import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:tetris/gamer/block.dart'; import 'package:tetris/main.dart'; import 'package:tetris/material/audios.dart'; ///the height of game pad const GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H = 20; ///the width of game pad const GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W = 10; ///state of [GameControl] enum GameStates { ///随时可以开启一把惊险而又刺激的俄罗斯方块 none, ///游戏暂停中,方块的下落将会停止 paused, ///游戏正在进行中,方块正在下落 ///按键可交互 running, ///游戏正在重置 ///重置完成之后,[GameController]状态将会迁移为[none] reset, ///下落方块已经到达底部,此时正在将方块固定在游戏矩阵中 ///固定完成之后,将会立即开始下一个方块的下落任务 mixing, ///正在消除行 ///消除完成之后,将会立刻开始下一个方块的下落任务 clear, ///方块快速下坠到底部 drop, } class Game extends StatefulWidget { final Widget child; const Game({Key key, @required this.child}) : assert(child != null), super(key: key); @override State createState() { return GameControl(); } static GameControl of(BuildContext context) { final state = context.ancestorStateOfType(TypeMatcher()); assert(state != null, "must wrap this context with [Game]"); return state; } } ///duration for show a line when reset const _REST_LINE_DURATION = const Duration(milliseconds: 50); const _LEVEL_MAX = 6; const _LEVEL_MIN = 1; const _SPEED = [ const Duration(milliseconds: 800), const Duration(milliseconds: 650), const Duration(milliseconds: 500), const Duration(milliseconds: 370), const Duration(milliseconds: 250), const Duration(milliseconds: 160), ]; class GameControl extends State with RouteAware { GameControl() { //inflate game pad data for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; i++) { _data.add(List.filled(GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, 0)); _mask.add(List.filled(GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, 0)); } } @override void didChangeDependencies() { super.didChangeDependencies(); routeObserver.subscribe(this, ModalRoute.of(context)); } @override void dispose() { routeObserver.unsubscribe(this); super.dispose(); } @override void didPushNext() { //pause when screen is at background pause(); } ///the gamer data final List> _data = []; ///在 [build] 方法中于 [_data]混合,形成一个新的矩阵 ///[_mask]矩阵的宽高与 [_data] 一致 ///对于任意的 _mask[x,y] : /// 如果值为 0,则对 [_data]没有任何影响 /// 如果值为 -1,则表示 [_data] 中该行不显示 /// 如果值为 1,则表示 [_data] 中该行高亮 final List> _mask = []; ///from 1-6 int _level = 1; int _points = 0; int _cleared = 0; Block _current; Block _next = Block.getRandom(); GameStates _states = GameStates.none; Block _getNext() { final next = _next; _next = Block.getRandom(); return next; } SoundState get _sound => Sound.of(context); void rotate() { if (_states == GameStates.running && _current != null) { final next = _current.rotate(); if (next.isValidInMatrix(_data)) { _current = next; _sound.rotate(); } } setState(() {}); } void right() { if (_states == GameStates.none && _level < _LEVEL_MAX) { _level++; } else if (_states == GameStates.running && _current != null) { final next = _current.right(); if (next.isValidInMatrix(_data)) { _current = next; _sound.move(); } } setState(() {}); } void left() { if (_states == GameStates.none && _level > _LEVEL_MIN) { _level--; } else if (_states == GameStates.running && _current != null) { final next = _current.left(); if (next.isValidInMatrix(_data)) { _current = next; _sound.move(); } } setState(() {}); } void drop() async { if (_states == GameStates.running && _current != null) { for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; i++) { final fall = _current.fall(step: i + 1); if (!fall.isValidInMatrix(_data)) { _current = _current.fall(step: i); _states = GameStates.drop; setState(() {}); await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); _mixCurrentIntoData(mixSound: _sound.fall); break; } } setState(() {}); } else if (_states == GameStates.paused || _states == GameStates.none) { _startGame(); } } void down({bool enableSounds = true}) { if (_states == GameStates.running && _current != null) { final next = _current.fall(); if (next.isValidInMatrix(_data)) { _current = next; if (enableSounds) { _sound.move(); } } else { _mixCurrentIntoData(); } } setState(() {}); } Timer _autoFallTimer; ///mix current into [_data] Future _mixCurrentIntoData({void mixSound()}) async { if (_current == null) { return; } //cancel the auto falling task _autoFall(false); _forTable((i, j) => _data[i][j] = _current.get(j, i) ?? _data[i][j]); //消除行 final clearLines = []; for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; i++) { if (_data[i].every((d) => d == 1)) { clearLines.add(i); } } if (clearLines.isNotEmpty) { setState(() => _states = GameStates.clear); _sound.clear(); ///消除效果动画 for (int count = 0; count < 5; count++) { clearLines.forEach((line) { _mask[line].fillRange(0, GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, count % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1); }); setState(() {}); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } clearLines .forEach((line) => _mask[line].fillRange(0, GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, 0)); //移除所有被消除的行 clearLines.forEach((line) { _data.setRange(1, line + 1, _data); _data[0] = List.filled(GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, 0); }); debugPrint("clear lines : $clearLines"); _cleared += clearLines.length; _points += clearLines.length * _level * 5; //up level possible when cleared int level = (_cleared ~/ 50) + _LEVEL_MIN; _level = level <= _LEVEL_MAX && level > _level ? level : _level; } else { _states = GameStates.mixing; if (mixSound != null) mixSound(); _forTable((i, j) => _mask[i][j] = _current.get(j, i) ?? _mask[i][j]); setState(() {}); await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)); _forTable((i, j) => _mask[i][j] = 0); setState(() {}); } //_current已经融入_data了,所以不再需要 _current = null; //检查游戏是否结束,即检查第一行是否有元素为1 if (_data[0].contains(1)) { reset(); return; } else { //游戏尚未结束,开启下一轮方块下落 _startGame(); } } ///遍历表格 ///i 为 row ///j 为 column static void _forTable(dynamic function(int row, int column)) { for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W; j++) { final b = function(i, j); if (b is bool && b) { break; } } } } void _autoFall(bool enable) { if (!enable && _autoFallTimer != null) { _autoFallTimer.cancel(); _autoFallTimer = null; } else if (enable) { _autoFallTimer?.cancel(); _current = _current ?? _getNext(); _autoFallTimer = Timer.periodic(_SPEED[_level - 1], (t) { down(enableSounds: false); }); } } void pause() { if (_states == GameStates.running) { _states = GameStates.paused; } setState(() {}); } void pauseOrResume() { if (_states == GameStates.running) { pause(); } else if (_states == GameStates.paused || _states == GameStates.none) { _startGame(); } } void reset() { if (_states == GameStates.none) { //可以开始游戏 _startGame(); return; } if (_states == GameStates.reset) { return; } _sound.start(); _states = GameStates.reset; () async { int line = GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; await Future.doWhile(() async { line--; for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W; i++) { _data[line][i] = 1; } setState(() {}); await Future.delayed(_REST_LINE_DURATION); return line != 0; }); _current = null; _getNext(); _points = 0; _cleared = 0; await Future.doWhile(() async { for (int i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W; i++) { _data[line][i] = 0; } setState(() {}); line++; await Future.delayed(_REST_LINE_DURATION); return line != GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; }); setState(() { _states = GameStates.none; }); }(); } void _startGame() { if (_states == GameStates.running && _autoFallTimer?.isActive == false) { return; } _states = GameStates.running; _autoFall(true); setState(() {}); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List> mixed = []; for (var i = 0; i < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_H; i++) { mixed.add(List.filled(GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W, 0)); for (var j = 0; j < GAME_PAD_MATRIX_W; j++) { int value = _current?.get(j, i) ?? _data[i][j]; if (_mask[i][j] == -1) { value = 0; } else if (_mask[i][j] == 1) { value = 2; } mixed[i][j] = value; } } debugPrint("game states : $_states"); return GameState( mixed, _states, _level, _sound.mute, _points, _cleared, _next, child: widget.child); } void soundSwitch() { setState(() { _sound.mute = !_sound.mute; }); } } class GameState extends InheritedWidget { GameState(, this.states, this.level, this.muted, this.points, this.cleared,, {Key key, this.child}) : super(key: key, child: child); final Widget child; ///屏幕展示数据 ///0: 空砖块 ///1: 普通砖块 ///2: 高亮砖块 final List> data; final GameStates states; final int level; final bool muted; final int points; final int cleared; final Block next; static GameState of(BuildContext context) { return (context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(GameState) as GameState); } @override bool updateShouldNotify(GameState oldWidget) { return true; } }