arthur-cv-fr.cls 7.3 KB

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  35. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  36. %% Information %%
  37. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  38. % TODO : Clean new commands
  39. \newcommand{\cvlinkedin}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvlinkedin}{#1}}
  40. \newcommand{\cvgithub}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvgithub}{#1}}
  41. \newcommand{\cvmail}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvmail}{#1}}
  42. \newcommand{\cvnumberphone}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvnumberphone}{#1}}
  43. \newcommand{\cvaddress}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvaddress}{#1}}
  44. \newcommand{\cvsite}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvsite}{#1}}
  45. % \newcommand{\aboutme}[1]{\renewcommand{\aboutme}{#1}}
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  47. \newcommand{\cvname}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvname}{#1}}
  48. \newcommand{\cvjobtitle}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvjobtitle}{#1}}
  49. \newcommand{\cvage}[1]{\renewcommand{\cvage}{#1}}
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  82. \ifthenelse{\equal{\cvnumberphone}{}}{}{
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  85. \hspace{4mm} \textnormal{\Large \faMobile}
  86. \end{array}
  87. $}
  88. & \cvnumberphone\\}
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  91. \begin{array}{l}
  92. \hspace{2.8mm} \textnormal{\textcolor{test}{\large \faGlobe}}
  93. \end{array}
  94. $}
  95. & \href{http://\cvsite}{\cvsite} \\}
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  97. {$
  98. \begin{array}{l}
  99. \hspace{2.5mm} \textnormal{\large \textcolor{yt}{\faEnvelopeO}}
  100. \end{array}
  101. $}
  102. & \href{mailto:\cvmail}{\cvmail} \\}
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  105. \begin{array}{l}
  106. \hspace{3mm} \textnormal{\large \textcolor{linkedin}{\faLinkedin}}
  107. \end{array}
  108. $} & \href{\cvlinkedin}{\cvlinkedin} \\
  109. }
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  111. {$
  112. \begin{array}{l}
  113. \hspace{3mm} \textnormal{\large \faGithub}
  114. \end{array}
  115. $} & \href{\cvgithub}{\cvgithub} \\
  116. }
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  118. {$
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  120. \hspace{3mm} \textnormal{\large \faMapMarker}
  121. \end{array}
  122. $} & \cvaddress \\
  123. }
  124. \ifthenelse{\equal{\cvage}{}}{}{
  125. {$
  126. \begin{array}{l}
  127. \hspace{3mm}
  128. \end{array}
  129. $} & \cvage \\
  130. }
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  133. \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth}
  134. % Set name and title
  135. \vspace{3mm}
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