2019-03-08-cordova-windows-release-7.0.0.md 1.6 KB

layout: post author:

name: Bryan Ellis

title: "Cordova Windows 7.0.0 Released!" categories: announcements

tags: news releases

We are happy to announce that we have just released Cordova Windows 7.0.0! This is one of Cordova's supported platforms for building Windows applications.

Release Highlights

To upgrade:

cordova platform remove windows
cordova platform add windows@7.0.0

As NodeJS 4.x support has been dropped by the NodeJS team on April 30th, 2018, we have raised the minimum required NodeJS version for this release to 6.x.

Please report any issues you find at issues.cordova.io!

Changes include:

  • GH-324 Change Temporary Directories for Tests
  • GH-319 Windows Platform Release Preparation (Cordova 9)
  • GH-317 Copy node_modules if the directory exists
  • GH-293 Remove Bundled Dependencies
  • GH-286 CB-14225 Fix Sample Namespace Serialize Attribute in template/Properties/Default.rd.xml
  • GH-289 CB-14075 Remove Node 4 from CI
  • GH-284 CB-14224 Default.rd.xml header fixes