# face2face-demo This is a pix2pix demo that learns from facial landmarks and translates this into a face. A webcam-enabled application is also provided that translates your face to the trained face in real-time. ## Getting Started #### 1. Prepare Environment ``` # Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:datitran/face2face-demo.git ``` #### 2. Generate Training Data ``` python generate_train_data.py --file angela_merkel_speech.mp4 --num 400 --landmark-model shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat ``` Input: - `file` is the name of the video file from which you want to create the data set. - `num` is the number of train data to be created. - `landmark-model` is the facial landmark model that is used to detect the landmarks. Output: Two folders `original` and `landmarks` will be created. #### 3. Train Model ``` # Clone the repo from Christopher Hesse's pix2pix TensorFlow implementation git clone https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow.git # Move the original and landmarks folder into the pix2pix-tensorflow folder mv face2face-demo/landmarks face2face-demo/original pix2pix-tensorflow/photos # Go into the pix2pix-tensorflow folder cd pix2pix-tensorflow/ # Resize original images python tools/process.py \ --input_dir photos/original \ --operation resize \ --output_dir photos/original_resized # Resize landmark images python tools/process.py \ --input_dir photos/landmarks \ --operation resize \ --output_dir photos/landmarks_resized # Combine both resized original and landmark images python tools/process.py \ --input_dir photos/landmarks_resized \ --b_dir photos/original_resized \ --operation combine \ --output_dir photos/combined # Split into train/val set python tools/split.py \ --dir photos/combined # Train the model on the data python pix2pix.py \ --mode train \ --output_dir face2face-model \ --max_epochs 200 \ --input_dir photos/combined/train \ --which_direction AtoB ``` For more information around training, have a look at Christopher Hesse's [pix2pix-tensorflow](https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow) implementation. #### 4. Export Model 1. First, we need to reduce the trained model so that we can use an image tensor as input: ``` python reduce_model.py --model-input face2face-model --model-output face2face-reduced-model ``` Input: - `model-input` is the model folder to be imported. - `model-output` is the model (reduced) folder to be exported. Output: It returns a reduced model with less weights file size than the original model. 2. Second, we freeze the reduced model to a single file. ``` python freeze_model.py --model-folder face2face-reduced-model ``` Input: - `model-folder` is the model folder of the reduced model. Output: It returns a frozen model file `frozen_model.pb` in the model folder. #### 5. Run Demo ``` python run_webcam.py --source 0 --landmark-model shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat --tf-model face2face-reduced-model/frozen_model.pb ``` Input: - `source` is the device index of the camera. - `landmark-model` is the facial landmark model that is used to detect the landmarks. - `tf-model` is the frozen model file. Example: - Add example image here ## Requirements - [Anaconda / Python 3.5](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) - [TensorFlow 1.0](https://www.tensorflow.org/) - [OpenCV 3.0](http://opencv.org/) ## Acknowledgments Kudos to [Christopher Hesse](https://github.com/christopherhesse) for his amazing pix2pix Tensorflow implementation and [Gene Kogan](http://genekogan.com/) for his inspirational workshop. ## Copyright See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details. Copyright (c) 2017 [Dat Tran](http://www.dat-tran.com/).