUERY_TYPE dig command query type, defalut: aaaa -c, --cname write canonical name into hosts file -n THREAD_NUM set the number of worker threads, default: 10 ``` [merge_snippets.sh] ``` usage: ./merge_snippets.sh new_hosts ``` Some Public DNS Servers ----------------------- | | USA | USA | | -------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | | Hostname | **ordns.he.net** | **tserv1.lax1.he.net** | | IPv6 | 2001:470:20::2 | 2001:470:0:9d::2 | | IPv4 | | | | ISP | Hurricane Electric Inc.| Hurricane Electric Inc.| | City | Anycast | Los Angeles | | | Hong Kong | Japan | | -------- | ---------------------- | ------------------ | | Hostname | **dns.hutchcity.com** | **ns01.miinet.jp** | | IPv4 | | | | ISP | Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. | UCOM Corporation | | City | Hong Kong | Tokyo | More public DNS servers please refer to http://public-dns.info Privacy ------- * The hosts file just redirects domain to its offical IPs. You can check them on any public DNS servers. * There is no absolute privacy on the Internet. Learn to protect yourself. * Act smart. License ------- Code of this project is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE). Content of this project (including hosts files, wiki, and Google sheets) is licensed under [![CC Image]][CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]. [merge_snippets.sh]: merge_snippets.sh [update_hosts.py]: update_hosts.py [1e100 servers deployment geoinfo]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a5HI0lkc1TycJdwJnCVDVd3x6_gemI3CQhNHhdsVmP8 [SN-domain servers list]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14gT1GV1IE0oYCq-1Dy747_5FWNxL26R-9T5htJ485dY [HTTPS Everywhere]: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere [How to decode Google SN domains]: https://github.com/lennylxx/ipv6-hosts/wiki/sn-domains [CC Image]: https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/88x31.png [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/