2016-11-07-android-release.md 1.0 KB

layout: post author:

name: Joe Bowser
url: https://twitter.com/infil00p

title: "Cordova Android 6.1.0 Released!" categories: announcements

tags: news releases

We are happy to announce that Cordova Android 6.1.0 has been released!

Run the following command in your project to save your currently installed plugins into config.xml:

cordova plugin save

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android@6.1.0

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add android@6.1.0

What's new in Android

  • CB-12108 Updating gradle files to work with the latest version of Android Studio
  • CB-12102 Bump travis to build to API 25
  • Bumping up the version
  • CB-12101 Fix so that CLI builds don't conflict with Android Studio builds
  • CB-12077 Fix paths for Android icons/splashscreens