# VoiceCraft 语音编辑和零样本文本转语音(TTS),包括有声书、互联网视频和播客。VoiceCraft只需要几秒钟的参考语音就能克隆声音。 ## Usage 项目: https://github.com/jasonppy/VoiceCraft 模型: https://huggingface.co/pyp1/VoiceCraft/tree/main 演示页面: https://jasonppy.github.io/VoiceCraft_web/ ``` conda create -n voicecraft python=3.9.16 conda activate voicecraft pip install -e git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft.git@c5157b5bf14bf83449c17ea1eeb66c19fb4bc7f0#egg=audiocraft pip install xformers==0.0.22 pip install torchaudio==2.0.2 torch==2.0.1 # this assumes your system is compatible with CUDA 11.7, otherwise checkout https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/#v201 apt-get install ffmpeg # if you don't already have ffmpeg installed apt-get install espeak-ng # backend for the phonemizer installed below pip install tensorboard==2.16.2 pip install phonemizer==3.2.1 pip install datasets==2.16.0 pip install torchmetrics==0.11.1 # install MFA for getting forced-alignment, this could take a few minutes conda install -c conda-forge montreal-forced-aligner=2.2.17 openfst=1.8.2 kaldi=5.5.1068 # conda install pocl # above gives an warning for installing pocl, not sure if really need this # to run ipynb conda install -n voicecraft ipykernel --no-deps --force-reinstall # 1. clone the repo on in a directory on a drive with plenty of free space git clone git@github.com:jasonppy/VoiceCraft.git cd VoiceCraft # 2. assumes you have docker installed with nvidia container container-toolkit (windows has this built into the driver) # https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/1.13.5/install-guide.html # sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit-base || yay -Syu nvidia-container-toolkit || echo etc... # 3. Try to start an existing container otherwise create a new one passing in all GPUs ./start-jupyter.sh # linux start-jupyter.bat # windows # 4. now open a webpage on the host box to the URL shown at the bottom of: docker logs jupyter # 5. optionally look inside from another terminal docker exec -it jupyter /bin/bash export USER=(your_linux_username_used_above) export HOME=/home/$USER sudo apt-get update # 6. confirm video card(s) are visible inside container nvidia-smi # 7. Now in browser, open inference_tts.ipynb and work through one cell at a time echo GOOD LUCK ``` 推理和训练: 查看inference_speech_editing.ipynb和inference_tts.ipynb。