;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Config area ; Font settings fontSize = 20 fontName = Verdana fontStyle = Bold ; The max number of keys that are listed on the screen numButtons := 5 ; Gui transparecy transparent := true ; Distance from the buttons to the edge of the window winMargin := 25 ; When this is true, old keys are cleared after the speed timer interval useSpeedTimer := true speedTimer := 1000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Font metrics functions FontLen(text) { global return StrLen(text) * fontSize + 25 } FontHeight() { global return (fontSize * 3) } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Gui Setup Gui +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop Gui Font, s%fontSize% %fontStyle%, %fontName% ; Create the buttons with 0 width Loop % numButtons { height := FontHeight() if (A_Index == 1) Gui Add, Button, w0 h%height% X%winMargin% ym else Gui Add, Button, w0 h%height% ym } ; Show the gui with a default 200 width Gui Show, w200, Screenkey.ahk ; Save the window id WinGet k_ID, ID, A If (transparent) { TransColor = F1ECED Gui Color, %TransColor% WinSet TransColor, %TransColor% 220, ahk_id %k_ID% } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Hotkeys CaptureKeyboardInputs() { global static keys keys=Space,Enter,Tab,Esc,BackSpace,Del,Ins,Home,End,PgDn,PgUp,Up,Down,Left,Right,CtrlBreak,ScrollLock,PrintScreen,CapsLock ,Pause,AppsKey,NumLock,Numpad0,Numpad1,Numpad2,Numpad3,Numpad4,Numpad5,Numpad6,Numpad7,Numpad8,Numpad9,NumpadDot ,NumpadDiv,NumpadMult,NumpadAdd,NumpadSub,NumpadEnter,NumpadIns,NumpadEnd,NumpadDown,NumpadPgDn,NumpadLeft,NumpadClear ,NumpadRight,NumpadHome,NumpadUp,NumpadPgUp,NumpadDel,Media_Next,Media_Play_Pause,Media_Prev,Media_Stop,Volume_Down,Volume_Up ,Volume_Mute,Browser_Back,Browser_Favorites,Browser_Home,Browser_Refresh,Browser_Search,Browser_Stop,Launch_App1,Launch_App2 ,Launch_Mail,Launch_Media,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17,F18,F19,F20,F21,F22 ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z ,[,],',=,\,/ Loop Parse, keys, `, Hotkey, ~*%A_LoopField%, KeyHandleLabel, UseErrorLevel return KeyHandleLabel: KeyHandle() return } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Hotkey handles current := 1 clear := false KeyHandle() { global keyname := RegExReplace(A_ThisHotKey, "~\*", "") dispkey := Up(keyname) mods := ModifierNames(keyname) dispkey := mods . dispkey len := FontLen(dispkey) ; resize the button with what needs to be displayed GuiControl Move, Button%current%, w%len% ControlSetText Button%current%, %dispkey%, ahk_id %k_ID% if (current == 1 && clear) { ; Clear the rest of buttons - resize them to 0 width Loop % numButtons - 1 { curr := A_Index + 1 GuiControl Move, Button%curr%, w0 } } ; move to the next button current++ if (current > numButtons) { current := 1 clear := true } else { ; reposition the remaining buttons Loop { if (A_Index < current) continue prev := A_Index - 1 GuiControlGet Button%prev%, Pos newX := % Button%prev%X + Button%prev%W GuiControl Move, Button%A_Index%, X%newX% if (A_Index >= numButtons) break } } ; calculate the new total width of the window winWidth := 0 Loop % numButtons { GuiControlGet Button%A_Index%, Pos w := Button%A_Index%W winWidth := w + winWidth } WinMove ahk_id %k_ID%,,,, winWidth + 2 * winMargin ; install the speed timer that clears all the buttons when the next key is hit if (useSpeedTimer) { SetTimer HandleSpeedType, %speedTimer% } } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Helper functions IsUpperCase(key) { caps := GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") shift := GetKeyState("Shift", "P") if (caps && !shift || !caps && shift) { return true } return false } ModifierNames(key) { mods := "" shift := GetKeyState("Shift", "P") ctrl := GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P") alt := GetKeyState("Alt", "P") win := GetKeyState("LWin", "P") special := "[,],',=,\,/,;,``,." if (StrLen(key) == 1) { if (key >= "0" && key <="9") shift := false if (key >= "a" && key <="z") shift := false if (key >= "A" && key <="Z") shift := false if (Instr(special, key)) shift := false } if (shift) mods := mods . "Shift+" if (ctrl) mods := mods . "Ctrl+" if (alt) mods := mods . "Alt+" if (win) mods := mods . "Win+" return (mods) } Up(inkey) { outkey := "" if (IsUpperCase(inkey) && StrLen(inkey) == 1 && inkey >= "a" && inkey <= "z") { StringUpper outkey, inkey return outkey } shift := GetKeyState("Shift", "P") if (shift) { if (inkey == "1") return "!" if (inkey == "2") return "@" if (inkey == "3") return "#" if (inkey == "4") return "$" if (inkey == "5") return "%" if (inkey == "6") return "^" if (inkey == "7") return "&&" if (inkey == "8") return "*" if (inkey == "9") return "(" if (inkey == "0") return ")" if (inkey == "-") return "_" if (inkey == "=") return "+" if (inkey == "[") return "{" if (inkey == "]") return "}" if (inkey == "\") return "|" if (inkey == ",") return "<" if (inkey == ".") return ">" if (inkey == "/") return "?" if (inkey == "``") return "~" if (inkey == ";") return ":" if (inkey == "'") { quote = " return quote } } return inkey } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Install hotkeys CaptureKeyboardInputs() ; special handling for special characters ~*;:: ~*,:: ~*.:: ~*`:: KeyHandle() return HandleSpeedType: current := 1 clear := true SetTimer HandleSpeedType, Off return GuiClose: ExitApp