2017-11-21-ios-release.md 1.3 KB

layout: post author:

name: Suraj Pindoria
url: https://twitter.com/surajpindoria

title: "Cordova iOS 4.5.4" categories: announcements

tags: news releases

We are happy to announce a minor version of Cordova iOS 4.5.4 has been released!

This version continues to add updates for the latest iOS 11 and also includes some fixes for the iPhone X.

Things to note:

  • Added flag for Xcode-managed provisioning
  • Fixed compile error when compile source as objective-c++
  • Adjusted storyboard constraints

Note: When updating iOS, make sure to save your plugins as current unsaved plugins may not be reinstalled otherwise. Run the following command in your project to save your currently installed plugins into config.xml:

cordova plugin save

To upgrade:

npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios@4.5.4

To add it explicitly:

cordova platform add ios@4.5.4

What's new in iOS

  • CB-13579 Updated checked in node_modules
  • CB-13523 Add flag for Xcode-managed provisioning
  • Fix compile error when compile source as objective-c++
  • CB-13505 (ios) adjust storyboard constraints