#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @Contact : liuyuqi.gov@msn.cn @Time : 2022/10/05 05:44:28 @License : Copyright © 2017-2022 liuyuqi. All Rights Reserved. @Desc : 登录界面自动化输入密码,权限有问题,弃用 ''' from ctypes import * import time # while True: # u = windll.LoadLibrary('user32.dll') # result = u.GetForegroundWindow() # print(result) # 0则表示锁屏 # time.sleep(2) import pyautogui pyautogui.FAILSAFE=False time.sleep(5) pyautogui.press('enter') # enter to login. #pyautogui.click(1025,513, 2) # click to show the password box time.sleep(1) pyautogui.typewrite("Asdfghjkl;'",2) # Type the password pyautogui.press('enter') # enter to login. time.sleep(2)