image: file: .gitpod.Dockerfile tasks: - before: sudo mount -t tmpfs shm -osize=4096m /dev/shm - init: | flutter channel beta flutter upgrade # flutter config --enable-web flutter config --android-sdk /home/gitpod/androidsdk yes | flutter doctor --android-licenses # flutter doctor # flutter pub get # flutter build -v bundle # flutter build -v web # flutter build -v appbundle # flutter build -v apk # - command: | # # Gitpod is not able to run emulators within a worspace at this stage as # # Google Kubernetes Engine does not support Nested Virtualization. # # # # If running Gitpod on your own infrastructure or via the Dockerfile locally # # on infrastructure that exposes vmx or svm then this command will launch # # the emulator. # # # # $ emulator -avd avd28 -no-audio -no-window # # # # Until this restriction is mitigated you can run native mobile apps in your # # browser via # if [[ -z "$APPETIZE_API_TOKEN" ]]; then # echo "Appetize API token not set. Run:" # echo "" # echo " gp env APPETIZE_API_TOKEN=your_token" # echo "" # echo "and restart this workspace in order to get an app preview." # echo "" # echo "Request your token here:" # else # curl -sS --http1.1 "https://$$APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY" \ # -F "file=@/workspace/template-flutter/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app.apk" \ # -F platform=android \ # -F "buttonText=Start App" \ # -F "postSessionButtonText=Start App" \ # > .appetize.json # APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY=$(jq -r .publicKey .appetize.json) # gp env "APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY=$APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY" # export APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY # python -m webbrowser "$APPETIZE_PUBLICKEY?device=pixel4&autoplay=true" # fi # flutter devices # flutter run --web-port 8080 ports: - port: 5900 onOpen: ignore # vnc - port: 6080 onOpen: open-preview # flutter - port: 8080 onOpen: open-preview vscode: extensions: - dart-code.flutter