--- --- {% for post in site.posts %} {% include sitemap_entry.html url=post.url change_frequency=post.change_frequency priority=post.priority %} {% endfor %} {% for site_page in site.pages %} {% include sitemap_entry.html url=site_page.url change_frequency=site_page.change_frequency priority=site_page.priority %} {% comment %} Add an extra entry for all pages that have "/{latest version}/" in their URI. The extra entry is the same, with "/{latest version}/" replaced with "/latest/". This is done because "/latest/" doesn't actually exist as a page; it's an alias in the .htaccess file. {% endcomment %} {% capture latest_docs_version_prefix %}/{{ site.latest_docs_version }}/{% endcapture %} {% if site_page.url contains latest_docs_version_prefix %} {% assign latest_url = site_page.url | replace: latest_docs_version_prefix,"/latest/" %} {% include sitemap_entry.html url=latest_url change_frequency=site_page.change_frequency priority=0.9 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}