@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Youtube-upload is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Youtube-upload is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Youtube-upload. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author: Arnau Sanchez <tokland@gmail.com>
+# Websites: http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload
+# http://code.google.com/p/tokland
+Upload a video to Youtube from the command-line.
+ $ youtube-upload --email=myemail@gmail.com \
+ --password=mypassword \
+ --title="A.S. Mutter playing" \
+ --description="Anne Sophie Mutter plays Beethoven" \
+ --category=Music \
+ --keywords="mutter, beethoven" \
+ anne_sophie_mutter.flv
+ www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxzZ-fYjeYs
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import string
+import locale
+import urllib
+import socket
+import getpass
+import StringIO
+import optparse
+import itertools
+# python >= 2.6
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+# python-gdata (>= 1.2.4)
+import gdata.media
+import gdata.service
+import gdata.geo
+import gdata.youtube
+import gdata.youtube.service
+from gdata.media import YOUTUBE_NAMESPACE
+from atom import ExtensionElement
+# http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/
+ import pycurl
+except ImportError:
+ pycurl = None
+# http://code.google.com/p/python-progressbar (>= 2.3)
+ import progressbar
+except ImportError:
+ progressbar = None
+class InvalidCategory(Exception): pass
+class VideoArgumentMissing(Exception): pass
+class OptionsMissing(Exception): pass
+class BadAuthentication(Exception): pass
+class CaptchaRequired(Exception): pass
+class ParseError(Exception): pass
+class VideoNotFound(Exception): pass
+class UnsuccessfulHTTPResponseCode(Exception): pass
+VERSION = "0.7.4"
+DEVELOPER_KEY = "AI39si7iJ5TSVP3U_j4g3GGNZeI6uJl6oPLMxiyMst24zo1FEgnLzcG4i" + \
+ "SE0t2pLvi-O03cW918xz9JFaf_Hn-XwRTTK7i1Img"
+ # Non-retryable
+ BadAuthentication: 1,
+ VideoArgumentMissing: 2,
+ OptionsMissing: 2,
+ InvalidCategory: 3,
+ CaptchaRequired: 4, # retry with options --captcha-token and --captcha-response
+ ParseError: 5,
+ VideoNotFound: 6,
+ # Retryable
+ UnsuccessfulHTTPResponseCode: 100,
+def to_utf8(s):
+ """Re-encode string from the default system encoding to UTF-8."""
+ current = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+ return (s.decode(current).encode("UTF-8") if s and current != "UTF-8" else s)
+def debug(obj, fd=sys.stderr):
+ """Write obj to standard error."""
+ string = str(obj.encode(get_encoding(fd), "backslashreplace")
+ if isinstance(obj, unicode) else obj)
+ fd.write(string + "\n")
+def catch_exceptions(exit_codes, fun, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Catch exceptions on 'fun(*args, **kwargs)' and return the exit code specified
+ in the 'exit_codes' dictionary. Returns 0 if no exception is raised.
+ """
+ try:
+ fun(*args, **kwargs)
+ return 0
+ except tuple(exit_codes.keys()) as exc:
+ debug("[%s] %s" % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc))
+ return exit_codes[exc.__class__]
+def get_encoding(fd):
+ """Guess terminal encoding."""
+ return fd.encoding or locale.getpreferredencoding()
+def compact(it):
+ """Filter false (in the truth sense) elements in iterator."""
+ return filter(bool, it)
+def tosize(seq, size):
+ """Return a list of fixed length from sequence (which may be shorter or longer)."""
+ return (seq[:size] if len(seq) >= size else (seq + [None] * (size-len(seq))))
+def first(it):
+ """Return first element in iterable."""
+ return it.next()
+def post(url, files_params, extra_params, show_progressbar=True):
+ """Post files to a given URL."""
+ def progress(bar, maxval, download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d):
+ bar.update(min(maxval, upload_d))
+ c = pycurl.Curl()
+ file_params2 = [(key, (pycurl.FORM_FILE, path)) for (key, path) in files_params.items()]
+ items = extra_params.items() + file_params2
+ c.setopt(c.URL, url + "?nexturl=http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload")
+ c.setopt(c.HTTPPOST, items)
+ if show_progressbar and progressbar:
+ widgets = [
+ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ',
+ progressbar.Bar(), ' ',
+ progressbar.ETA(), ' ',
+ progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(),
+ ]
+ total_filesize = sum(os.path.getsize(path) for path in files_params.values())
+ bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_filesize)
+ bar.start()
+ c.setopt(c.NOPROGRESS, 0)
+ c.setopt(c.PROGRESSFUNCTION, lambda *args: progress(bar, total_filesize, *args))
+ elif show_progressbar:
+ debug("Install python-progressbar to see a nice progress bar")
+ bar = None
+ else:
+ bar = None
+ body_container = StringIO.StringIO()
+ headers_container = StringIO.StringIO()
+ c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, body_container.write)
+ c.setopt(c.HEADERFUNCTION, headers_container.write)
+ c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
+ c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
+ c.perform()
+ http_code = c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+ c.close()
+ if bar:
+ bar.finish()
+ headers = dict([s.strip() for s in line.split(":", 1)] for line in
+ headers_container.getvalue().splitlines() if ":" in line)
+ return http_code, headers, body_container.getvalue()
+class Youtube:
+ """Interface the Youtube API."""
+ CATEGORIES_SCHEME = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat"
+ def __init__(self, developer_key, source="tokland-youtube_upload",
+ client_id="tokland-youtube_upload"):
+ """Login and preload available categories."""
+ service = gdata.youtube.service.YouTubeService()
+ service.ssl = False # SSL is not yet supported by the API
+ service.source = source
+ service.developer_key = developer_key
+ service.client_id = client_id
+ self.service = service
+ def login(self, email, password, captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None):
+ """Login into youtube."""
+ self.service.email = email
+ self.service.password = password
+ self.service.ProgrammaticLogin(captcha_token, captcha_response)
+ def get_upload_form_data(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Return dict with keys 'post_url' and 'token' with upload info."""
+ entry = self._create_video_entry(*args, **kwargs)
+ post_url, token = self.service.GetFormUploadToken(entry)
+ return dict(entry=entry, post_url=post_url, token=token)
+ def upload_video(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Upload a video."""
+ video_entry = self._create_video_entry(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.service.InsertVideoEntry(video_entry, path)
+ def create_playlist(self, title, description, private=False):
+ """Create a new playlist and return its uri."""
+ playlist = self.service.AddPlaylist(title, description, private)
+ # playlist.GetFeedLink() returns None, why?
+ return first(el.get("href") for el in playlist._ToElementTree() if "feedLink" in el.tag)
+ def add_video_to_playlist(self, video_id, playlist_uri, title=None, description=None):
+ """Add video to playlist."""
+ expected = r"http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/"
+ if not re.match("^" + expected, playlist_uri):
+ raise ParseError("expecting playlist feed URL (%sID), but got '%s'" %
+ (expected.decode("string-escape"), playlist_uri))
+ playlist_video_entry = self.service.AddPlaylistVideoEntryToPlaylist(
+ playlist_uri, video_id, title, description)
+ return playlist_video_entry
+ def update_metadata(self, url, title, description, keywords):
+ """Change metadata of a video."""
+ entry = self._get_feed_from_url(url)
+ if title:
+ entry.media.title = gdata.media.Title(text=title)
+ if description:
+ entry.media.description = \
+ gdata.media.Description(description_type='plain', text=description)
+ if keywords:
+ entry.media.keywords = gdata.media.Keywords(text=keywords)
+ return self.service.UpdateVideoEntry(entry)
+ def delete_video_from_playlist(self, video_id, playlist_uri):
+ """Delete video from playlist."""
+ expected = r"http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/"
+ if not re.match("^" + expected, playlist_uri):
+ raise ParseError("expecting playlist feed URL (%sID), but got '%s'" %
+ (expected.decode("string-escape"), playlist_uri))
+ entries = self.service.GetYouTubePlaylistVideoFeed(playlist_uri).entry
+ for entry in entries:
+ url, entry_id = get_entry_info(entry)
+ if video_id == entry_id:
+ playlist_video_entry_id = entry.id.text.split('/')[-1]
+ self.service.DeletePlaylistVideoEntry(playlist_uri, playlist_video_entry_id)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise VideoNotFound("Video %s not found in playlist %s" % (video_id, playlist_uri))
+ def check_upload_status(self, video_id):
+ """
+ Check upload status of a video.
+ Return None if video is processed, and a pair (status, message) otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.service.CheckUploadStatus(video_id=video_id)
+ def _get_feed_from_url(self, url):
+ template = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads/%s'
+ video_id = get_video_id_from_url(url)
+ return self.service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(template % video_id)
+ def _create_video_entry(self, title, description, category, keywords=None,
+ location=None, private=False, unlisted=False, recorded=None,
+ nocomments=False, noratings=False):
+ self.categories = self.get_categories()
+ if category not in self.categories:
+ valid = " ".join(self.categories.keys())
+ raise InvalidCategory("Invalid category '%s' (valid: %s)" % (category, valid))
+ media_group = gdata.media.Group(
+ title=gdata.media.Title(text=title),
+ description=gdata.media.Description(description_type='plain', text=description),
+ keywords=gdata.media.Keywords(text=keywords),
+ category=gdata.media.Category(
+ text=category,
+ label=self.categories[category],
+ scheme=self.CATEGORIES_SCHEME),
+ private=(gdata.media.Private() if private else None),
+ player=None)
+ if location:
+ where = gdata.geo.Where()
+ where.set_location(location)
+ else:
+ where = None
+ extensions = []
+ if unlisted:
+ list_denied = {
+ "namespace": YOUTUBE_NAMESPACE,
+ "attributes": {'action': 'list', 'permission': 'denied'},
+ }
+ extensions.append(ExtensionElement('accessControl', **list_denied))
+ if nocomments:
+ comment_denied = {
+ "namespace": YOUTUBE_NAMESPACE,
+ "attributes": {'action': 'comment', 'permission': 'denied'},
+ }
+ extensions.append(ExtensionElement('accessControl', **comment_denied))
+ if noratings:
+ rate_denied = {
+ "namespace": YOUTUBE_NAMESPACE,
+ "attributes": {'action': 'rate', 'permission': 'denied'},
+ }
+ extensions.append(ExtensionElement('accessControl', **rate_denied))
+ when = (gdata.youtube.Recorded(None, None, recorded) if recorded else None)
+ return gdata.youtube.YouTubeVideoEntry(media=media_group, geo=where,
+ recorded=when, extension_elements=extensions)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_categories(cls):
+ """Return categories dictionary with pairs (term, label)."""
+ def get_pair(element):
+ """Return pair (term, label) for a (non-deprecated) XML element."""
+ if all(not(str(x.tag).endswith("deprecated")) for x in element.getchildren()):
+ return (element.get("term"), element.get("label"))
+ xmldata = str(urllib.urlopen(cls.CATEGORIES_SCHEME).read())
+ xml = ElementTree.XML(xmldata)
+ return dict(compact(map(get_pair, xml)))
+def get_video_id_from_url(url):
+ """Return video ID from a Youtube URL."""
+ match = re.search("v=(.*)$", url)
+ if not match:
+ raise ParseError("expecting a video URL (http://www.youtube.com?v=ID), but got '%s'" % url)
+ return match.group(1)
+def get_entry_info(entry):
+ """Return pair (url, id) for video entry."""
+ url = entry.GetHtmlLink().href.replace("&feature=youtube_gdata", "")
+ video_id = get_video_id_from_url(url)
+ return url, video_id
+def parse_location(string):
+ """Return tuple (long, latitude) from string with coordinates."""
+ if string and string.strip():
+ return map(float, string.split(",", 1))
+def wait_processing(youtube_obj, video_id):
+ """Wait until a video id recently uploaded has been procesed."""
+ debug("waiting until video is processed")
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ response = youtube_obj.check_upload_status(video_id)
+ except socket.gaierror as msg:
+ debug("non-fatal network error: %s" % msg)
+ continue
+ if not response:
+ debug("video is processed")
+ break
+ status, message = response
+ debug("check_upload_status: %s" % " - ".join(compact(response)))
+ if status != "processing":
+ break
+ time.sleep(5)
+def upload_video(youtube, options, video_path, total_videos, index):
+ """Upload video with index (for split videos)."""
+ title = to_utf8(options.title)
+ description = to_utf8(options.description or "").decode("string-escape")
+ namespace = dict(title=title, n=index+1, total=total_videos)
+ complete_title = (string.Template(options.title_template).substitute(**namespace)
+ if total_videos > 1 else title)
+ args = [video_path, complete_title, description,
+ options.category, options.keywords]
+ kwargs = {
+ "private": options.private,
+ "location": parse_location(options.location),
+ "unlisted": options.unlisted,
+ "recorded": options.recorded,
+ "nocomments": options.nocomments,
+ "noratings": options.noratings,
+ }
+ if options.get_upload_form_data:
+ data = youtube.get_upload_form_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ return "\n".join([video_path, data["token"], data["post_url"]])
+ elif options.api_upload or not pycurl:
+ if not options.api_upload:
+ debug("Install pycurl to upload the video using HTTP")
+ debug("Start upload using basic gdata API: %s" % video_path)
+ entry = youtube.upload_video(*args, **kwargs)
+ url, video_id = get_entry_info(entry)
+ else: # upload with curl
+ data = youtube.get_upload_form_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ entry = data["entry"]
+ debug("Start upload using a HTTP post: %s -> %s" % (video_path, data["post_url"]))
+ http_code, headers, body = post(data["post_url"],
+ {"file": video_path}, {"token": data["token"]},
+ show_progressbar=not(options.hide_progressbar))
+ if http_code != 302:
+ raise UnsuccessfulHTTPResponseCode(
+ "HTTP code on upload: %d (expected 302)" % http_code)
+ params = dict(s.split("=", 1) for s in headers["Location"].split("?", 1)[1].split("&"))
+ if params["status"] != "200":
+ raise UnsuccessfulHTTPResponseCode(
+ "HTTP status on upload link: %s (expected 200)" % params["status"])
+ video_id = params["id"]
+ url = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s" % video_id
+ if options.wait_processing:
+ wait_processing(youtube, video_id)
+ return url
+def run_main(parser, options, args, output=sys.stdout):
+ """Run the main scripts from the parsed options/args."""
+ if options.get_categories:
+ output.write(" ".join(Youtube.get_categories().keys()) + "\n")
+ return
+ elif (options.create_playlist or options.add_to_playlist or
+ options.delete_from_playlist or options.update_metadata):
+ required_options = ["email"]
+ else:
+ if not args:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ raise VideoArgumentMissing("Specify a video file to upload")
+ required_options = ["email", "title", "category"]
+ missing = [opt for opt in required_options if not getattr(options, opt)]
+ if missing:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ raise OptionsMissing("Some required option are missing: %s" % ", ".join(missing))
+ if options.password is None:
+ password = getpass.getpass("Password for account <%s>: " % options.email)
+ elif options.password == "-":
+ password = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ else:
+ password = options.password
+ youtube = Youtube(DEVELOPER_KEY)
+ debug("Login to Youtube API: email='%s', password='%s'" %
+ (options.email, "*" * len(password)))
+ try:
+ youtube.login(options.email, password, captcha_token=options.captcha_token,
+ captcha_response=options.captcha_response)
+ except gdata.service.BadAuthentication:
+ raise BadAuthentication("Authentication failed")
+ except gdata.service.CaptchaRequired:
+ token = youtube.service.captcha_token
+ message = [
+ "Captcha request: %s" % youtube.service.captcha_url,
+ "Re-run the command with: --captcha-token=%s --captcha-response=CAPTCHA" % token,
+ ]
+ raise CaptchaRequired("\n".join(message))
+ if options.create_playlist:
+ title, description, private = tosize(options.create_playlist.split("|", 2), 3)
+ playlist_uri = youtube.create_playlist(title, description, (private == "1"))
+ debug("Playlist created: %s" % playlist_uri)
+ output.write(playlist_uri+"\n")
+ elif options.update_metadata:
+ if not args:
+ parser.print_usage()
+ raise VideoArgumentMissing("Specify a video URL to upload")
+ url = args[0]
+ updated = youtube.update_metadata(url, options.title, options.description, options.keywords)
+ debug("Video metadata updated: %s" % url)
+ elif options.add_to_playlist:
+ for url in args:
+ debug("Adding video (%s) to playlist: %s" % (url, options.add_to_playlist))
+ video_id = get_video_id_from_url(url)
+ youtube.add_video_to_playlist(video_id, options.add_to_playlist)
+ elif options.delete_from_playlist:
+ playlist = options.delete_from_playlist
+ for url in args:
+ video_id = get_video_id_from_url(url)
+ debug("delete video (%s) from playlist: %s; video-id: %s" %
+ (url, playlist, video_id))
+ youtube.delete_video_from_playlist(video_id, playlist)
+ else:
+ for index, video_path in enumerate(args):
+ url = upload_video(youtube, options, video_path, len(args), index)
+ output.write(url + "\n")
+def main(arguments):
+ """Upload video to Youtube."""
+ usage = """Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] VIDEO_PATH ...
+ Upload videos to youtube."""
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=VERSION)
+ # Required options
+ parser.add_option('-m', '--email', dest='email', type="string",
+ help='Authentication email or Youtube username')
+ parser.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', type="string",
+ help='Authentication password')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--title', dest='title', type="string",
+ help='Video(s) title')
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--category', dest='category', type="string",
+ help='Video(s) category')
+ # Side commands
+ parser.add_option('', '--get-categories', dest='get_categories',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Show video categories')
+ parser.add_option('', '--create-playlist', dest='create_playlist', type="string",
+ default=None, metavar="TITLE|DESCRIPTION|PRIVATE (0=no, 1=yes)",
+ help='Create new playlist and add uploaded video(s) to it')
+ # Optional options
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--description', dest='description', type="string",
+ help='Video(s) description')
+ parser.add_option('', '--keywords', dest='keywords', type="string",
+ help='Video(s) keywords (separated by commas: tag1,tag2,...)')
+ parser.add_option('', '--title-template', dest='title_template', type="string",
+ default="$title [$n/$total]", metavar="STRING",
+ help='Title template to use on multiple videos (default: $title [$n/$total])')
+ parser.add_option('', '--private', dest='private',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Set uploaded video(s) as private')
+ parser.add_option('', '--unlisted', dest='unlisted',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Set uploaded video(s) as unlisted')
+ parser.add_option('', '--nocomments', dest='nocomments',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Disable comments for video(s)')
+ parser.add_option('', '--noratings', dest='noratings',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Disable ratings for video(s)')
+ parser.add_option('', '--location', dest='location', type="string", default=None,
+ metavar="LAT,LON", help='Video(s) location (lat, lon). example: "43.3,5.42"')
+ parser.add_option('', '--recorded', dest='recorded', type="string", default=None,
+ metavar="STRING", help='Video(s) recording time (YYYY-MM-DD). example: "2013-12-29"')
+ parser.add_option('', '--update-metadata', dest='update_metadata',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help='Update video metadata (title/description)')
+ # Upload options
+ parser.add_option('', '--api-upload', dest='api_upload',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="Use the API upload instead of pycurl")
+ parser.add_option('', '--get-upload-form-info', dest='get_upload_form_data',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't upload, get the form info (PATH, TOKEN, URL)")
+ parser.add_option('', '--hide-progressbar', dest='hide_progressbar',
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="Hide progressbar on uploads")
+ # Playlist options
+ parser.add_option('', '--add-to-playlist', dest='add_to_playlist', type="string", default=None,
+ metavar="URI", help='Add video(s) to an existing playlist')
+ parser.add_option('', '--delete-from-playlist', dest='delete_from_playlist', type="string", default=None,
+ metavar="URI", help='Delete video(s) from an existing playlist')
+ parser.add_option('', '--wait-processing', dest='wait_processing', action="store_true",
+ default=False, help='Wait until the video(s) has been processed')
+ # Captcha options
+ parser.add_option('', '--captcha-token', dest='captcha_token', type="string",
+ metavar="STRING", help='Captcha token')
+ parser.add_option('', '--captcha-response', dest='captcha_response', type="string",
+ metavar="STRING", help='Captcha response')
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(arguments)
+ run_main(parser, options, args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(catch_exceptions(EXIT_CODES, main, sys.argv[1:]))