en.xaml 9.1 KB

  1. <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
  2. <!--
  3. Version:
  4. -->
  5. <!--FontFamily Dictionary-->
  6. <FontFamily x:Key="Font">
  7. Roboto
  8. </FontFamily>
  9. <!--String Dictionary-->
  10. <sys:String x:Key="OK">
  11. OK
  12. </sys:String>
  13. <sys:String x:Key="Cancel">
  14. Cancel
  15. </sys:String>
  16. <sys:String x:Key="Refuse">
  17. Refuse
  18. </sys:String>
  19. <sys:String x:Key="DonateBtn">
  20. Thanks developer and donate a dinner
  21. </sys:String>
  22. <sys:String x:Key="Exit">
  23. Exit
  24. </sys:String>
  25. <sys:String x:Key="UpdateNow">
  26. Update Now
  27. </sys:String>
  28. <sys:String x:Key="Ignore">
  29. Ignore
  30. </sys:String>
  31. <sys:String x:Key="TitleName">
  32. CMWTAT Digital Edition
  33. </sys:String>
  34. <sys:String x:Key="AppName">
  35. CMWTAT Digital Edition V2
  36. </sys:String>
  37. <sys:String x:Key="UpdateTitle">
  38. A new version available!
  39. </sys:String>
  40. <sys:String x:Key="UpgradeFullVersionWindowsTitle">
  41. Upgrade to full version of Windows
  42. </sys:String>
  43. <sys:String x:Key="CurrentVersion">
  44. Current Version
  45. </sys:String>
  46. <sys:String x:Key="LatestVersion">
  47. Latest Version
  48. </sys:String>
  49. <sys:String x:Key="Auto_Mode">
  50. Auto Mode
  51. </sys:String>
  52. <sys:String x:Key="Manual_Mode">
  53. Manual Mode
  54. </sys:String>
  55. <sys:String x:Key="Activate_Button">
  56. Activate
  57. </sys:String>
  58. <sys:String x:Key="Convert_versions">
  59. Convert versions (Install Key without Activate)
  60. </sys:String>
  61. <sys:String x:Key="Upgrade_full_version">
  62. Upgrade to full version of Windows
  63. </sys:String>
  64. <sys:String x:Key="test">
  65. Test Text
  66. </sys:String>
  67. <sys:String x:Key="Loading">
  68. Loading
  69. </sys:String>
  70. <sys:String x:Key="Activating">
  71. Activating
  72. </sys:String>
  73. <sys:String x:Key="Complete">
  74. Complete
  75. </sys:String>
  76. <sys:String x:Key="notifyIconTitle">
  77. CloudMoe Windows 10+ Activation Toolkit V2
  78. </sys:String>
  79. <sys:String x:Key="Running">
  80. Running.
  81. </sys:String>
  82. <sys:String x:Key="Experimental">
  83. Experimental
  84. </sys:String>
  85. <sys:String x:Key="Attention">
  86. Attention
  87. </sys:String>
  88. <sys:String x:Key="System_Edition">
  89. System edition
  90. </sys:String>
  91. <sys:String x:Key="May_be_not_be_supported">
  92. Unable to correctly identify your operating system edition in support list, may be not be supported.
  93. </sys:String>
  94. <sys:String x:Key="Only_find_experimental">
  95. Only found experimental options that can be used with this operating system edition, little hope of activation success.
  96. </sys:String>
  97. <sys:String x:Key="notify_May_be_not_be_supported_try">
  98. Your system edition may not be supported, program will exit. you can try add --expact or -e to startup.
  99. </sys:String>
  100. <sys:String x:Key="notify_May_be_not_be_supported_exit">
  101. Your system edition may not be supported, program will exit.
  102. </sys:String>
  103. <sys:String x:Key="notify_Disconnect_to_server_exit">
  104. Unable to connect to server, Please check the network and try to try again later, program will exit.
  105. </sys:String>
  106. <sys:String x:Key="Disconnect_to_server_exit">
  107. Unable to connect to server, Please check the network and try to try again later, program will exit.
  108. </sys:String>
  109. <sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Converting">
  110. Converting
  111. </sys:String>
  112. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Activating">
  113. Activating
  114. </sys:String>
  115. <sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Getting_Key">
  116. Getting Key via Internet
  117. </sys:String>
  118. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_Key">
  119. Getting Key via Internet
  120. </sys:String>
  121. <sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Uninstalling_old_Key">
  122. Uninstalling old Key
  123. </sys:String>
  124. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Uninstalling_old_Key">
  125. Uninstalling old Key
  126. </sys:String>
  127. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Uninstalling_old_Key_Exp">
  128. Uninstalling old Key (Experimental)
  129. </sys:String>
  130. <sys:String x:Key="RunInstall_Installing_Key">
  131. Installing Key
  132. </sys:String>
  133. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Installing_Key">
  134. Installing Key
  135. </sys:String>
  136. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_edition_code_Exp">
  137. Getting edition code (Experimental)
  138. </sys:String>
  139. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Prepare_for_the_next_step_Exp">
  140. Prepare for the next step (Experimental)
  141. </sys:String>
  142. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Writing_old_OS">
  143. Writing feature of old Windows version
  144. </sys:String>
  145. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_free_upgrade_permissions">
  146. Getting free upgrade permissions
  147. </sys:String>
  148. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Cleaning_changes">
  149. Cleaning changes
  150. </sys:String>
  151. <sys:String x:Key="RunAct_Getting_digital_license">
  152. Getting digital license
  153. </sys:String>
  154. <sys:String x:Key="RunUpgradeFullVersion_Upgrading">
  155. Upgrading
  156. </sys:String>
  157. <sys:String x:Key="CompleteTitle">
  158. Complete
  159. </sys:String>
  160. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorTitle">
  161. Error
  162. </sys:String>
  163. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorCode">
  164. Code:
  165. </sys:String>
  166. <sys:String x:Key="SysMsg">
  167. System return:
  168. </sys:String>
  169. <!--
  170. Attention:
  171. DO NOT USE ANY Indentation in Preserve Mode, Please!
  172. -->
  173. <sys:String x:Key="UpgradeFullVersionWindowsText" xml:space="preserve">
  174. You are currently using the core version of Windows, you can use this feature to upgrade to the full version of Windows.&#10;(If the operation does not respond it may be that the current version does not support the upgrade or is in the process of upgrading) &#10;&#10;Note:&#10;This operation is not reversible and once the upgrade is complete you will not be able to roll back to the core version of Windows!&#10;&#10;Are you sure you want to perform an upgrade?
  175. </sys:String>
  176. <sys:String x:Key="HelpText" xml:space="preserve">
  177. This application now supports the use of console args to startup!&#10;&#10;-a&#9;--auto&#9;&#9;Auto activate.&#10;-h&#9;--hide&#9;&#9;Run with hide mode (Only be worked with -auto).&#10;-e&#9;--expact&#9;&#9;Experimental activation.&#10;-l&#9;--log&#9;&#9;Output log to file.&#10;-?&#9;--help&#9;&#9;Show this help Dialog.
  178. </sys:String>
  179. <sys:String x:Key="DonateTextConverted" xml:space="preserve">
  180. Congratulation! &#10;&#10;Windows has been successful converted.
  181. </sys:String>
  182. <sys:String x:Key="DonateTextActivated" xml:space="preserve">
  183. Congratulation! &#10;&#10;Windows has been successful activated.
  184. </sys:String>
  185. <sys:String x:Key="UpdateText" xml:space="preserve">
  186. We found a new version for CloudMoe Windows 10+ Activation Toolkit Digital Edition.&#10;Please update to the latest version to make sure it works.
  187. </sys:String>
  188. <sys:String x:Key="UpdateMustText" xml:space="preserve">
  189. We found a new version for CloudMoe Windows 10+ Activation Toolkit Digital Edition.&#10;And because your version is too old, so you MUST update to the latest version to make sure it works.
  190. </sys:String>
  191. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-0" xml:space="preserve">
  192. Activate Windows requires a network to gets the product key :)
  193. </sys:String>
  194. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1" xml:space="preserve">
  195. Cannot to uninstall old key. :(
  196. </sys:String>
  197. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1.1" xml:space="preserve">
  198. Cannot to install key, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
  199. </sys:String>
  200. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-1.2" xml:space="preserve">
  201. Cannot to get edition code. :(
  202. </sys:String>
  203. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-2" xml:space="preserve">
  204. Cannot to install key, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
  205. </sys:String>
  206. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-3" xml:space="preserve">
  207. Time out, may be you choose or enter a incorrect version. :(
  208. </sys:String>
  209. <sys:String x:Key="ErrorMsg-4" xml:space="preserve">
  210. Activation Failed. :( &#10;Maybe: &#10;1.This edition/version of Windows does not support digital license activation. &#10;2. Unable to connect to Microsoft Windows Activation Server. &#10;3. Other unexpected problems. &#10;&#10;You can try to wait a minute or try again later. &#10;
  211. </sys:String>
  212. <sys:String x:Key="Only_find_ltok" xml:space="preserve">
  213. Only found Long-Term Offline KMS (LTOK) options that can be used with this operating system edition. &#10;This means that it will not be activate automatically after you reinstalled the system. &#10;But don't worry, this is different from the legacy KMS activation method (it can keep activating for 180 days in offline environment). &#10;LTOK (The prefix is Offline-KMS) can keep activating for up to 2038 even it is without networking!
  214. </sys:String>
  215. <sys:String x:Key="DonateTextWillActivated" xml:space="preserve">
  216. Congratulation! &#10;&#10;Windows is ready to activate. &#10;However, it seems that Windows cannot connect to the Microsoft Activation Server.&#10;Your system will be activated automatically the next time the server is connected.
  217. </sys:String>
  218. </ResourceDictionary>