LICENSE.txt 1.5 KB

  1. 2007/03/29 :
  2. Before I (David Goodwin) customised this plugin, it contained the following within all
  3. files as a header.
  4. /****************************************************************************************
  5. Author ......... Florian Kimmerl
  6. Contact ........
  7. Home Site ......
  8. Program ........ postfixadmin
  9. Purpose ........ Allows you to change your postfixadmin settings within squirrelmail
  10. *************************************************************************************
  11. The Original Code is Postfix Admin.
  12. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mischa Peters .
  13. Portions created by Mischa Peters are Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004.
  14. All Rights Reserved.
  15. Contributor(s):
  16. This project includes work by Mischa Peters and others that is:
  17. Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004 Mischa Peters
  18. All rights reserved.
  19. ****************************************************************************************/
  20. Contacting the author provided no success, so I took over maintainership.
  21. Please note:
  22. 1) Changes made by myself (David Goodwin) will be licensed under the GPL
  23. 2) PostfixAdmin has itself been relicensed under the GPL; however this took place _after_
  24. this plugin was written.
  25. 3) Squirrelmail itself is released under (GPL)
  26. The GNU public license can be found online at :