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liuwons 8 years ago
2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 2 0
  2. 97 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ class MyWXBot(WXBot):
     def handle_msg_all(self, msg):
         if msg['msg_type_id'] == 4 and msg['content']['type'] == 0:
             self.send_msg_by_uid(u'hi', msg['user']['id'])
+            #self.send_img_msg_by_uid("img/1.png", msg['user']['id'])
+            #self.send_file_msg_by_uid("img/1.png", msg['user']['id'])
     def schedule(self):
         self.send_msg(u'张三', u'测试')

+ 97 - 0

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import traceback
 import webbrowser
 import pyqrcode
 import requests
+import mimetypes
 import json
 import xml.dom.minidom
 import urllib
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ class WXBot:
         self.special_list = []  # 特殊账号列表
         self.encry_chat_room_id_list = []  # 存储群聊的EncryChatRoomId,获取群内成员头像时需要用到
+        self.file_index = 0
     def to_unicode(string, encoding='utf-8'):
@@ -645,6 +648,100 @@ class WXBot:
         dic = r.json()
         return dic['BaseResponse']['Ret'] == 0
+    def upload_media(self, fpath, is_img=False):
+        if not os.path.exists(fpath):
+            print '[ERROR] File not exists.'
+            return None
+        url_1 = ''
+        url_2 = ''
+        flen = str(os.path.getsize(fpath))
+        ftype = mimetypes.guess_type(fpath)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
+        files = {
+                'id': (None, 'WU_FILE_%s' % str(self.file_index)),
+                'name': (None, os.path.basename(fpath)),
+                'type': (None, ftype),
+                'lastModifiedDate': (None, time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S GMT+0800 (CST)')),
+                'size': (None, flen),
+                'mediatype': (None, 'pic' if is_img else 'doc'),
+                'uploadmediarequest': (None, json.dumps({
+                    'BaseRequest': self.base_request,
+                    'ClientMediaId': int(time.time()),
+                    'TotalLen': flen,
+                    'StartPos': 0,
+                    'DataLen': flen,
+                    'MediaType': 4,
+                    })),
+                'webwx_data_ticket': (None, self.session.cookies['webwx_data_ticket']),
+                'pass_ticket': (None, self.pass_ticket),
+                'filename': (os.path.basename(fpath), open(fpath, 'rb'),ftype.split('/')[1]),
+                }
+        self.file_index += 1
+        try:
+            r =, files=files)
+            if json.loads(r.text)['BaseResponse']['Ret'] != 0:
+                # 当file返回值不为0时则为上传失败,尝试第二服务器上传
+                r =, files=files)
+            if json.loads(r.text)['BaseResponse']['Ret'] != 0:
+                print '[ERROR] Upload media failure.'
+                return None
+            mid = json.loads(r.text)['MediaId']
+            return mid
+        except Exception,e:
+            return None
+    def send_file_msg_by_uid(self, fpath, uid):
+        mid = self.upload_media(fpath)
+        if mid is None or not mid:
+            return False
+        url = self.base_uri + '/webwxsendappmsg?fun=async&f=json&pass_ticket=' + self.pass_ticket
+        msg_id = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + str(random.random())[:5].replace('.', '')
+        data = {
+                'BaseRequest': self.base_request,
+                'Msg': {
+                    'Type': 6,
+                    'Content': ("<appmsg appid='wxeb7ec651dd0aefa9' sdkver=''><title>%s</title><des></des><action></action><type>6</type><content></content><url></url><lowurl></lowurl><appattach><totallen>%s</totallen><attachid>%s</attachid><fileext>%s</fileext></appattach><extinfo></extinfo></appmsg>" % (os.path.basename(fpath).encode('utf-8'), str(os.path.getsize(fpath)), mid, fpath.split('.')[-1])).encode('utf8'),
+                    'FromUserName': self.my_account['UserName'],
+                    'ToUserName': uid,
+                    'LocalID': msg_id,
+                    'ClientMsgId': msg_id, }, }
+        try:
+            r =, data=json.dumps(data))
+            res = json.loads(r.text)
+            if res['BaseResponse']['Ret'] == 0:
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        except Exception,e:
+            return False
+    def send_img_msg_by_uid(self, fpath, uid):
+        mid = self.upload_media(fpath, is_img=True)
+        if mid is None:
+            return False
+        url = self.base_uri + '/webwxsendmsgimg?fun=async&f=json'
+        data = {
+                'BaseRequest': self.base_request,
+                'Msg': {
+                    'Type': 3,
+                    'MediaId': mid,
+                    'FromUserName': self.my_account['UserName'],
+                    'ToUserName': uid,
+                    'LocalID': str(time.time() * 1e7),
+                    'ClientMsgId': str(time.time() * 1e7), }, }
+        if fpath[-4:] == '.gif':
+            url = self.base_uri + '/webwxsendemoticon?fun=sys'
+            data['Msg']['Type'] = 47
+            data['Msg']['EmojiFlag'] = 2
+        try:
+            r =, data=json.dumps(data))
+            res = json.loads(r.text)
+            if res['BaseResponse']['Ret'] == 0:
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        except Exception,e:
+            return False
     def get_user_id(self, name):
         if name == '':
             return None