liuyuqi-dellpc 5 years ago
7 changed files with 2125 additions and 0 deletions
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  2. BIN
  3. 639 0
  4. 6 0
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  6. 1478 0
  7. 1 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0


+ 639 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
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+    <title>拾取坐标系统</title>
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+            <div class="search map_search"><input type="text" class="text" id="localvalue" value="请输入关键字进行搜索,坐标反查需经度在前" onfocus="foucs_(this,'请输入关键字进行搜索,坐标反查需经度在前','')"
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+            </div>
+            <label class="pointLabel" for="pointLabel"><input type="checkbox" onfocus="this.blur()" id="pointLabel" />坐标反查</label>
+            <div style="width:400px;position:relative;float:right;">
+                <div style="color:#666;line-height:25px;">当前坐标点如下:</div>
+                <div class="pointContainer">
+                    <input type="text" readonly id="pointInput" class="pointInput" />
+                    <input type="button" id="copyButton" data-clipboard-target="#pointInput" class="button" />
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+                <div
+                    style="color:#777;margin-top:5px;display:none">(默认显示地图中心点坐标,鼠标左键单击后显示单击点的坐标)</div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="dt_nav"><span class="result" id="resultNum"></span>
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+        <!--右侧地图Info begin-->
+        <div id="MapInfo">
+            <div id="txtPanel">
+                <h3>功能简介:</h3>
+                <p class="tip_info">1、支持地址 精确/模糊 查询;<br/>2、支持POI点坐标显示、复制;<br/>3、坐标鼠标跟随显示;<br/>4、
+                    <font color="red">支持坐标查询(需要将坐标反查框勾选);</font><br/></p>
+                <h3>使用说明:</h3>
+                <p class="tip_info">1、获取坐标并复制:<br/><span class="tip_info_em">1)、在搜索框中搜索关键词后
+            <li>
+                <div class="l"><b id="curCity"></b><span>[<a id="curCityText" onclick="showPop()">更换城市</a>]</span></div><span class="r"></span></li>
+            <li>
+                <div class="l"><b>当前层级:<span id="ZoomNum"></span>级</b></div><span class="r"></span></li>
+        </ul>
+    </div>
+    <div id="wrapper">
+        <div id="MapHolder" style="overflow:hidden;"></div>
+        <!--右侧地图Info begin-->
+        <div id="MapInfo">
+            <div id="txtPanel">
+                <h3>功能简介:</h3>
+                <p class="tip_info">1、支持地址 精确/模糊 查询;<br/>2、支持POI点坐标显示、复制;<br/>3、坐标鼠标跟随显示;<br/>4、
+                    <font color="red">支持坐标查询(需要将坐标反查框勾选);</font><br/></p>
+                <h3>使用说明:</h3>
+                <p class="tip_info">1、获取坐标并复制:<br/><span class="tip_info_em">1)、在搜索框中搜索关键词后,左侧列表中会有该点的坐标,点击该条信息或地图上该点,都会将坐标显示在地图右上角的Input框中,然后点击复制按钮,该点坐标就复制成功了;<br />2)、在地图上用鼠标左键单击地图,就能将该点坐标显示在地图右上角的Input框中,然后点击复制按钮,该点坐标就复制成功了;</span>2、坐标反查:<br/>
+                    <span
+                        class="tip_info_em">1)、先勾选住 搜索框后面的
+                        <font color="red">坐标反查框</font><br />2)、输入一个正确的坐标(比如:116.307629,40.058359),点击按钮 <b>百度一下</b>,就能将该点显示在地图上、切换地图,
+                        <font color="red">如果解析成功,还能返回一个地址</font>
+                        </span>
+                </p>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <!--右侧地图Info end-->
+        <!--地图上边右边透明立体边框 begin-->
+        <div id="shad">
+            <div id="shad_v"></div>
+            <div id="shad_h"></div>
+        </div>
+        <!--地图上边右边透明立体边框 end-->
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    <!--更换城市 begin-->
+    <div style="width: 382px; display: none; left: 5px; top: 139px; height: 344px;" class="map_popup" id="map_popup">
+        <div class="popup_main">
+            <div class="title">城市列表</div>
+            <div class="sel_city" style="height: 320px; overflow-y: auto;overflow-x:hidden;margin:0;padding-left:5px">
+                <table style="width:345px;margin-bottom:20px;overflow:hidden;" id="selCity">
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="2" class="selCityInput"><input id="selCityInput" type="text" value="请输入城市名" onfocus="foucs_(this,'请输入城市名','')" onblur="blur_(this,'请输入城市名','')"
+                                class="selCityInputT" callback="goCity(Fe.G('selCityInput'))" style="color:#8C8C8C" />
+                            <input
+                                id="selCityButton" value="确定" type="button" onclick="goCity(Fe.G('selCityInput'))"><span style="color:#f00;display:none" id="selCityMessage">请输入正确的城市名</span></td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td width="57">直辖市:</td>
+                        <td width="287">
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="北京市">北京</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="上海市">上海</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="天津市">天津</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="重庆市">重庆</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">安徽</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="合肥市">合肥</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="安庆市">安庆</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="蚌埠市">蚌埠</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="亳州市">亳州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="巢湖市">巢湖</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="池州市">池州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="滁州市">滁州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="阜阳市">阜阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="淮北市">淮北</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="淮南市">淮南</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="黄山市">黄山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="六安市">六安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="马鞍山市">马鞍山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="宿州市">宿州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="铜陵市">铜陵</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="芜湖市">芜湖</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="宣城市">宣城</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">福建</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">福州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">龙岩</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南平</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宁德</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">莆田</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">泉州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">三明</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">厦门</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">漳州</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">甘肃</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">兰州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">白银</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">定西</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="甘南藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">甘南州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">嘉峪关</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">金昌</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">酒泉</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="临夏回族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">临夏州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">平凉</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">庆阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">天水</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">武威</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">张掖</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">广东</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">广州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">潮州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">东莞</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">佛山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">河源</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">惠州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">江门</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">揭阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">茂名</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">梅州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">清远</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">汕头</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">汕尾</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">韶关</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">深圳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">阳江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">云浮</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">湛江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">肇庆</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">中山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">珠海</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">广西</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">百色</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">北海</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">崇左</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">防城港</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">桂林</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">贵港</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">河池</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">贺州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">来宾</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">柳州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">钦州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">梧州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">玉林</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">贵州</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">贵阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">安顺</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">毕节地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">六盘水</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">铜仁地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">遵义</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="黔西南布依族苗族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">黔西南州</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">海南</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">海口</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="白沙黎族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">白沙</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="保亭黎族苗族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">保亭</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="昌江黎族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">昌江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">儋州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="澄迈县">澄迈</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">东方</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="定安县">定安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">琼海</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="琼中黎族苗族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">琼中</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="乐东黎族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">乐东</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="临高县">临高</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="陵水黎族自治县" onclick="goCity(this)">陵水</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">三亚</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="屯昌县">屯昌</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">万宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">文昌</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">五指山</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">河北</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">石家庄</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">保定</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">沧州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">承德</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">邯郸</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">衡水</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">廊坊</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">秦皇岛</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">唐山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">邢台</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">张家口</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">河南</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">郑州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">安阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鹤壁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">焦作</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">开封</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">洛阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">漯河</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">平顶山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">濮阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">三门峡</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">商丘</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">新乡</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">信阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">许昌</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">周口</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">驻马店</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">黑龙江</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">哈尔滨</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">大庆</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="大兴安岭地区">大兴安岭地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鹤岗</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">黑河</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鸡西</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">佳木斯</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">牡丹江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">七台河</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">齐齐哈尔</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">双鸭山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">绥化</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">伊春</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">湖北</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">武汉</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鄂州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="恩施土家族苗族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">恩施</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">黄冈</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">黄石</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">荆门</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">荆州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">潜江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">神农架林区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">十堰</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">随州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">天门</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">仙桃</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">咸宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">襄樊</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">孝感</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宜昌</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">湖南</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">长沙</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">常德</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">郴州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">衡阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">怀化</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">娄底</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">邵阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">湘潭</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">益阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">永州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">岳阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">张家界</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">株洲</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">江苏</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南京</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">常州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">淮安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">连云港</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南通</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">苏州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宿迁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">泰州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">无锡</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">徐州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">盐城</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">扬州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">镇江</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">江西</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南昌</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">抚州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">赣州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">吉安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">景德镇</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">九江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">萍乡</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">上饶</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">新余</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宜春</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鹰潭</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" name="吉林省" onclick="goCity(this)">吉林</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">长春</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">白城</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">白山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">吉林市</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" /></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">辽源</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">四平</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">松原</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">通化</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="延边朝鲜族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">延边</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">辽宁</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">沈阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鞍山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">本溪</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">朝阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">大连</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">丹东</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">抚顺</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">阜新</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">葫芦岛</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">锦州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">辽阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">盘锦</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">铁岭</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">营口</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">内蒙古</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">呼和浩特</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">包头</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">巴彦淖尔</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">赤峰</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">鄂尔多斯</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">呼伦贝尔</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">通辽</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">乌海</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">乌兰察布</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="兴安盟">兴安盟</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">宁夏</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">银川</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">固原</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">石嘴山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">吴忠</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">中卫</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">青海</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">西宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="果洛藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">果洛州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="海东地区">海东地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="海北藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">海北州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="海南藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">海南州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="海西蒙古族藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">海西州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="黄南藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">黄南州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="玉树藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">玉树州</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">山东</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">济南</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">滨州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">东营</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">德州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">菏泽</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">济宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">莱芜</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">聊城</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">临沂</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">青岛</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">日照</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">泰安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">威海</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">潍坊</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">烟台</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">枣庄</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">淄博</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" /></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">山西</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">太原</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">长治</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">大同</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">晋城</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">晋中</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">临汾</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">吕梁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">朔州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">忻州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">阳泉</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">运城</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">陕西</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">西安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">安康</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宝鸡</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">汉中</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">商洛</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">铜川</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">渭南</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">咸阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">延安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">榆林</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">四川</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">成都</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="阿坝藏族羌族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">阿坝州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">巴中</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">达州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">德阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="甘孜藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">甘孜州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">广安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">广元</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">乐山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="凉山彝族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">凉山州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">泸州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">南充</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">眉山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">绵阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">内江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">攀枝花</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">遂宁</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">雅安</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宜宾</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">资阳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">自贡</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">西藏</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">拉萨</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="阿里地区">阿里地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="昌都地区">昌都地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="林芝地区">林芝地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="那曲地区">那曲地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="日喀则地区">日喀则地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="山南地区">山南地区</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">新疆</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">乌鲁木齐</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">阿拉尔</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="阿克苏地区">阿克苏地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">阿勒泰地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="昌吉回族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">昌吉州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">哈密地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">和田地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">喀什地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">克拉玛依</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">石河子</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">塔城地区</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">吐鲁番地区</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">云南</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">昆明</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">保山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="楚雄彝族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">楚雄州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="大理白族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">大理州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="德宏傣族景颇族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">德宏州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="迪庆藏族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">迪庆州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="红河哈尼族彝族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">红河州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">丽江</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">临沧</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="怒江傈僳族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">怒江州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">普洱</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">曲靖</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">昭通</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="文山壮族苗族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">文山</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a name="西双版纳傣族自治州" onclick="goCity(this)">西双版纳</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">玉溪</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a class="black" onclick="goCity(this)">浙江</a></nobr>:</td>
+                        <td>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">杭州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">湖州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">嘉兴</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">金华</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">丽水</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">宁波</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">衢州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">绍兴</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">台州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">温州</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)">舟山</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <td colspan="2">
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="香港特别行政区">香港</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="澳门特别行政区">澳门</a></nobr>
+                            <nobr><a onclick="goCity(this)" name="台北县">台湾</a></nobr>
+                        </td>
+                    </tr>
+                </table>
+            </div><button onclick="hidePop()"></button></div>
+        <div class="poput_shadow" style="height: 291px;width:100%"></div>
+    </div>
+    <!--更换城市 end-->
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+    loadBody();

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+                    j += k.length
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+                if (document.styleSheets.length != j) {
+                    setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
+                    return
+                }
+                a()
+            })()
+        }
+        f(a)
+    }
+    i.ready = function(k, j) {
+        b();
+        if (e) {
+  , [])
+        } else {
+            g.push(function() {
+                return, [])
+            })
+        }
+    };
+    b()
+var Fe = Fe || {
+    version: "20080809",
+    emptyFn: function() {}
+Fe._log = [];
+var counter = 0;
+var instances = {};
+Fe.BaseClass = function(a) {
+    instances[(this.hashCode = (a || Fe.BaseClass.guid()))] = this
+Fe.BaseClass.guid = function() {
+    return "mz_" + (counter++).toString(36)
+Fe.BaseClass.create = function() {
+    var a = new Fe.BaseClass();
+    a.decontrol();
+    return a
+window.Instance = Fe.instance = Fe.I = function(a) {
+    return instances[a]
+Fe.BaseClass.prototype.dispose = function() {
+    if (this.hashCode) {
+        delete instances[this.hashCode]
+    }
+    for (var a in this) {
+        if (typeof this[a] != "function") {
+            delete this[a]
+        }
+    }
+Fe.BaseClass.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
+    if (!this.hashCode) {
+        instances[(this.hashCode = Fe.BaseClass.guid())] = this
+    }
+    return this.hashCode
+Fe.BaseClass.prototype.decontrol = function() {
+    delete instances[this.hashCode]
+Fe.BaseClass.prototype.toString = function() {
+    return "[object " + (this._className || "Object") + "]"
+Fe.BaseClass.prototype._wlog = function(c, d) {
+    var b = Fe._log;
+    if (b.length > 100) {
+        b.reverse().length = 50;
+        b.reverse()
+    }
+    b[b.length] = "[" + c + "][" + (this._className || "Object") + " " + this.hashCode + "] " + d
+Fe.extend = function(d, b) {
+    if (d && b && typeof(b) == "object") {
+        for (var c in b) {
+            d[c] = b[c]
+        }
+        var a = ["constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"];
+        for (var e = 0,
+        f; e < a.length; e++) {
+            f = a[e];
+            if (, f)) {
+                d[f] = b[f]
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return d
+Fe.on = function(a, c, b) {
+    if (! (a = Fe.G(a))) {
+        return a
+    }
+    c = c.replace(/^on/, "").toLowerCase();
+    if (a.attachEvent) {
+        a[c + b] = function() {
+  , window.event)
+        };
+        a.attachEvent("on" + c, a[c + b])
+    } else {
+        a.addEventListener(c, b, false)
+    }
+    return a
+Fe.un = function(a, c, b) {
+    if (! (a = Fe.G(a))) {
+        return a
+    }
+    c = c.replace(/^on/, "").toLowerCase();
+    if (a.attachEvent) {
+        a.detachEvent("on" + c, a[c + b]);
+        a[c + b] = null
+    } else {
+        a.removeEventListener(c, b, false)
+    }
+    return a
+Fe.G = function() {
+    for (var b = [], c = arguments.length - 1; c > -1; c--) {
+        var d = arguments[c];
+        b[c] = null;
+        if (typeof d == "object" && d && d.dom) {
+            b[c] = d.dom
+        } else {
+            if ((typeof d == "object" && d && d.tagName) || d == window || d == document) {
+                b[c] = d
+            } else {
+                if (typeof d == "string" && (d = document.getElementById(d))) {
+                    b[c] = d
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return b.length < 2 ? b[0] : b
+Fe.copy = function(a) {};
+function beforeEndHTML(b, a) {
+    b.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", a);
+    return b.lastChild
+function getClientSize() {
+    if (window.innerHeight) {
+        return {
+            width: window.innerWidth,
+            height: window.innerHeight
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
+            return {
+                width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
+                height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
+            }
+        } else {
+            return {
+                width: document.body.clientWidth,
+                height: document.body.clientHeight
+            }
+        }
+    }
+function foucs_(a, b, c) {
+    if (!c) {
+        c = ""
+    }
+ = "#000"; (a.value != b) ? null: a.value = c
+function blur_(a, b, c) {
+ = "#8c8c8c"; (a.value == c || a.value.length <= 0) ? a.value = b: null
+function loadBody() {
+    createCopyBt()
+    initMapSize();
+    initMap();
+    addMapControls();
+    setTimeout(function() {
+        mapResize()
+    },
+    200);
+function initMapSize() {
+    var a = Fe.G("MapHolder");
+    var b = getClientSize().height - 140;
+    b = b < 0 ? 0 : b;
+ = b + "px";
+    var e = Fe.G("MapInfo");
+    var d = b + 2;
+    d = d < 0 ? 0 : d;
+ = d + "px";
+    var c = Fe.G("shad_v");
+    var f = b;
+    f = f < 0 ? 0 : f;
+ = f + "px"
+function initMap() {
+ = new BMap.Map("MapHolder", {enableMapClick: false});
+    window.projection = new BMap.MercatorProjection();
+    var a = new BMap.Point(116.395645, 39.929986);
+    map.addEventListener("load",
+    function(b) {
+        getCurrentCityName()
+    });
+    map.addEventListener("moveend",
+    function(b) {
+        getCurrentCityName()
+    });
+    map.addEventListener("dragend",
+    function(b) {
+        getCurrentCityName()
+    });
+    map.addEventListener("zoomend",
+    function(b) {
+        getCurrentCityName()
+    });
+    map.addEventListener("click",
+    function(c) {
+        var b = c.point;
+        if (c.overlay && c.overlay instanceof BMap.Marker) {
+            b = c.overlay.point
+        }
+        setInputPoint(b)
+    });
+    map.addEventListener("mousemove",
+    function(c) {
+        if (!temp.mouseLabel) {
+            createMouseMoveLabel(c.point)
+        }
+        if (!temp.mouseLabel.isVisible()) {
+        }
+        var k = temp.mouseLabel;
+        var h = map.getContainer();
+        var g = h.clientWidth;
+        var f = h.clientHeight;
+        var j = 132;
+        var i = 19;
+        var n = map.pointToPixel(c.point).x + 13;
+        var l = map.pointToPixel(c.point).y + 20;
+        var m = map.pixelToPoint(new BMap.Pixel(g - j - 13, f - i - 20));
+        var b = map.pixelToPoint(new BMap.Pixel(n - j - 33, f - i - 20));
+        var d = c.point;
+        if (g - n < j) {
+            d = new BMap.Point(m.lng,
+        }
+        if (f - l < i) {
+            d = new BMap.Point(d.lng,
+        }
+        if (g - n - 16 < j && f - l < i) {
+            d = b
+        }
+        k.setPosition(d);
+        k.setContent(c.point.lng + "," +
+    });
+    Fe.on(document.body, "mousemove",
+    function(c) {
+        var c = window.event || c;
+        var b = c.srcElement ||;
+        if (b.className != "BMap_mask" && temp.mouseLabel && temp.mouseLabel.isVisible()) {
+            temp.mouseLabel.hide()
+        }
+    });
+    Fe.on(document.body, "mouseout",
+    function(c) {
+        var c = window.event || c;
+        var b = c.srcElement ||;
+        if (b.className == "BMap_mask" && temp.mouseLabel && temp.mouseLabel.isVisible()) {
+            temp.mouseLabel.hide()
+        }
+    });
+    mapInfo.centerPoint = a;
+    map.centerAndZoom(a, 12);
+    map.enableScrollWheelZoom();
+    map.setDefaultCursor("default");
+    map.setDraggingCursor("default")
+function setInputPoint(a) {
+    var value = a.lng + "," +;
+    Fe.G("pointInput").value = value;
+    Fe.G('pointInput').setAttribute('data-clipboard-text', value);
+function createMouseMoveLabel(c) {
+    var a = map.pixelToPoint(new BMap.Pixel(0, 0));
+    var b = c.lng + "," +;
+    var d = new BMap.Label(b, {
+        point: a,
+        offset: new BMap.Size(13, 20),
+        enableMassClear: false
+    });
+    d.setStyle({
+        background: "#fff",
+        border: "#999 solid 1px",
+        zIndex: 10000000
+    });
+    map.addOverlay(d);
+    temp.mouseLabel = d
+function addMapControls() {
+    window.stdMapCtrl = new BMap.NavigationControl();
+    map.addControl(window.stdMapCtrl);
+    window.scaleCtrl = new BMap.ScaleControl();
+    map.addControl(window.scaleCtrl);
+    window.overviewCtrl = new BMap.OverviewMapControl();
+    map.addControl(window.overviewCtrl);
+    var a = new BMap.CopyrightControl();
+    map.addControl(a)
+function mapResize() {
+    var a = Fe.G("MapHolder");
+    var b = Fe.G("shad_v");
+    if (window._resizeTimer) {
+        return
+    }
+    window._resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+        var c = getClientSize().height - 140;
+        var d = c - 20;
+        c = c < 0 ? 0 : c;
+        d = d < 0 ? 0 : d;
+ = c + "px";
+        Fe.G("MapInfo").style.height = d + "px";
+        // if (overviewCtrl.getDom() == null) {
+        //     var e = parseInt(
+        // } else {
+        //     var e = parseInt( - parseInt(overviewCtrl.getDom().style.height)
+        // }
+        // e = e < 0 ? 0 : e;
+        // = e + "px";
+        window._resizeTimer = null
+    },
+    100)
+var mapInfo = {
+    cityName: "",
+    cityCode: "",
+    centerPoint: null
+var temp = {
+    pt: [],
+    mk: [],
+    iw: [],
+    iwOpenIndex: null,
+    mouseLabel: null,
+    poiSearchMark: null,
+    geoCoder: null
+var eventTemp = {};
+function clearLastResult() {
+    Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = "";
+ = [];
+ = [];
+    temp.iw = [];
+    temp.iwOpenInde = null;
+    map.clearOverlays();
+    if (temp.poiSearchMark) {
+        temp.poiSearchMark.hide()
+    }
+function localsearch() {
+    var a = [];
+    var c = Fe.G("localvalue").value;
+    var d = {
+        onSearchComplete: function(w) {
+            clearLastResult();
+            if (b.getStatus() == BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+                var l = w.getCurrentNumPois();
+                var k = w.getCurrentNumPois();
+                var e = w.getNumPois();
+                var p = "";
+                if (l == 1 && typeof w.getPoi(0).city == "undefined") {
+                    var f = 4;
+                    // if (b && b._json && b._json.content && b._json.content.length == 2) {
+                    if (b && w && w.getNumPois() == 2) {
+                        f = w.getPoi(1);
+                        p = '<b style="font-size:14px;">' + w.keyword + "</b>"
+                    } else {
+                        if (b && w && {
+                            // f = b._json.current_city.level;
+                            // if ( == "全国") {
+                            //     f = 4
+                            // }
+                            p = '<span style="color:#00c">已切换至' + + "</span>";
+                            Fe.G("resultNum").innerHTML = ""
+                        }
+                    }
+                    map.centerAndZoom(w.getPoi(0).point, 12);
+                    Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = p
+                } else {
+                    // var o = _res_sta_i = b._json.content.length - k;
+                    p = '<ul class="local_s">';
+                    for (var z = 0; z < l; z++) {
+                        var h = w.getPoi(z);
+                        var q = h.title;
+                        var u = h.address;
+                        var n = h.phoneNumber;
+                        var v = h.point;
+                        var A = v.lng + "," +;
+                        var x = q;
+                        var j = h.type;
+                        var t = "地址";
+                        if (x.length > 20) {
+                            x = x.substring(0, 17) + "..."
+                        }
+                        if (j == 1) {
+                            t = "途径公交车"
+                        }
+                        if (j == 3) {
+                            t = "途径地铁"
+                        }
+                        p += '<li id="no' + z + '">';
+                        p += '<span id="mk_' + z + '"></span>';
+                        p += '  <div id="no_' + z + '">';
+                        p += '      <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="' + q + '">' + x + "</a>";
+                        p += "      <p>" + t + ":" + u;
+                        n ? p += "      <br/>电话:" + n: null;
+                        p += "      <br/>坐标:" + A;
+                        p += "      </p>";
+                        p += "  </div>";
+                        p += "</li>";
+                        a.push(v);
+              ;
+                        addMarker(z);
+                        createIw({
+                            tit: q,
+                            add: u,
+                            tel: n,
+                            poi: v,
+                            type: j
+                        })
+                    }
+                    p += "</ul>";
+                    p += '<div id="result_page_c"></div>';
+                    map.setViewport(a);
+                    a = [];
+                    Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = p;
+                    Fe.G("resultNum").innerHTML = "共找到" + e + "条结果";
+                    var m = new Page("result_page_c",
+                    function(i) {
+                        Fe.G("MapInfo").scrollTop = 0;
+                        b.gotoPage(i - 1)
+                    },
+                    {
+                        page: w.getPageIndex() + 1,
+                        totalCount: e,
+                        pageCount: Math.ceil(e / 10)
+                    });
+                    if (m.pageCount <= 1) {
+                        Fe.G("result_page_c").innerHTML = ""
+                    }
+                    bindEvent()
+                }
+            } else {
+                var y = "";
+                Fe.G("resultNum").innerHTML = "";
+                if ( != "全国") {
+                    y = "在<b>" + + "</b>及全国没有找到相关的地点。"
+                } else {
+                    y = "在全国没有找到相关的地点。"
+                }
+                if (w.getCityList().length > 0) {
+                    if ( != "全国") {
+                        y = "在<b>" + + "</b>没有找到相关的地点。"
+                    } else {
+                        y = "在以下城市有结果,请您选择:<br />"
+                    }
+                    var g = w.getCityList();
+                    if (g.length > 0) {
+                        y += '<p style="margin-top:10px;">在以下城市找到结果,请选择城市:</p><ul class="SearchList" id="cityList" style="height:40px;overflow:hidden;">';
+                        for (var z = 0; z < g.length; z++) {
+                            y += "<li><a onclick=\"searchInthisCity('" + g[z].city + '\')" href="javascript:void(0)">' + g[z].city + "</a>(";
+                            y += g[z].numResults + ")</li>"
+                        }
+                        y += "</ul>";
+                        if (g.length > 6) {
+                            y += '<div id="moreCityPop"><a onclick="showMoreCity()" class="resultMore">更多城市</a></div>'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = y
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    var b = new BMap.LocalSearch(map, d);
+    window.l_local = b;
+    Fe.G("localsearch").onclick = function() {
+        beginsearch(b)
+    }
+function setCurrentMapInfo(c, d) {
+    var a = mapInfo;
+    var b = map.getZoom();
+    a.cityName = c;
+    a.cityCode = d;
+    a.centerPoint = map.getCenter();
+    Fe.G("curCity").innerHTML = c;
+    Fe.G("ZoomNum").innerHTML = b
+function getCurrentCityName() {
+    var a = map.getZoom();
+    var c;
+    var h = 10000;
+    if (a <= 7) {
+        c = a;
+        setCurrentMapInfo("全国");
+        return
+    }
+    var i = function() {
+        var m = map.getBounds();
+        var j = projection.lngLatToPoint(m.getSouthWest());
+        var l = projection.lngLatToPoint(m.getNorthEast());
+        var k = function(n) {
+            return parseInt(n / 1000) * 1000
+        };
+        return k(j.x) + "," + k(j.y) + ";" + k(l.x) + "," + k(l.y)
+    };
+    var e = mapInfo.centerPoint;
+    var d = map.getCenter();
+    var f = Math.sqrt((e.lng - d.lng) * (e.lng - d.lng) + ( - * ( -;
+    if (f > h || a != c) {
+        c = a;
+        var b = "" + i() + "&l=" + a;
+        scriptRequest(b, g, "_MAP_CENTER_", "gbk")
+    }
+    function g() {
+        if (typeof _mapCenter == "undefined") {
+            return
+        }
+        var j = _mapCenter;
+        var k = j.content;
+        if (!k) {
+            return
+        }
+        setCurrentMapInfo(, _mapCenter.content.uid)
+    }
+function bindEvent() {
+    var d =;
+    var a = temp.iw;
+    var b = function(g) {
+        if (temp.iwOpenIndex == g) {
+            return
+        }
+        temp.iwOpenIndex = g;
+        d[g].openInfoWindow(a[g]);
+        setInputPoint(d[g].point)
+    };
+    var c = function(g) {
+        if (temp.iwOpenIndex == g) {
+            return
+        }
+        var i = d[g];
+        var h = i.getIcon();
+        h.setImageOffset(new BMap.Size(0, -250 - g * 25));
+        i.setIcon(h);
+        i.setTop(true, 1000100);
+        Fe.G("no_" + g) ? Fe.G("no_" + g).className = "hover": null
+    };
+    var e = function(g) {
+        var i = d[g];
+        if (temp.iwOpenIndex == g) {
+            i.setTop(true);
+            return
+        }
+        var h = i.getIcon();
+        h.setImageOffset(new BMap.Size(0, -g * 25));
+        i.setIcon(h);
+        i.setTop(false);
+        Fe.G("no_" + g) ? Fe.G("no_" + g).className = "": null
+    };
+    for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { (function() {
+            var h = f;
+            var i = d[h];
+            var g = a[h];
+            d[h].addEventListener("click",
+            function() {
+                b(h)
+            });
+            d[h].addEventListener("mouseover",
+            function() {
+                c(h)
+            });
+            d[h].addEventListener("mouseout",
+            function() {
+                e(h)
+            });
+            g.addEventListener("open",
+            function() {
+                temp.iwOpenIndex = h
+            });
+            g.addEventListener("close",
+            function() {
+                temp.iwOpenIndex = null;
+                e(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("no_" + h), "click",
+            function() {
+                b(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("no_" + h), "mouseover",
+            function() {
+                c(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("no_" + h), "mouseout",
+            function() {
+                e(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("mk_" + h), "click",
+            function() {
+                b(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("mk_" + h), "mouseover",
+            function() {
+                c(h)
+            });
+            Fe.on(Fe.G("mk_" + h), "mouseout",
+            function() {
+                e(h)
+            })
+        })()
+    }
+function addMarker(a) {
+    var b =[a];
+    var d = new BMap.Icon("Images/markers.png", new BMap.Size(23, 25), {
+        offset: new BMap.Size(10, 25),
+        imageOffset: new BMap.Size(0, 0 - a * 25),
+        infoWindowAnchor: new BMap.Size(12, 0)
+    });
+    var c = new BMap.Marker(b, {
+        icon: d
+    });
+    map.addOverlay(c);
+    return c
+function createIw(a) {
+    var e = a.tit;
+    var h = a.add;
+    var d =;
+    var i = a.poi.lng + "," +;
+    var j = '<p class="iwContent">';
+    var f = a.type;
+    var c = "地址";
+    if (f == 1) {
+        c = "途径公交车"
+    }
+    if (f == 3) {
+        c = "途径地铁"
+    }
+    j += "<em>" + c + ":</em>" + h + "<br/>";
+    d ? j += "<em>电话:</em>" + d + "<br/>": null;
+    j += "<em>坐标:</em>" + i + "";
+    j += "</p>";
+    var g = e;
+    if (g.length > 15) {
+        g = g.substring(0, 12) + "..."
+    }
+    var b = new BMap.InfoWindow(j, {
+        title: '<span class="iwTitle" title="' + e + '">' + g + "</span>",
+        width: 250
+    });
+    temp.iw.push(b);
+    return b
+function showMoreCity() {
+    Fe.G("cityList").style.height = "auto";
+    Fe.G("moreCityPop").style.display = "none"
+function goCity(c) {
+    var b = c.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" ? "value": "innerHTML";
+    var a = c[b];
+    getCityPoint(a)
+function getCityPoint(b) {
+    b = encodeURIComponent(b);
+    var a = "" + b + "&oue=1&res=jc";
+    scriptRequest(a, "null")
+function setCurrentCity(d) {
+    if (!d.content || d.content.error == 0) {
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            Fe.G("selCityMessage").style.display = "block";
+            Fe.G("selCityMessage").innerHTML = "请输入正确的中文城市名称"
+        },
+        0)
+    } else {
+        hidePop();
+        var b = (((d.content.geo).split("|")[2]).split(";")[0]).split(",")[0];
+        var a = (((d.content.geo).split("|")[2]).split(";")[0]).split(",")[1];
+        var c = projection.pointToLngLat(new BMap.Pixel(b, a));
+        if (d.content.cname == "全国") {
+            map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(c.lng,, 5)
+        } else {
+            map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(c.lng,, d.content.level)
+        }
+        clearLastResult();
+        Fe.G("resultNum").innerHTML = "";
+        Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = '<span style="color:#00c">已切换至' + d.content.cname + "</span>"
+    }
+function hidePop() {
+    if (Fe.G("selCityInput")) {
+        Fe.G("selCityInput").value = "请输入城市名";
+        Fe.G("selCityMessage").style.display = "none";
+        Fe.G("map_popup").style.display = "none"
+    }
+    if (eventTemp.cityPop.length > 0) {
+        var a = eventTemp.cityPop;
+        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
+            Fe.un(a[b].dom, a[b].type, a[b].fun)
+        }
+        eventTemp.cityPop = []
+    }
+function showPop() {
+    if (Fe.G("map_popup").style.display == "block") {
+        return
+    }
+    Fe.G("map_popup").style.display = "block";
+    var a = function(c) {
+        var b = c.srcElement ||;
+        while (b) {
+            if (b == Fe.G("map_popup") || b == Fe.G("curCityText")) {
+                return
+            }
+            if (b == Fe.G("selCity")) {
+                Fe.G("selCityMessage").style.display = "none";
+                return
+            }
+            if (b == document.body) {
+                hidePop();
+                return
+            }
+            b = b.parentNode
+        }
+    };
+    Fe.on(document.body, "mousedown", a);
+    eventTemp.cityPop = [];
+    eventTemp.cityPop.push({
+        dom: document.body,
+        type: "mousedown",
+        fun: a
+    })
+var TimerSM;
+function showMessage(b) {
+    var a = Fe.G("searchTip");
+    if (TimerSM) {
+        clearTimeout(TimerSM)
+    }
+    a.innerHTML = b;
+    TimerSM = setTimeout(function() {
+        a.innerHTML = ""
+    },
+    1000)
+function createCopyBt() {
+    // M.fe.copy({
+    //     copyBtnId: "copyPoint",
+    //     copytextId: "pointInput",
+    //     copyTag: "value",
+        // callback: function(d) {
+        //     var c = Fe.G("copyMessage");
+        // = "inline-block";
+        //     setTimeout(function() {
+        // = "none"
+        //     },
+        //     1000)
+        // }
+    // });
+    // var a = setInterval(function() {
+    //     if (Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")) {
+    //         var c = getAbsPoint(Fe.G("copyButton"));
+    //         if ( == 8) {
+    //             baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")) = (c.y + 25) + "px";
+    //             baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")).style.left = (c.x + 170) + "px"
+    //         } else {
+    //             if ( < 8) {
+    //                 baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")) = (c.y - 10) + "px";
+    //                 baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")).style.left = (c.x + 10) + "px"
+    //             } else {
+    //                 baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")) = (c.y + 6) + "px";
+    //                 baidu.dom.getParent(Fe.G("ZeroClipboardMovie_1")).style.left = (c.x + 11) + "px"
+    //             }
+    //         }
+    //         clearInterval(a)
+    //     }
+    // },
+    // 1000);
+    if (!document.all) {
+        Fe.G("copyButton") = "-9px";
+        Fe.G("copyButton").style.left = "5px"
+    }
+    if ( >= 8) {
+        Fe.G("copyButton") = "-22px";
+        Fe.G("copyButton").style.left = "5px"
+    }
+    var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+    if ((/mozilla/.test(b)) && (!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(b))) {
+        Fe.G("copyButton") = "-22px";
+        Fe.G("copyButton").style.left = "5px"
+    }
+    // 绑定复制功能
+    // Fe.G("copyButton").addEventListener('click', function() {
+    //     console.log('-0-0-0-0-0-0')
+    //     copyTextByCB();
+    // });
+    copyTextByCB();
+function copyTextByCB() {
+    function messageTips(text) {
+        var c = Fe.G("copyMessage");
+        c.innerHTML = text;
+ = "inline-block";
+        setTimeout(function() {
+   = "none"
+        }, 1000);
+    }
+    // var clipboard = new Clipboard('#copyPoint');
+    var clipboard = new Clipboard('#copyButton');
+    clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
+        e.clearSelection();
+        if (e.text !== '') {
+            messageTips('复制成功');
+        }
+        //'Action:', e.action);
+        //'Text:', e.text);
+        //'Trigger:', e.trigger);
+    });
+    clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
+        // console.error('Action2:', e.action);
+        // console.error('Trigger2:', e.trigger);
+        messageTips('请手动复制');
+    });
+    // var inpObj = document.getElementById('pointInput');
+    // function messageTips(text) {
+    //     var c = Fe.G("copyMessage");
+    //     c.innerHTML = text;
+    // = "inline-block";
+    //     setTimeout(function() {
+    // = "none"
+    //     }, 1000);
+    // }
+    // var clipboard = new Clipboard(document.getElementById('copyPoint'), {
+    //     text: function(target) {
+    //         return inpObj.value || '';
+    //     }
+    // });
+    // clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
+    //     e.clearSelection();
+    //     messageTips('复制成功');
+    // });
+    // clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
+    //     messageTips('请手动复制');
+    // });
+function getAbsPoint(c) {
+    var b = c.offsetLeft;
+    var a = c.offsetTop;
+    while (c = c.offsetParent) {
+        b += c.offsetLeft;
+        a += c.offsetTop
+    }
+    return {
+        x: b,
+        y: a
+    }
+// function CreateFlash(a, e, f, b, d) {
+//     var c = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="' + f + '" height="' + b + '" id="' + a + '" align="middle">';
+//     c += '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">';
+//     c += '<param name="quality" value="high">';
+//     c += '<param name="movie" value="' + e + '">';
+//     c += '<param name="flashvars" value="' + d + '">';
+//     c += '<embed src="' + e + '" flashvars="' + d + '" quality="high" width="' + f + '" height="' + b + '" name="' + a + '" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">';
+//     c += "</object>";
+//     return c
+// }
+// function ieCopy() {
+//     var a = Fe.G("pointInput");
+//     var c = a.value;
+//     if (!c) {
+//         return
+//     }
+//     if (window.clipboardData) {
+//         window.clipboardData.clearData();
+//         window.clipboardData.setData("Text", c);
+//         if (Fe.G("copyMessage")) {
+//             Fe.G("copyMessage").style.display = ""
+//         }
+//         setTimeout(function() {
+//             if (Fe.G("copyMessage")) {
+//                 Fe.G("copyMessage").style.display = "none"
+//             }
+//         },
+//         1000)
+//     } else {
+//         try {
+//             Fe.copy(c);
+//             if (Fe.G("copyMessage")) {
+//                 Fe.G("copyMessage").style.display = ""
+//             }
+//             setTimeout(function() {
+//                 if (Fe.G("copyMessage")) {
+//                     Fe.G("copyMessage").style.display = "none"
+//                 }
+//             },
+//             1000);
+//             return c
+//         } catch(b) {}
+//     }
+// }
+function filtQuery(a) {
+    a = a || "";
+    return a.replace(/[\uac00-\ud7a3]/g, "").replace(/\u2022|\u2027|\u30FB/g, String.fromCharCode(183)).replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "")
+function beginsearch(b, a) {
+    var c = filtQuery(Fe.G("localvalue").value);
+    // 处理特殊城市
+    if (isInArray(c)) {
+        trickCity(c);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!c || c == "请输入关键字进行搜索") {
+        return
+    }
+    if (Fe.G("pointLabel").checked) {
+        searchByPoint(c)
+    } else {
+        if (!a) {
+            b.setLocation(map)
+        }
+    }
+// 判断是否市特殊城市
+function isInArray(value){
+    var arr = ['钓鱼岛','赤尾屿','台北','高雄','台湾','台湾省','台北市','高雄市'];
+    for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
+        if(value === arr[i]){
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+// 处理特殊城市的状态
+function trickCity(cityName) {
+    Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = '<span style="color:#00c">已切换至' + cityName + "</span>";
+    switch (cityName) {
+        case '钓鱼岛':
+            var point = new BMap.Point(123.480329,25.748826);
+        break;
+        case '赤尾屿':
+            var point = new BMap.Point(124.582155,25.91351);
+        break;
+        case '台北':
+        case '台北市':
+            var point = new BMap.Point(121.546943,25.045762);
+        break;
+        case '高雄':
+        case '高雄市':
+            var point = new BMap.Point(120.326972,22.672297);
+        break;
+        case '台湾':
+        case '台湾省':
+            var point = new BMap.Point(120.985825,23.773814 );
+        break;
+    }
+    map.centerAndZoom(point, 10);
+function searchByPoint(c) {
+    var d = c.split(",");
+    var b;
+    var g = "";
+    var e = temp.poiSearchMark;
+    var a = temp.geoCoder;
+    if (d[0] && d[0].split(".")[0].length > 5 && d[1] && d[1].split(".")[0].length > 5) {
+        var f = projection.pointToLngLat(new BMap.Pixel(d[0], d[1]));
+        d = [f.lng,]
+    }
+    if (d[0] && d[1]) {
+        clearLastResult();
+        b = new BMap.Point(d[0], d[1]);
+        if (!a) {
+            a = new BMap.Geocoder();
+            temp.geoCoder = a
+        }
+        a.getLocation(b,
+        function(h) {
+            if (h.address) {
+                Fe.G("txtPanel").innerHTML = "<b>地址:</b>" + h.address
+            }
+        });
+        if (e) {
+  ;
+            e.setPosition(b)
+        } else {
+            e = new BMap.Marker(b, {
+                enableMassClear: false
+            });
+            map.addOverlay(e);
+            temp.poiSearchMark = e
+        }
+        map.centerAndZoom(b, 15)
+    } else {
+        showMessage("请输入正确的坐标")
+    }
+function searchInthisCity(a) {
+    l_local.setLocation(a);
+    beginsearch(l_local, "cityList")
+document.onkeydown = function(evt) {
+    var evt = window.event ? window.event: evt;
+    target = ? evt.srcElement;
+    fun = target.getAttribute("callback");
+    if (fun && evt.keyCode == 13) {
+        eval(fun)
+    }
+function scriptRequest(url, echo, id, charset) {
+    var isIe = /msie/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
+    if (isIe && Fe.G("_script_" + id)) {
+        var script = Fe.G("_script_" + id)
+    } else {
+        if (Fe.G("_script_" + id)) {
+            Fe.G("_script_" + id).parentNode.removeChild(Fe.G("_script_" + id))
+        }
+        var script = document.createElement("script");
+        if (charset != null) {
+            script.charset = charset
+        }
+        if (id != null && id != "") {
+            script.setAttribute("id", "_script_" + id)
+        }
+        script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+        document.body.appendChild(script)
+    }
+    var t = new Date();
+    if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) {
+        url += "&t=" + t.getTime()
+    } else {
+        url += "?t=" + t.getTime()
+    }
+    var _complete = function() {
+        if (!script.readyState || script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete") {
+            if (echo == "null") {
+                return
+            } else {
+                if (typeof(echo) == "function") {
+                    try {
+                        echo()
+                    } catch(e) {}
+                } else {
+                    eval(echo)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    if (isIe) {
+        script.onreadystatechange = _complete
+    } else {
+        script.onload = _complete
+    }
+    script.setAttribute("src", url)
+function Page(d, c, e) {
+    if (!d) {
+        return
+    }
+    this.container = (typeof(d) == "object") ? d: Fe.G(d);
+ = 1;
+    this.pageCount = 100;
+    this.argName = "pg";
+    this.pagecap = 4;
+    this.callback = c;
+    this.update = true;
+    var a = {
+        page: 1,
+        totalCount: 100,
+        pageCount: 100,
+        pagecap: 4,
+        argName: "pg",
+        update: true
+    };
+    if (!e) {
+        e = a
+    }
+    for (var b in e) {
+        if (typeof(e[b]) != "undefined") {
+            this[b] = e[b]
+        }
+    }
+    this.render()
+Fe.extend(Page.prototype, {
+    render: function() {
+        this.initialize()
+    },
+    initialize: function() {
+        this.checkPages();
+        this.container.innerHTML = this.createHtml()
+    },
+    checkPages: function() {
+        if (isNaN(parseInt( {
+   = 1
+        }
+        if (isNaN(parseInt(this.pageCount))) {
+            this.pageCount = 1
+        }
+        if ( < 1) {
+   = 1
+        }
+        if (this.pageCount < 1) {
+            this.pageCount = 1
+        }
+        if ( > this.pageCount) {
+   = this.pageCount
+        }
+ = parseInt(;
+        this.pageCount = parseInt(this.pageCount)
+    },
+    getPage: function() {
+        var c =;
+        var a = new RegExp("[?&]?" + this.argName + "=([^&]*)[&$]?", "gi");
+        var b = c.match(a);
+ = RegExp.$1
+    },
+    createHtml: function() {
+        var b = [],
+        f = - 1,
+        e = + 1;
+        b.push('<p class="page">');
+        if (f < 1) {} else {
+            if ( >= this.pagecap) {
+                b.push('<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="Instance(\'' + this.hashCode + "').toPage(1);\">首页</a></span>")
+            }
+            b.push('<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="Instance(\'' + this.hashCode + "').toPage(" + f + ');">上一页</a></span>')
+        }
+        if ( < this.pagecap) {
+            if ( % this.pagecap == 0) {
+                var a = - this.pagecap - 1
+            } else {
+                var a = - % this.pagecap + 1
+            }
+            var d = a + this.pagecap - 1
+        } else {
+            var c = Math.floor(this.pagecap / 2);
+            var h = this.pagecap % 2 - 1;
+            if (this.pageCount > + c) {
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+                var a = - c - h
+            } else {
+                var d = this.pageCount;
+                var a = - c - h
+            }
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+        if ( > this.pageCount - this.pagecap && >= this.pagecap) {
+            var a = this.pageCount - this.pagecap + 1;
+            var d = this.pageCount
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+        for (var g = a; g <= d; g++) {
+            if (g > 0) {
+                if (g == {
+                    b.push("<span>" + g + "</span>")
+                } else {
+                    if (g >= 1 && g <= this.pageCount) {
+                        b.push('<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="Instance(\'' + this.hashCode + "').toPage(" + g + ');">[' + g + "]</a></span>")
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (e > this.pageCount) {} else {
+            b.push('<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="Instance(\'' + this.hashCode + "').toPage(" + e + ');">下一页</a></span>')
+        }
+        b.push("</p>");
+        return b.join("")
+    },
+    toPage: function(b) {
+        var a = b ? b: 1;
+        if (typeof(this.callback) == "function") {
+            this.callback(a);
+   = a
+        }
+        if (this.update) {
+            this.render()
+        }
+    }
+function Popup(a) {
+    this.visible = false;
+    this.config = a;
+    if (!this.config) {
+        return
+    }
+    this.config.addDom = this.config.addDom ? Fe.G(this.config.addDom) : document.body;
+    if (a.clickClose != null && a.clickClose == false) {
+        this.config.clickClose = false
+    } else {
+        this.config.clickClose = true
+    }
+    this.connectDom = new Array()
+Fe.extend(Popup.prototype, {
+    render: function() {
+        var b = this.config;
+        this.main = beforeEndHTML(b.addDom, '<div class="map_popup" style="width:390px;display:none"></div>');
+        var a = this.popBox = beforeEndHTML(this.main, '<div class="popup_main"></div>');
+        if (b.isTitle != false) {
+            this.title = beforeEndHTML(a, '<div class="title">系统信息</div>')
+        }
+        this.content = beforeEndHTML(a, '<div class="content"></div>');
+        if ( !! this.config.closeButton) {
+            this.button = beforeEndHTML(a, this.config.closeButton)
+        } else {
+            this.button = beforeEndHTML(a, '<button id="popup_close"></button>')
+        }
+        this.shadow = beforeEndHTML(this.main, '<div class="poput_shadow"></div>');
+        this.addConnectDom(this.main);
+        this.initialize()
+    },
+    initialize: function() {
+        var c = this.config;
+        this.setTitle(c.title);
+        this.setContent(c.content);
+        this.setWidth(c.width);
+        this.setHeight(c.height);
+        var a = this;
+        var b = function(d) {
+            var f = d.srcElement ||;
+            while (f) {
+                var e = a.connectDom;
+                for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
+                    if (f == e[g]) {
+                        return
+                    }
+                }
+                if (f == document.body) {
+                    a.close();
+                    return
+                }
+                f = f.parentNode
+            }
+        };
+        if (this.config.clickClose) {
+            Fe.on(document.body, "mousedown", b)
+        }
+        Fe.on(this.button, "click",
+        function(d) {
+            if (a.config.clickClose) {
+                Fe.un(document.body, "mousedown", b)
+            }
+            if (a.config.closeEffect && typeof(a.config.closeEffect) == "function") {
+                a.config.closeEffect()
+            } else {
+                a.main.parentNode.removeChild(a.main)
+            }
+            a.visible = false;
+            if (a.config.close && typeof(a.config.close) == "function") {
+                a.config.close()
+            }
+            if (this.resizeTimer) {
+                window.clearInterval(this.resizeTimer);
+                this.resizeTimer = null
+            }
+            if (Fe.G("imgLogo")) {
+                Fe.G("imgLogo").style.display = "";
+                Fe.G("imgLogo").style.display = "inline"
+            }
+        });
+        if ( && typeof( == "function") {
+        }
+    },
+    setTitle: function(a) {
+        if (a && this.title) {
+            this.title.innerHTML = a;
+            this.config.title = a
+        }
+    },
+    setContent: function(a) {
+        if (a) {
+            if (typeof(a) == "string") {
+                this.content.innerHTML = a
+            } else {
+                this.content.innerHTML = "";
+                this.content.appendChild(a)
+            }
+            this.config.content = a
+        }
+    },
+    setWidth: function(a) {
+        if (a) {
+   = (a - 8) + "px";
+            this.config.width = a
+        }
+    },
+    setHeight: function(a) {
+        if (this.resizeTimer) {
+            window.clearInterval(this.resizeTimer);
+            this.resizeTimer = null
+        }
+        if (a) {
+   = = (a - 9) + "px";
+            this.config.height = a;
+            if (this.config.isTitle == false) {
+       = (a - 2) + "px"
+            } else {
+       = (a - 24 - 9) + "px"
+            }
+   = "auto"
+        } else {
+   = "auto";
+            this.resize()
+        }
+    },
+    hide: function() {
+ = "none";
+        this.visible = false
+    },
+    show: function() {
+ = "block";
+        this.popBox.scrollTop = 0;
+        this.visible = true
+    },
+    getDom: function() {
+        return this.main
+    },
+    resize: function() {
+        var a = this;
+        var b = function() {
+            if (a.config.isAddBottomHeight == false) {
+                var c = a.content.offsetHeight
+            } else {
+                var c = a.content.offsetHeight + 24
+            }
+            if (a.mainHeight) {
+                if (a.mainHeight != c) {
+                    a.mainHeight = c
+                }
+            }
+   = = = c + "px";
+            a.popBox.scrollTop = 0
+        };
+        if (this.resizeTimer) {
+            window.clearInterval(this.resizeTimer);
+            this.resizeTimer = null
+        }
+        this.resizeTimer = window.setInterval(b, 50)
+    },
+    close: function() {
+    },
+    addConnectDom: function(a) {
+        this.connectDom.push(a)
+    }
+function stopBubble(a) {
+    var a = window.event || a;
+    a.stopPropagation ? a.stopPropagation() : a.cancelBubble = true
+function preventDefault(a) {
+    var a = window.event || a;
+    a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = false;
+    return false

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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