import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np from torch.autograd import Variable def run_lstm(lstm, inp, inp_len, hidden=None): # Run the LSTM using packed sequence. # This requires to first sort the input according to its length. sort_perm = np.array(sorted(range(len(inp_len)), key=lambda k:inp_len[k], reverse=True)) sort_inp_len = inp_len[sort_perm] sort_perm_inv = np.argsort(sort_perm) if inp.is_cuda: sort_perm = torch.LongTensor(sort_perm).cuda() sort_perm_inv = torch.LongTensor(sort_perm_inv).cuda() lstm_inp = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(inp[sort_perm], sort_inp_len, batch_first=True) if hidden is None: lstm_hidden = None else: lstm_hidden = (hidden[0][:, sort_perm], hidden[1][:, sort_perm]) sort_ret_s, sort_ret_h = lstm(lstm_inp, lstm_hidden) ret_s = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence( sort_ret_s, batch_first=True)[0][sort_perm_inv] ret_h = (sort_ret_h[0][:, sort_perm_inv], sort_ret_h[1][:, sort_perm_inv]) return ret_s, ret_h def col_name_encode(name_inp_var, name_len, col_len, enc_lstm): #Encode the columns. #The embedding of a column name is the last state of its LSTM output. name_hidden, _ = run_lstm(enc_lstm, name_inp_var, name_len) name_out = name_hidden[tuple(range(len(name_len))), name_len-1] ret = torch.FloatTensor( len(col_len), max(col_len), name_out.size()[1]).zero_() if name_out.is_cuda: ret = ret.cuda() st = 0 for idx, cur_len in enumerate(col_len): ret[idx, :cur_len] =[st:st+cur_len] st += cur_len ret_var = Variable(ret) return ret_var, col_len