# syncthing 跨平台多设备同步 网站:https://syncthing.net/ 支持Android,mac,windows,linux 开源: ## Using **二进制安装** [linux、windows下载安装包](https://github.com/canton7/SyncTrayzor/releases),解压到/opt/syncthing目录。 执行 ``` syncthing ``` 第一次启动会生成配置文件,添加密钥,启动一个8384端口的web服务。 ![](https://docs.syncthing.net/_images/gs5.png) 另一台设备同样操作,彼此配置对方设备id,这样两台设备共享同一个目录。将文件添加到任意设备,会自动同步到其他设备。 **Docker方式运行:** ``` docker run -p 8384:8384 -p 22000:22000/tcp -p 22000:22000/udp -p 21027:21027/udp \ -v /wherever/st-sync:/var/syncthing \ --hostname=my-syncthing \ syncthing/syncthing:latest ``` 默认监听 8384 端口, ## Develop - If you want to build Debian packages FPM is required. See FPM’s [installation information](https://fpm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html). - To build Windows executables, installing [goversioninfo](https://github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo) is recommended in order to add file properties and icon to the compiled binaries. - Building Android binaries requires [Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk). ``` $ git clone https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing.git $ cd syncthing $ go run build.go go run build.go -goos windows -no-upgrade zip ``` **安卓项目** ``` git clone https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android git submodule init && git submodule update ./gradlew buildNative ./gradlew assembleDebug ``` 注意:编译需要git,python3,ndk,go等环境。 **mac项目** ``` git clone https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-macos git submodule update --init make release-dmg ``` 注意: 1、安卓,mac项目都依赖 syncthing 项目 2、开发环境xcode,python3,Cocoapods,golang