# Adding a Tool or a Showcase App Items on the **Cordova Tools** or the **Cordova App Showcase** sections on the main page are modifiable by the public. Below are the guidelines and process to do so. ## Guidelines The display _image_ shall: 1. be __less than 128KiB__ in size (NOTE: those are kibibytes, not kilobytes), 2. contain the __logo__ of the tool/app, 3. use __colors that don't compete__ with other elements on the page, and 4. have acceptable measurements, as follows: - __298px by 100px__ or smaller with a roughly rectangular aspect ratio for tools, and - __100px by 100px__ or smaller with a square aspect ratio for apps. The _description_ shall: 1. contain __neutral__ and non-advertising language. The _name_ shall: 1. be __at most 40__ characters long. Showcase _apps_ shall: 1. be available for download on a __public app store__ or website. Furthermore, descriptions are stripped of HTML and are truncated to fit as follows: - down to 255 characters for tools and, - down to 200 characters for showcase apps. ## Process 1. Change the section's YAML file: - [www/_data/tools.yml](../www/_data/tools.yml) for Cordova Tools, or - [www/_data/showcase-apps.yml](../www/_data/showcase-apps.yml) for Cordova App Showcase. 1. Optionally add an image: 1. Place the image in the section's `img` directory: - [www/static/img/tools](../www/static/img/tools) for Cordova Tools, or - [www/static/img/showcase-apps](../www/static/img/showcase-apps) for Cordova App Showcase. 1. In the YAML file, set the `image` field to the file's *name*. 1. Submit a [GitHub pull request][pr] with the changes. [pr]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/