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天问 1 year ago
1 changed files with 165 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 165 1

+ 165 - 1

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-# OpenAssistant
+<h1 align="center">
+    <span>Open-Assistant</span>
+  <img width="auto" height="50px" src=""/>
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+# Table of Contents
+- [What is Open Assistant?](#what-is-open-assistant)
+- [Useful Links](#useful-links)
+- [How To Try It Out](#how-to-try-it-out)
+- [The Vision](#the-vision)
+- [The Plan](#the-plan)
+- [How You Can Help](#how-you-can-help)
+## What is Open Assistant?
+<p align="center">
+Open Assistant is a project meant to give everyone access to a great chat based
+large language model.
+We believe that by doing this we will create a revolution in innovation in
+language. In the same way that stable-diffusion helped the world make art and
+images in new ways we hope Open Assistant can help improve the world by
+improving language itself.
+# Useful Links
+- [Data Collection](
+- [Chat](
+- [Project Documentation](
+## How To Try It Out
+### Chatting with the AI
+The chat frontend is now live [here]( Log in and
+start chatting! Please try to react with a thumbs up or down for the assistant's
+responses when chatting.
+### Contributing to Data Collection
+The data collection frontend is now live [here]( Log
+in and start taking on tasks! We want to collect a high volume of quality data.
+By submitting, ranking, and labelling model prompts and responses you will be
+directly helping to improve the capabilities of Open Assistant.
+### Running the Development Setup Locally (without chat)
+**You do not need to run the project locally unless you are contributing to the
+development process. The website link above will take you to the public website
+where you can use the data collection app and the chat.**
+If you would like to run the data collection app locally for development, you
+can set up an entire stack needed to run **Open-Assistant**, including the
+website, backend, and associated dependent services, with Docker.
+To start the demo, run this in the root directory of the repository (check
+[this FAQ](
+if you have problems):
+docker compose --profile ci up --build --attach-dependencies
+> **Note:** when running on MacOS with an M1 chip you have to use:
+> `DB_PLATFORM=linux/x86_64 docker compose ...`
+Then, navigate to `http://localhost:3000` (It may take some time to boot up) and
+interact with the website.
+> **Note:** If an issue occurs with the build, please head to the
+> [FAQ]( and check out the
+> entries about Docker.
+> **Note:** When logging in via email, navigate to `http://localhost:1080` to
+> get the magic email login link.
+> **Note:** If you would like to run this in a standardized development
+> environment (a
+> ["devcontainer"](
+> using
+> [vscode locally](
+> or in a web browser using
+> [GitHub Codespaces](, you can use the
+> provided [`.devcontainer`](.devcontainer/) folder.
+### Running the Development Setup Locally for Chat
+**You do not need to run the project locally unless you are contributing to the
+development process. The website link above will take you to the public website
+where you can use the data collection app and the chat.**
+**Also note that the local setup is only for development and is not meant to be
+used as a local chatbot, unless you know what you are doing.**
+If you _do_ know what you are doing, then see the `inference` folder for getting
+the inference system up and running, or have a look at `--profile inference` in
+addition to `--profile ci` in the above command.
+## The Vision
+We are not going to stop at replicating ChatGPT. We want to build the assistant
+of the future, able to not only write email and cover letters, but do meaningful
+work, use APIs, dynamically research information, and much more, with the
+ability to be personalized and extended by anyone. And we want to do this in a
+way that is open and accessible, which means we must not only build a great
+assistant, but also make it small and efficient enough to run on consumer
+## The Plan
+##### We want to get to an initial MVP as fast as possible, by following the 3-steps outlined in the [InstructGPT paper](
+1. Collect high-quality human generated Instruction-Fulfillment samples
+   (prompt + response), goal >50k. We design a crowdsourced process to collect
+   and reviewed prompts. We do not want to train on
+   flooding/toxic/spam/junk/personal information data. We will have a
+   leaderboard to motivate the community that shows progress and the most active
+   users. Swag will be given to the top-contributors.
+2. For each of the collected prompts we will sample multiple completions.
+   Completions of one prompt will then be shown randomly to users to rank them
+   from best to worst. Again this should happen crowd-sourced, e.g. we need to
+   deal with unreliable potentially malicious users. At least multiple votes by
+   independent users have to be collected to measure the overall agreement. The
+   gathered ranking-data will be used to train a reward model.
+3. Now follows the RLHF training phase based on the prompts and the reward
+   model.
+We can then take the resulting model and continue with completion sampling step
+2 for a next iteration.
+### Slide Decks
+[Vision & Roadmap](
+[Important Data Structures](
+## How You Can Help
+All open source projects begin with people like you. Open source is the belief
+that if we collaborate we can together gift our knowledge and technology to the
+world for the benefit of humanity.
+Check out our [contributing guide]( to get started.