# SdPaint A Python script that lets you paint on a canvas and sends that image every stroke to the automatic1111 API and updates the canvas when the image is generated. ## Controls | Key / Mouse button | Control | |-------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | Left button | Draw with the current brush size | | Middle button | Draw with a white color brush | | `e` + Left button | Eraser brush (bigger) | | Scroll up / down | Increase / decrease brush size | | `backspace` | Erase the entire sketch | | `shift` + Left button | Draw a line between two clicks | | `RETURN` or `ENTER` | Request image rendering | | `ctrl` + `i` | Interrupt image rendering | | `c` | Display current configuration while pressed | | `p` | Edit prompt | | `alt` + `p` | Edit negative prompt | | `a` | Toggle autosave | | `shift` + `t` | Cycle render wait time (+0.5s, or off) | | `ctrl` + `p` | Pause dynamic rendering | | `q` | Toggle quick rendering : low steps & HR fix off | | `n` | Random seed value | | `ctrl` + `n` | Edit seed value | | `UP` / `DOWN` | Increase / decrease seed by 1 | | `ctrl`+ `s` | Save the current generated image | | `ctrl`+ `o` | Open an image file as sketch | | `ctrl`+ `d` | Call ControlNet detector (replace sketch) | | `shift` + `ctrl`+ `d` | Cycle ControlNet detectors | | `h` | Toggle HR fix | | `shift` + `h` | Cycle HR fix scale | | `shift` + `u` | Cycle HR upscalers | | `shift` + `d` | Cycle denoising strengths | | `shift` + `s` | Cycle samplers | | `b` | Toggle batch rendering | | `shift` + `b` | Cycle batch sizes | | `shift` + `c` | Cycle CLIP skip settings | | `shift` + `m` | Cycle ControlNel models | | `shift` + `w` | Cycle ControlNel weights | | `shift` + `g` | Cycle ControlNel guidance ends | | `shift` + `ctrl` + `g` | Toggle ControlNel pixel perfect mode | | `keypad 0` | Restore starting settings | | `keypad 1-9` | Load custom rendering preset | | `ctrl` + `keypad 1-9` | Save custom rendering preset | | `alt` + `keypad 1-9` | Load custom ControlNet preset | | `ctrl` + `alt` + `keypad 1-9` | Save custom ControlNet preset | | `x` or `ESC` | Quit | _Note_ : "Cycle" shortcuts type will wait for the `shift` key to be released before launching the rendering. ## Installation Windows: [Link to step-by-step Windows installation instructions with screenshots](INSTALL_Windows.md) Linux: To Do macOS: To Do TLDR; [Web UI](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) with the [ControlNet](https://github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet) extension, API mode enabled in settings, and the [AI Models](https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/ControlNet-v1-1) ## Configuration On first launch of the Start file, the script will create the `config.json`, `controlnet.json` and `img2img.json` configuration files as needed. The ControlNet available models for scribble and lineart will be automatically fetched from your API and set in configuration. The `config.json` file handles global interface and script configuration. For these settings, the value used on application start is the first value of each of those list: - `controlnet_models` - `detectors` - `samplers` - `hr_scales` - `hr_upscalers` - `denoising_strengths` The `controlnet.json` or `img2img.json` files can be used to configure the prompt, negative prompt, seed, controlnet model, etc. When you save the json file the program will use it after the next brush stroke or when you press `enter`. A `controlnet-high.json-dist` example configuration file is available for better image quality, at the cost of longer rendering time. Use only with a powerful graphics card. If you want to add additional models into your controlnet extension you can do so by adding the model folder into the models folder of the controlnet extension. ``` ".\stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\sd-webui-controlnet\models" ``` ### Autosave The images can be auto-saved after each rendering into `outputs` and `outputs/autosave` directories. The maximum number of images saved is set by `autosave_images_max` in `config.json`. This feature can be disabled on start by setting `autosave_images` to `"false"`. ### Multiple ControlNet models You can update the `config.json` `"controlnet_models"` list to have multiple ControlNet models available. You can then cycle between the models using the `l` and `m` keys. The models set by default correspond to the ones available on https://huggingface.co/comfyanonymous/ControlNet-v1-1_fp16_safetensors : - Scribble - Lineart - Lineart anime **Note**: "pixel perfect" preprocessor mode is disabled by default, because it can be detrimental with scribble and lineart models when used with a resolution > 512. Try out and compare the results. ### ControlNet detectors You can also update the `config.json` `"detectors"` list to configure the line detection on the generated image. Cycle between detections with the `d` key. The default detectors are: - Lineart - Lineart coarse - Sketch (pidinet) - Scribble (pidinet) You can find the full list of supported modules with this URL . ### Custom presets You can save the current rendering settings by using `ctrl` + `keypad 1-9`, and the current ControlNet settings by using `ctrl` + `alt` + `keypad 1-9`. Those presets persist in a local `presets.json` file and are available even after the application is restarted. You can load rendering settings with `keypad 1-9`, and ControlNet settings with `alt` + `keypad 1-9`. Not all the saved fields are applied by default : the settings that are applied are determined respectively by the `preset_fields` and `cn_preset_fields` entries of the `config.json` file. For example, if you want to also apply the sampler value of the preset on recall, add `'sampler'` to your `preset_fields` list. ## Img2img Experimental mode Launch the program with `--img2img ` to watch an image file for changes, and use it as img2img source. If the script is launched with an empty image file path, a loading file dialog will be displayed. The `img2img.json` file is used in this mode. ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)