app_en.arb 2.0 KB

  1. {
  2. "appTitle": "Chinese Chess",
  3. "menu": "Menu",
  4. "openMenu": "Open Menu",
  5. "flipBoard": "Flip Board",
  6. "copyCode": "Copy Chess Code",
  7. "parseCode": "Parse Chess Code",
  8. "editCode": "Edit Chess",
  9. "newGame": "New Game",
  10. "loadManual": "Load Chess Manual",
  11. "saveManual": "Save Chess Manual",
  12. "setting": "Setting",
  13. "featureNotAvailable": "Feature is not available",
  14. "modeRobot": "Robot Mode",
  15. "modeOnline": "Online Mode",
  16. "modeFree": "Free Mode",
  17. "clearAll": "Clear All",
  18. "save": "Apply",
  19. "trusteeshipToRobots": "Trusteeship to Robots",
  20. "cancelRobots": "Cancel Trusteeship",
  21. "thinking": "Thinking...",
  22. "currentInfo": "Current",
  23. "manual": "Manual",
  24. "theEvent": "Event: ",
  25. "theSite": "Site: ",
  26. "theDate": "Date: ",
  27. "theRound": "Round: ",
  28. "theRed": "Red: ",
  29. "theBlack": "Black: ",
  30. "stepStart": "==Start==",
  31. "exitNow": "Exit Now ?",
  32. "dontExit": "Wait a moment",
  33. "yesExit": "Yes exit",
  34. "clickAgainToExit": "Click again to Exit",
  35. "apply": "Apply",
  36. "situationCode": "Chess Code",
  37. "invalidCode": "Invalid Chess Code",
  38. "copySuccess": "Copy Success",
  39. "saveSuccess": "Save Success",
  40. "selectDirectorySave": "Select a Directory to Save",
  41. "saveFilename": "Filename to Save",
  42. "selectPgnFile": "Select .PGN file",
  43. "recommendMove": "Recommend Move",
  44. "remark": "Remark",
  45. "noRemark": "No remark",
  46. "check": "Check",
  47. "checkmate": "Checkmate",
  48. "longRecheckLoose": "The same move 3 round to Lose",
  49. "noEatToDraw": "60 round with no eat to Draw",
  50. "trapped": "Checkmate",
  51. "redLoose": "Loose",
  52. "redWin": "Win",
  53. "redDraw": "Draw",
  54. "requestDraw": "Asked for a draw",
  55. "agreeToDraw": "Agree to draw",
  56. "requestRetract": "Asked for a Retract",
  57. "agreeRetract": "Agree to retract",
  58. "disagreeRetract": "Disagree to retract",
  59. "cantSendCheck": "You can't send Check",
  60. "plsParryCheck": "Please parry the Check",
  61. "oneMoreGame": "New Game",
  62. "letMeSee": "Not now",
  63. "settingTitle": "Settings"
  64. }