123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- [common]
- server_addr = freefrp-us.marisalnc.com
- server_port = 7000
- token = marisalnc.com
- #log_file = ./frpc.log
- ## trace, debug, info, warn, error
- #log_level = warn
- #log_max_days = 3
- admin_addr =
- admin_port = 7400
- #admin_user = lyq
- #admin_passwd = admin
- pool_count = 5
- tcp_mux = true
- enable_prometheus = true
- # http://nginx.ok.yoqi.me:90
- [nginxfdfdf]
- type = http
- local_ip =
- local_port = 5000
- use_encryption = false
- use_compression = true
- #http_user = admin
- #http_pwd = admin
- subdomain = nginx2334
- #custom_domains = hfs.ok.yoqi.me
- # locations is only available for http type
- #locations = /,/pic
- #host_header_rewrite = ok.yoqi.me
- # params with prefix "header_" will be used to update http request headers
- #header_X-From-Where = ok