7.8 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #
  3. # Upload videos to Youtube from the command-line using APIv3.
  4. #
  5. # Author: Arnau Sanchez <>
  6. # Project:
  7. """
  8. Upload a video to Youtube from the command-line.
  9. $ youtube-upload --title="A.S. Mutter playing" \
  10. --description="Anne Sophie Mutter plays Beethoven" \
  11. --category=Music \
  12. --tags="mutter, beethoven" \
  13. anne_sophie_mutter.flv
  14. pxzZ-fYjeYs
  15. """
  16. import os
  17. import sys
  18. import optparse
  19. import collections
  20. import apiclient.errors
  21. import oauth2client
  22. import auth
  23. import upload_video
  24. import categories
  25. import lib
  26. import playlists
  27. # (>= 2.3)
  28. try:
  29. import progressbar
  30. except ImportError:
  31. progressbar = None
  32. class InvalidCategory(Exception): pass
  33. class OptionsMissing(Exception): pass
  34. class AuthenticationError(Exception): pass
  35. class RequestError(Exception): pass
  36. EXIT_CODES = {
  37. OptionsMissing: 2,
  38. InvalidCategory: 3,
  39. RequestError: 3,
  40. AuthenticationError: 4,
  41. oauth2client.client.FlowExchangeError: 4,
  42. NotImplementedError: 5,
  43. }
  44. WATCH_VIDEO_URL = "{id}"
  45. debug = lib.debug
  46. struct = collections.namedtuple
  47. def get_progress_info():
  48. """Return a function callback to update the progressbar."""
  49. progressinfo = struct("ProgressInfo", ["callback", "finish"])
  50. if progressbar:
  51. widgets = [
  52. progressbar.Percentage(), ' ',
  53. progressbar.Bar(), ' ',
  54. progressbar.ETA(), ' ',
  55. progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(),
  56. ]
  57. bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets)
  58. def _callback(total_size, completed):
  59. if not hasattr(bar, "next_update"):
  60. bar.maxval = total_size
  61. bar.start()
  62. bar.update(completed)
  63. def _finish():
  64. if hasattr(bar, "next_update"):
  65. return bar.finish()
  66. return progressinfo(callback=_callback, finish=_finish)
  67. else:
  68. return progressinfo(callback=None, finish=lambda: True)
  69. def get_category_id(category):
  70. """Return category ID from its name."""
  71. if category:
  72. if category in categories.IDS:
  73. ncategory = categories.IDS[category]
  74. debug("Using category: {0} (id={1})".format(category, ncategory))
  75. return str(categories.IDS[category])
  76. else:
  77. msg = "{0} is not a valid category".format(category)
  78. raise InvalidCategory(msg)
  79. def upload_youtube_video(youtube, options, video_path, total_videos, index):
  80. """Upload video with index (for split videos)."""
  81. u = lib.to_utf8
  82. title = u(options.title)
  83. description = u(options.description or "").decode("string-escape")
  84. tags = [u(s.strip()) for s in (options.tags or "").split(",")]
  85. ns = dict(title=u(title), n=index+1, total=total_videos)
  86. title_template = u(options.title_template)
  87. complete_title = (title_template.format(**ns) if total_videos > 1 else title)
  88. progress = get_progress_info()
  89. category_id = get_category_id(options.category)
  90. request_body = {
  91. "snippet": {
  92. "title": complete_title,
  93. "description": description,
  94. "categoryId": category_id,
  95. "tags": tags,
  96. },
  97. "status": {
  98. "privacyStatus": options.privacy,
  99. "publishAt": options.publishAt,
  100. },
  101. "recordingDetails": {
  102. "location": lib.string_to_dict(options.location),
  103. },
  104. }
  105. debug("Start upload: {0}".format(video_path))
  106. try:
  107. video_id = upload_video.upload(youtube, video_path,
  108. request_body, progress_callback=progress.callback)
  109. except apiclient.errors.HttpError, error:
  110. raise RequestError("Server response: {0}".format(error.content.strip()))
  111. finally:
  112. progress.finish()
  113. return video_id
  114. def run_main(parser, options, args, output=sys.stdout):
  115. """Run the main scripts from the parsed options/args."""
  116. required_options = ["title"]
  117. missing = [opt for opt in required_options if not getattr(options, opt)]
  118. if missing:
  119. parser.print_usage()
  120. msg = "Some required option are missing: {0}".format(", ".join(missing))
  121. raise OptionsMissing(msg)
  122. home = os.path.expanduser("~")
  123. default_client_secrets = lib.get_first_existing_filename(
  124. [sys.prefix, os.path.join(sys.prefix, "local")],
  125. "share/youtube_upload/client_secrets.json")
  126. default_credentials = os.path.join(home, ".youtube-upload-credentials.json")
  127. client_secrets = options.client_secrets or default_client_secrets or \
  128. os.path.join(home, ".client_secrets.json")
  129. credentials = options.credentials_file or default_credentials
  130. debug("Using client secrets: {0}".format(client_secrets))
  131. debug("Using credentials file: {0}".format(credentials))
  132. get_code_callback = (auth.browser.get_code
  133. if options.auth_browser else auth.console.get_code)
  134. youtube = auth.get_resource(client_secrets, credentials,
  135. get_code_callback=get_code_callback)
  136. if youtube:
  137. for index, video_path in enumerate(args):
  138. video_id = upload_youtube_video(youtube, options, video_path, len(args), index)
  139. video_url = WATCH_VIDEO_URL.format(id=video_id)
  140. if options.thumb:
  141. youtube.thumbnails().set(videoId=video_id, media_body=options.thumb).execute()
  142. if options.playlist:
  143. playlists.add_to_playlist(youtube, video_id, options)
  144. debug("Video URL: {0}".format(video_url))
  145. output.write(video_id + "\n")
  146. else:
  147. raise AuthenticationError("Cannot get youtube resource")
  148. def main(arguments):
  149. """Upload videos to Youtube."""
  150. usage = """Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] VIDEO [VIDEO2 ...]
  151. Upload videos to Youtube."""
  152. parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
  153. # Video metadata
  154. parser.add_option('-t', '--title', dest='title', type="string",
  155. help='Video title')
  156. parser.add_option('-c', '--category', dest='category', type="string",
  157. help='Video category')
  158. parser.add_option('-d', '--description', dest='description', type="string",
  159. help='Video description')
  160. parser.add_option('', '--tags', dest='tags', type="string",
  161. help='Video tags (separated by commas: "tag1, tag2,...")')
  162. parser.add_option('', '--privacy', dest='privacy', metavar="STRING",
  163. default="public", help='Privacy status (public | unlisted | private)')
  164. parser.add_option('', '--publishAt', dest='publishAt', metavar="datetime",
  165. default="", help='Publish Date: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ')
  166. parser.add_option('', '--location', dest='location', type="string",
  167. default=None, metavar="latitude=VAL,longitude=VAL[,altitude=VAL]",
  168. help='Video location"')
  169. parser.add_option('', '--thumbnail', dest='thumb', type="string",
  170. help='Video thumbnail')
  171. parser.add_option('', '--playlist', dest='playlist', type="string",
  172. help='Playlist title (will create if necessary)')
  173. parser.add_option('', '--title-template', dest='title_template',
  174. type="string", default="{title} [{n}/{total}]", metavar="STRING",
  175. help='Template for multiple videos (default: {title} [{n}/{total}])')
  176. # Authentication
  177. parser.add_option('', '--client-secrets', dest='client_secrets',
  178. type="string", help='Client secrets JSON file')
  179. parser.add_option('', '--credentials-file', dest='credentials_file',
  180. type="string", help='Credentials JSON file')
  181. parser.add_option('', '--auth-browser', dest='auth_browser', action="store_true",
  182. help='Open a GUI browser to authenticate if required')
  183. options, args = parser.parse_args(arguments)
  184. run_main(parser, options, args)
  185. def run():
  186. sys.exit(lib.catch_exceptions(EXIT_CODES, main, sys.argv[1:]))
  187. if __name__ == '__main__':
  188. run()