
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * @package thrift.protocol

namespace Thrift\Protocol;

use Thrift\Exception\TException;
use Thrift\Exception\TProtocolException;
use Thrift\Protocol\SimpleJSON\Context;
use Thrift\Protocol\SimpleJSON\ListContext;
use Thrift\Protocol\SimpleJSON\StructContext;
use Thrift\Protocol\SimpleJSON\MapContext;
use Thrift\Protocol\SimpleJSON\CollectionMapKeyException;

 * SimpleJSON implementation of thrift protocol, ported from Java.
class TSimpleJSONProtocol extends TProtocol
    const COMMA = ',';
    const COLON = ':';
    const LBRACE = '{';
    const RBRACE = '}';
    const LBRACKET = '[';
    const RBRACKET = ']';
    const QUOTE = '"';

    const NAME_MAP = "map";
    const NAME_LIST = "lst";
    const NAME_SET = "set";

    protected $writeContext_ = null;
    protected $writeContextStack_ = [];

     * Push a new write context onto the stack.
    protected function pushWriteContext(Context $c) {
        $this->writeContextStack_[] = $this->writeContext_;
        $this->writeContext_ = $c;

     * Pop the last write context off the stack
    protected function popWriteContext() {
        $this->writeContext_ = array_pop($this->writeContextStack_);

     * Used to make sure that we are not encountering a map whose keys are containers
    protected function assertContextIsNotMapKey($invalidKeyType) {
        if ($this->writeContext_->isMapKey()) {
            throw new CollectionMapKeyException(
                "Cannot serialize a map with keys that are of type " .

    private function writeJSONString($b)


    private function writeJSONInteger($num)
        $isMapKey = $this->writeContext_->isMapKey();


        if ($isMapKey) {


        if ($isMapKey) {

    private function writeJSONDouble($num)
        $isMapKey = $this->writeContext_->isMapKey();


        if ($isMapKey) {


        if ($isMapKey) {

     * Constructor
    public function __construct($trans)
        $this->writeContext_ = new Context();

     * Writes the message header
     * @param string $name  Function name
     * @param int    $type  message type TMessageType::CALL or TMessageType::REPLY
     * @param int    $seqid The sequence id of this message
    public function writeMessageBegin($name, $type, $seqid)
        $this->pushWriteContext(new ListContext($this));

     * Close the message
    public function writeMessageEnd()

     * Writes a struct header.
     * @param  string     $name Struct name
    public function writeStructBegin($name)
        $this->pushWriteContext(new StructContext($this));

     * Close a struct.
    public function writeStructEnd()

    public function writeFieldBegin($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldId)

    public function writeFieldEnd()

    public function writeFieldStop()

    public function writeMapBegin($keyType, $valType, $size)
        $this->pushWriteContext(new MapContext($this));

    public function writeMapEnd()

    public function writeListBegin($elemType, $size)
        $this->pushWriteContext(new ListContext($this));
        // No metadata!

    public function writeListEnd()

    public function writeSetBegin($elemType, $size)
        $this->pushWriteContext(new ListContext($this));
        // No metadata!

    public function writeSetEnd()

    public function writeBool($bool)
        $this->writeJSONInteger($bool ? 1 : 0);

    public function writeByte($byte)

    public function writeI16($i16)

    public function writeI32($i32)

    public function writeI64($i64)

    public function writeDouble($dub)

    public function writeString($str)

     * Reading methods.
     * simplejson is not meant to be read back into thrift
     * - see http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/ThriftUsageJava
     * - use JSON instead

    public function readMessageBegin(&$name, &$type, &$seqid)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readMessageEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readStructBegin(&$name)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readStructEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readFieldBegin(&$name, &$fieldType, &$fieldId)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readFieldEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readMapBegin(&$keyType, &$valType, &$size)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readMapEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readListBegin(&$elemType, &$size)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readListEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readSetBegin(&$elemType, &$size)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readSetEnd()
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readBool(&$bool)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readByte(&$byte)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readI16(&$i16)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readI32(&$i32)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readI64(&$i64)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readDouble(&$dub)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");

    public function readString(&$str)
        throw new TException("Not implemented");