layout: post
name: Steve Gill
url: https:
title: "CLI, Plugman & Plugins Release: Oct 28, 2013"
categories: news
Today we are doing a plugins and tooling release in preparation for Cordova 3.2.0. Most notable changes include:
- Cordova CLI & Plugman have been refactored to use promises instead of callbacks
- CB-5125 Replace shell.exec with child process spawn
- CB-2234 Added cordova info command
- CB-5128 Repo & Issue tags have been added to all of our core plugins plugin.xml file. This will allow us to display issue tracker and repo information on our registry.
- CB-5184 Fix uninstall logic being too aggressive (plugman)
- Overhauled dependency uninstallation in regards to plugins (plugman)
- FirefoxOS support for device-motion, device-orientation and dialogs plugins.
The plugins have been updated on our registry at
E.g. To update your version of the Cordova-CLI to 3.1.0-0.2.0:
npm install -g cordova
E.g. To update your vibration plugin:
cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.vibration
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.vibration
E.g. To upgrade a 3.0 project (replace android
with the platform you want to update):
npm install -g cordova
cd my_project
cordova platform update android
Notable Changes
- CB-5106 - Fix broken tests (Cordova-CLI)
- CB-4958 - iOS - Camera plugin should not show the status bar (camera)
- CB-5154 log formatting incorrectly to native (console)
- CB-4825 use CoreMotion framework for accelerometer (device-motion)
- CB-5129: Add a consistent filesystem attribute to FileEntry and DirectoryEntry objects (file)
- CB-5015 BlackBerry10 Add missing dependency for File.slice (file)
- CB-4995 Fix crash when WebView is quickly opened then closed (inappbrowser)
- CB-4930 - iOS - InAppBrowser should take into account the status bar (inappbrowser)
- CB-4858 Convert relative URLs to absolute URLs in JS (inappbrowser)
- CB-3747 Fix back button having different dismiss logic from the close button. (inappbrowser)
- CB-5021 Expose closeDialog() as a public function and make it safe to call multiple times. (inappbrowser)
- CB-5199 - ios - Media Capture - UI issues under iOS 7 (media capture)