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天问 1 month ago
1 changed files with 81 additions and 1 deletions
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+ 81 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,83 @@
 # textual
+## Usage
+import shutil
+from textual import on
+from import ComposeResult, App
+from textual.widgets import Footer, Header, Button, SelectionList
+from textual.widgets.selection_list import Selection
+from textual.screen import ModalScreen
+# 操作系统命令已硬编码
+    "LSHW": ["lshw", "-json", "-sanitize", "-notime", "-quiet"],
+    "LSCPU": ["lscpu", "--all", "--extended", "--json"],
+    "LSMEM": ["lsmem", "--json", "--all", "--output-all"],
+    "NUMASTAT": ["numastat", "-z"]
+class LogScreen(ModalScreen):
+    # ... 省略了完整的独立屏幕的代码,下文将进行解释
+    def __init__(self, name=None, ident=None, classes=None, selections=None):
+        super().__init__(name, ident, classes)
+        pass
+class OsApp(App):
+    BINDINGS = [
+        ("q", "quit_app", "Quit"),
+    ]
+    CSS_PATH = "os_app.tcss"
+    ENABLE_COMMAND_PALETTE = False  # 不需要命令面板
+    def action_quit_app(self):
+        self.exit(0)
+    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
+        # 创建一个命令列表,假定有效命令在 PATH 变量上
+        selections = [
+            Selection(name.title(), ' '.join(cmd), True)
+            for name, cmd in OS_COMMANDS.items()
+            if shutil.which(cmd[0].strip())
+        ]
+        yield Header(show_clock=False)
+        sel_list = SelectionList(*selections, id='cmds')
+        sel_list.tooltip = "Select one more more command to execute"
+        yield sel_list
+        yield Button(f"Execute {len(selections)} commands", id="exec", variant="primary")
+        yield Footer()
+    @on(SelectionList.SelectedChanged)
+    def on_selection(self, event: SelectionList.SelectedChanged) -> None:
+        button = self.query_one("#exec", Button)
+        selections = len(event.selection_list.selected)
+        if selections:
+            button.disabled = False
+        else:
+            button.disabled = True
+        button.label = f"Execute {selections} commands"
+    @on(Button.Pressed)
+    def on_button_click(self):
+        selection_list = self.query_one('#cmds', SelectionList)
+        selections = selection_list.selected
+        log_screen = LogScreen(selections=selections)
+        self.push_screen(log_screen)
+def main():
+    app = OsApp()
+    app.title = f"Output of multiple well known UNIX commands".title()
+    app.sub_title = f" {len(OS_COMMANDS)} commands available"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()