package epson.print.service; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import epson.common.ExternalFileUtils; import epson.common.Info_paper; import epson.image.epsonImage; import epson.print.EPImageUtil; import epson.print.MyPrinter; import epson.print.screen.PrintSetting; class PrintAndLayoutThread extends Thread { private static final int DUPLEX_NONE = 0; private static final long REMOTE_FILE_SIZE_MAX = 10000000; private static final int[] REMOTE_IMAGE_CREATE_PROGRESS = {20, 25, 50, 70, 75}; private static final int[] REMOTE_JPEG_QUALITYS = {95, 80}; final int EPS_JOB_CANCELED = 40; private int mColorValue; private int mCopies; private final EpsonService mEpsonService; private final List mImageAndLayoutList; private boolean mIsBkRetry; private int mLayout; private int mPaperSizeId; private int mRemoteImageCreateProgress; public PrintAndLayoutThread(EpsonService epsonService, List list, boolean z) { mEpsonService = epsonService; mImageAndLayoutList = list; mIsBkRetry = z; } private int callStartJob() { int i; PrintSetting printSetting = new PrintSetting(mEpsonService, PrintSetting.Kind.cameracopy); printSetting.loadSettings(); int i2 = printSetting.paperSizeValue; mPaperSizeId = i2; int i3 = printSetting.paperTypeValue; int i4 = printSetting.layoutValue; mLayout = i4; int i5 = printSetting.qualityValue; int i6 = printSetting.paperSourceValue; int i7 = printSetting.colorValue; mColorValue = i7; mCopies = printSetting.copiesValue; if (mEpsonService.getLang() == 2 || mEpsonService.getLang() == 3) { i = printSetting.feedDirectionValue; } else { i = 0; } return mEpsonService.startJob(i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, 0, 0, 0, i, 0, mIsBkRetry); } private int getPrintRotation() { int lang = mEpsonService.getLang(); return ((lang == 4 || lang == 7) && mEpsonService.pageSneedRotate(mPaperSizeId)) ? 1 : 0; } protected boolean createPrintImage(ImageAndLayout imageAndLayout, String str, int[] iArr) { int printRotation = getPrintRotation(); int[] iArr2 = new int[2]; boolean z = false; if ((printRotation & 1) != 0) { iArr2[0] = iArr[1]; iArr2[1] = iArr[0]; } else { iArr2[0] = iArr[0]; iArr2[1] = iArr[1]; } if (mColorValue == 1) { z = true; } return imageAndLayout.createPrintData(str, z, iArr2, printRotation); } private String getPrintFileName(int i) { return new File(ExternalFileUtils.getInstance(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext()).getPrintDir(), String.format(Locale.US, "_%02d.bmp", new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(i + 1)})).getPath(); } public void run() { int i; synchronized (mEpsonService.getPrintLockObject()) { mEpsonService.setPrinting(true); mEpsonService.setCancelPrinting(false); if (MyPrinter.isRemotePrinter(mEpsonService)) { i = remotePrint(); } else { i = localPrint(); } if (i == 40) { i = 0; } mEpsonService.setPrinting(false); mEpsonService.setCancelPrinting(false); EpsonService.onNotifyEndJob(i); } } private int localPrint() { int i; try { WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), true); int callStartJob = callStartJob(); if (callStartJob != 0) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return callStartJob; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { int[] printableArea = mEpsonService.getPrintableArea(); int i2 = 0; i = 0; while (i2 < mCopies) { try { for (ImageAndLayout createPrintImage : mImageAndLayoutList) { String printFileName = getPrintFileName(0); if (!createPrintImage(createPrintImage, printFileName, printableArea)) { mEpsonService.epsNotifyError(-1, EpsonService.MEDIA_INFO_MEMORY_ERROR, false); mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return EpsonService.MEDIA_INFO_MEMORY_ERROR; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { int initImage = mEpsonService.initImage(printFileName); if (initImage != 0) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return initImage; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { int startPage = mEpsonService.startPage(); if (startPage != 0) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return startPage; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { int printPage = mEpsonService.printPage(); if (printPage != 0) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return printPage; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { int endPage = mEpsonService.endPage(false); if (endPage != 0) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return endPage; } else if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } else { mEpsonService.releaseImage(); if (mEpsonService.getCancelPrinting()) { mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), 0); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 40; } } } } } } } i2++; i = 1; } catch (Exception e) { e = e; try { e.printStackTrace(); mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 0; } catch (Throwable th) { th = th; mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); throw th; } } } mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 0; } } catch (Exception e2) { e = e2; i = 0; e.printStackTrace(); mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); return 0; } catch (Throwable th2) { th = th2; i = 0; mEpsonService.endJob(); Analytics.savePrintInfo(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); mEpsonService.waitIfSimpleAp(); WiFiDirectManager.setPriorityToSimpleAP(mEpsonService.getLocalApplicationContext(), false); throw th; } } private int remoteCreateJob() throws RemoteException { PrintSetting printSetting = new PrintSetting(mEpsonService, PrintSetting.Kind.cameracopy); printSetting.loadSettings(); int i = printSetting.paperSizeValue; mPaperSizeId = i; int i2 = printSetting.paperTypeValue; int i3 = printSetting.layoutValue; mLayout = i3; int i4 = printSetting.qualityValue; int i5 = printSetting.paperSourceValue; int i6 = printSetting.colorValue; mColorValue = i6; mCopies = printSetting.copiesValue; SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm", Locale.US); return mEpsonService.epsonConnectCreateJob(2, simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".jpg", i, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:136:0x01e9 */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ private int remotePrint() { /* r7 = this; r0 = -1 r1 = 0 epson.print.service.EpsonService r2 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01bc, all -> 0x01b8 } boolean r2 = r2.getCancelPrinting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01bc, all -> 0x01b8 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x001e epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r0 = r0.getApplicationContext(), r1) epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0019 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0019 } goto L_0x001d L_0x0019: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x001d: return r1 L_0x001e: int r2 = r7.remoteCreateJob() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01bc, all -> 0x01b8 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x003f epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0034 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x0034: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x003a } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x003a } goto L_0x003e L_0x003a: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x003e: return r2 L_0x003f: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r4 = 2 r3.epsNotifyPage(r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } boolean r3 = r3.getCancelPrinting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r3 == 0) goto L_0x0068 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x005d epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x005d: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0063 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0063 } goto L_0x0067 L_0x0063: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x0067: return r1 L_0x0068: java.lang.String r3 = r7.getPrintFileName(r1) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } java.lang.StringBuilder r4 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r4.() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } java.lang.String r5 = "\\.\\w+$" java.lang.String r6 = "" java.lang.String r5 = r3.replaceFirst(r5, r6) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r4.append(r5) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } java.lang.String r5 = ".jpg" r4.append(r5) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } java.lang.String r4 = r4.toString() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } int r2 = r7.makeRemoteFile(r3, r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x00a6 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x009b epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x009b: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00a1 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00a1 } goto L_0x00a5 L_0x00a1: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x00a5: return r2 L_0x00a6: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r5 = 75 r3.epsNotifyPage(r5) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } boolean r3 = r3.getCancelPrinting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r3 == 0) goto L_0x00d0 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x00c5 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x00c5: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00cb } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00cb } goto L_0x00cf L_0x00cb: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x00cf: return r1 L_0x00d0: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r5 = 1 int r2 = r3.epsonConnectUploadFile(r4, r5) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x00f4 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x00e9 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x00e9: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00ef } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x00ef } goto L_0x00f3 L_0x00ef: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x00f3: return r2 L_0x00f4: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r4 = 80 r3.epsNotifyPage(r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } boolean r3 = r3.getCancelPrinting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r3 == 0) goto L_0x011e epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0113 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x0113: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0119 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0119 } goto L_0x011d L_0x0119: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x011d: return r1 L_0x011e: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } int r4 = r7.mCopies // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r3.setEpsonConnectCopies(r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } int r2 = r3.epsonConnectChangePrintSetting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0148 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x013d epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x013d: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0143 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0143 } goto L_0x0147 L_0x0143: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x0147: return r2 L_0x0148: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } r4 = 90 r3.epsNotifyPage(r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } boolean r3 = r3.getCancelPrinting() // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r3 == 0) goto L_0x0172 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0167 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x0167: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x016d } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x016d } goto L_0x0171 L_0x016d: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x0171: return r1 L_0x0172: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } int r2 = r3.epsonConnectStartPrint(r1, r1) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b6, all -> 0x01b4 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0195 epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r1) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x018a epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x018a: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0190 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0190 } goto L_0x0194 L_0x0190: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x0194: return r2 L_0x0195: epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b2 } r4 = 100 r3.epsNotifyPage(r4) // Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01b2 } epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r5) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x01ac epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x01ac: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01d8 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01d8 } goto L_0x01dc L_0x01b2: r3 = move-exception goto L_0x01bf L_0x01b4: r3 = move-exception goto L_0x01ba L_0x01b6: r3 = move-exception goto L_0x01be L_0x01b8: r3 = move-exception r2 = 0 L_0x01ba: r5 = 0 goto L_0x01de L_0x01bc: r3 = move-exception r2 = 0 L_0x01be: r5 = 0 L_0x01bf: r3.printStackTrace() // Catch:{ all -> 0x01dd } r2 = -1200(0xfffffffffffffb50, float:NaN) epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r3 = r3.getApplicationContext(), r5) epson.print.service.EpsonService r3 = r7.mEpsonService r3.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01d8 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01d8 } goto L_0x01dc L_0x01d8: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x01dc: return r1 L_0x01dd: r3 = move-exception L_0x01de: epson.print.service.EpsonService r4 = r7.mEpsonService android.content.Context r4 = r4.getApplicationContext(), r5) if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x01ee epson.print.service.EpsonService r4 = r7.mEpsonService r4.epsNotifyError(r0, r2, r1) L_0x01ee: epson.print.service.EpsonService r0 = r7.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01f4 } r0.epsonConnectEndJob() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x01f4 } goto L_0x01f8 L_0x01f4: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() L_0x01f8: throw r3 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: epson.print.service.PrintAndLayoutThread.remotePrint():int"); } protected int[] getRemotePrintableArea(int i, int i2) { Info_paper infoPaper = Info_paper.getInfoPaper(mEpsonService.getApplicationContext(), i); int[] iArr = new int[2]; if (i2 == 2) { iArr[0] = infoPaper.getPaper_width_boder(); iArr[1] = infoPaper.getPaper_height_boder(); } else if (i2 == 1) { iArr[0] = infoPaper.getPaper_width_boderless(); iArr[1] = infoPaper.getPaper_height_boderless(); } return iArr; } static int convertBmpToJpeg(String str, String str2) { return new epsonImage().bmp2Jpg2(str, str2); } protected EPImageUtil getEPImageUtil() { return new EPImageUtil(); } private void updateRemoteImageCreateProgress() { int i = mRemoteImageCreateProgress; int[] iArr = REMOTE_IMAGE_CREATE_PROGRESS; if (i < iArr.length) { mEpsonService.epsNotifyPage(iArr[i]); mRemoteImageCreateProgress++; return; } mEpsonService.epsNotifyPage(iArr[iArr.length - 1]); } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:26:0x0072, code lost: r7 = r7 + 1; r6[0] = r6[0] / 2; r6[1] = r6[1] / 2; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ private int makeRemoteFile(java.lang.String r18, java.lang.String r19) { /* r17 = this; r0 = r17 r1 = r18 r2 = r19 java.util.List r3 = r0.mImageAndLayoutList r4 = 0 java.lang.Object r3 = r3.get(r4) r3 = ( r3 epson.print.EPImageUtil r5 = r17.getEPImageUtil() int r6 = r0.mPaperSizeId int r7 = r0.mLayout int[] r6 = r0.getRemotePrintableArea(r6, r7) r0.mRemoteImageCreateProgress = r4 r7 = 0 L_0x001e: r8 = 2 if (r7 >= r8) goto L_0x007f boolean r9 = r0.createPrintImage(r3, r1, r6) if (r9 != 0) goto L_0x002a r1 = -5201(0xffffffffffffebaf, float:NaN) return r1 L_0x002a: r17.updateRemoteImageCreateProgress() epson.print.service.EpsonService r9 = r0.mEpsonService boolean r9 = r9.getCancelPrinting() if (r9 == 0) goto L_0x0036 return r4 L_0x0036: r9 = new r9.(r2) r10 = 1 if (r7 < r10) goto L_0x0043 int[] r11 = REMOTE_JPEG_QUALITYS int r11 = r11.length int r11 = r11 - r10 goto L_0x0044 L_0x0043: r11 = 0 L_0x0044: int[] r12 = REMOTE_JPEG_QUALITYS int r13 = r12.length if (r11 >= r13) goto L_0x0072 r12 = r12[r11] int r12 = r5.bmp2jpg(r1, r2, r12) long r13 = r9.length() if (r12 != 0) goto L_0x0063 r15 = 0 int r12 = (r13 > r15 ? 1 : (r13 == r15 ? 0 : -1)) if (r12 <= 0) goto L_0x0063 r15 = 10000000(0x989680, double:4.9406565E-317) int r12 = (r13 > r15 ? 1 : (r13 == r15 ? 0 : -1)) if (r12 >= 0) goto L_0x0063 return r4 L_0x0063: r17.updateRemoteImageCreateProgress() epson.print.service.EpsonService r12 = r0.mEpsonService boolean r12 = r12.getCancelPrinting() if (r12 == 0) goto L_0x006f return r4 L_0x006f: int r11 = r11 + 1 goto L_0x0044 L_0x0072: int r7 = r7 + 1 r9 = r6[r4] int r9 = r9 / r8 r6[r4] = r9 r9 = r6[r10] int r9 = r9 / r8 r6[r10] = r9 goto L_0x001e L_0x007f: r1 = -1205(0xfffffffffffffb4b, float:NaN) return r1 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: epson.print.service.PrintAndLayoutThread.makeRemoteFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String):int"); } protected int test_makeRemoteFile(String str, String str2) { return makeRemoteFile(str, str2); } }