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- ---------------------------------------
- The different parts of PostfixAdmin
- Postfix Admin has a concept of a "global" administrator (think 'root') and
- domain administrators. When you install PostfixAdmin, the setup.php file
- will ask you to create the global administrators account. Using this global
- account, you can (if you so wish) create domain administrators who are
- limited to making changes within the domains you specify for them.
- Historically when you logged in as the 'global' (or superadmin) user, you'd
- access /admin; with version 2.2.0, this 'functionality' was removed (as there
- was excessive code duplication) and everyone uses the same login.php script.
- Needless to say, as a global administrator, you can do all kinds of bad things -
- like deleting domains and stopping delivery of mail to a particular mailbox. So
- - take care, and if you're unsure take semi-regular backups.
- If you login, and you are not an administrator (i.e. you are a 'regular' user
- who just has a mailbox on the server), then you will only see functionality to
- modify your own account - e.g. change password, edit forward records and specify
- whether you are on vacation (out of office) or not.