Arthur_Bernard_CV.tex 5.2 KB

  1. % @Author: ArthurBernard
  2. % @Email:
  3. % @Date: 2019-07-02 19:18:05
  4. % @Last modified by: ArthurBernard
  5. % @Last modified time: 2019-07-13 11:05:31
  6. \documentclass[a4paper]{arthur-cv-en}
  7. \title{Curiculum Vitae}
  8. \author{Arthur Bernard}
  9. \usepackage[english]{babel}
  10. \usepackage{fontspec}
  11. \usepackage{microtype}
  12. % Set profile info
  13. \cvname{Arthur Bernard}
  14. \cvlinkedin{/in/arthur-bernard-789955152}
  15. \cvgithub{ArthurBernard}
  16. \cvmail{}
  17. \cvnumberphone{+33 6 59 29 14 50}
  18. \cvjobtitle{Data Scientist in Quantitative Finance}
  19. \cvsite{}
  20. \begin{document}
  21. \makeprofile % Set header
  22. \begin{textblock}{20.5}(0.25, 3.5)
  23. \begin{minipage}[t]{0.37\textwidth}
  24. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  25. %% Left side %%
  26. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  27. \sectionleft{Key skills}
  28. \subsectionleft{Proficiency in \textbf{statistics} \& \textbf{econometrics softwares}:}{R (Advanced), Octave/Matlab (Advanced), SAS (Beginner), STATA (Beginner).}
  29. \subsectionleft{Operating systems:}{Windows and \textbf{Unix}.}
  30. \subsectionleft{Languages:}{French (\textbf{native speaker}), English (\textbf{professional skill}).}
  31. \sectionleft{Programming}
  32. \subsectionleft{Highly advanced:}{\textbf{Python} (expertise in NumPy, Pandas, Cython, PyTorch, Keras, Sickit-Learn, Asyncio, Multi-process/thread, etc).}
  33. \subsectionleft{Advanced:}{\textbf{Shell}, VBA, LaTeX.}
  34. \subsectionleft{In progress:}{\textbf{C++}.}
  35. \sectionleft{MOOC's}
  36. \subsectionleft{Learn to program with \textbf{Python},}{on OpenClassRooms.}
  37. \subsectionleft{\textbf{Machine Learning}, by Andrew Ng,}{on Coursera.}
  38. \subsectionleft{\textbf{Deep Learning}, by Andrew Ng,}{on Coursera.}
  39. \subsectionleft{And other diverse courses (\textbf{Linux}, \textbf{C++}, etc.).}{}
  40. \sectionleft{Interests}
  41. \subsectionleft{Artificial intelligence.}{}
  42. \subsectionleft{Crypto-currencies/Blockchains.}{}
  43. \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.61\textwidth}
  44. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  45. %% Right side %%
  46. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  47. \section{Experiences}
  48. \begin{rightenv}
  49. \subsectionright{Jan. 2019 – Present}{Research in Quantitative Finance}[Napoleon Group][Paris]{R\&D of trading strategies, \textbf{multivariate prediction} with neural networks, \textbf{execution order algorithms}, development of \textbf{backtesting} and \textbf{financial analysis} tools, and webscraping data.}
  50. \subsectionright{Jun. 2018 – Dec. 2018}{Intern in Quantitative Finance}[Napoleon Group][Paris]{Research of quantitative strategies and \textbf{portfolio allocation} algorithms. \textbf{Data-science competition} elaborated for the Collège de France.}
  51. \subsectionright{Sept. 2013 – May 2018}{Administrator (volunteer)}[Mutuelle des Etudiants de Provence]{Approval of budgets, financial investments, internal policy, etc.}
  52. \end{rightenv}
  53. \section{Personal projects}
  54. \begin{rightenv}
  55. \subsectionright{2018 – 2019}{Machine/deep learning tools adapted to finance}{Development of a python and cython package to create \textbf{neural networks}, \textbf{backtest strategies}, analysis with \textbf{econmetric models} and \textbf{financial indicators}, etc. Published on PyPI as \textit{fynance}.}
  56. \subsectionright{2017 – 2018}{Webscraping package}{Development of a python package to \textbf{download data} and \textbf{update database} from some crypto-currency's exchanges. Published on PyPI as \textit{dccd}.}
  57. \subsectionright{2016 – 2019}{Trading bot algorithms on crypto currencies}{Development and maintenance of trading bots with python and bash scripts. Starting in 2016 with \textbf{arbitrage strategy}, and more recently create \textbf{strategies with neural network}. A part is available on my GitHub in the repository \textit{Strategy\_Manager}.}
  58. \end{rightenv}
  59. \section{Education}
  60. \begin{rightenv}
  61. \subsectionright{2017 – 2018}[Master's Degree]{Econometrics of Banking and Financial markets}[Aix-Marseille School of Economics][Marseille]{\textbf{Courses:} Stochastic finance, financial econometrics, financial engineering, econometrics of exchange rates, neural network, etc.\\\textbf{Projects:} Intraday analysis of BTCUSD versus EURUSD, etc.\\\textbf{Master thesis:} Analysis of dynamics of Bitcoin.}
  62. \subsectionright{2013 – 2016}[Bachelor's degree]{Economics and Management}[Aix-Marseille Université][Marseille]{\textbf{Specialization:} Finance.\\\textbf{Courses:} Time series econometrics, financial markets, statistics, optimization, informatic (SQL and VBA), etc.}
  63. \subsectionright{2012}[A-Level]{Science}[High-School Marie Madeleine Fourcade][Gardanne]{}
  64. \end{rightenv}
  65. \section{Miscellaneous}
  66. \begin{rightenv}
  67. \subsectionright{2019}{Data-science competition}[ENS Challenge Data]{$7^{th}$ in the temporary ranking, about prediction of daily stock movements on the US market, proposed by Capital Fund Management.}
  68. \subsectionright{2014 – 2016}{Founder and general secretary of student association}{Organisation and management of team projects.}
  69. \subsectionright{Present}{Hobbies}{Cooking, travelling (Norway, Scotland, Eastern countries, etc.), swimming (competition) and theater.}
  70. \end{rightenv}
  71. \end{minipage}
  72. \end{textblock}
  73. \end{document}