package epson.print.screen; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import epson.common.Constants; import epson.common.ExternalFileUtils; import epson.common.Utils; import epson.print.ActivityIACommon; import epson.print.R; import epson.print.EPPrinterManager; import epson.print.MyPrinter; import epson.print.Util.EPLog; import epson.print.inkrpln.InkRplnRepository; import epson.print.screen.PrintSetting; import epson.print.service.EpsonService; import epson.print.service.IEpsonService; import epson.print.service.IEpsonServiceCallback; import epson.print.widgets.CustomTitleAlertDialogBuilder; import epson.print.widgets.LayoutEx; import epson.print.widgets.LongTapRepeatAdapter; import; public class SettingScr extends ActivityIACommon implements View.OnClickListener { private static final String EXTRA_PRINTER = "myprinter"; private static final String EXTRA_SIMPLEAP = "simpleap"; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_INFO = 1; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_INK_REPLENISH_PROGRESS = 4; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_PAGE_RANGE = 2; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_PRINTER = 0; public static final String TAG = "PrintSetting"; private final int COLOR_VALUE_MAX = 50; private final int COLOR_VALUE_MIN = -50; private final int COPIES_MAX = 30; private final int COPIES_MIN = 1; private final int EPS_ERR_COMM_ERROR = -1100; private final int EPS_ERR_NONE = 0; private final int EPS_ERR_OPR_FAIL = -1000; private final int EPS_ERR_PRINTER_NOT_SET = EscprError.EPS_ERR_PRINTER_NOT_SET; private final int GET_ADVANCED = 64; private final int GET_COLOR = 6; private final int GET_DUPLEX = 32; private final int GET_LAYOUT = 3; private final int GET_PAPER_SIZE = 1; private final int GET_PAPER_SOURCE = 5; private final int GET_PAPER_TYPE = 2; private final int GET_QUALITY = 4; private final int GET_SUPPORTED_MEDIA = 0; private final int PROBE_PRINTER = 17; private final int SEARCH_BY_ID = 7; private final int SEARCH_ERROR = 16; private final int SETTING_DONE = 3; private final int SHOW_ERROR_DIALOG = 18; private TextView apfStateText; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public String autoConnectSsid = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView brightness; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button brightnessMinus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button brightnessPlus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int brightnessValue; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int color; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView colorInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] color_info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView contrast; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button contrastMinus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button contrastPlus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int contrastValue; private TextView copies; private Button copiesMinus; private Button copiesPlus; private int copiesValue; private boolean disablePrintArea = false; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int duplex; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView duplexInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] duplex_info = null; private boolean enableShowPreview = false; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int endValue; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int feedDirection; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView feedDirectionInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public boolean isDocumentSetting = true; boolean isInfoAvai = false; Boolean isNotLoading = true; private boolean isRetryAfterConnectSimpleAp = false; private boolean isTryConnectSimpleAp = false; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int lang = 1; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int layout; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView layoutInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] layout_info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public IEpsonServiceCallback mCallback = new IEpsonServiceCallback.Stub() { public void onGetInkState() throws RemoteException { } public void onGetStatusState() throws RemoteException { } public void onNotifyEndJob(int i) throws RemoteException { } public void onNotifyProgress(int i, int i2) throws RemoteException { } public void onFindPrinterResult(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5) throws RemoteException { String unused = SettingScr.this.printerIp = str2; } public void onNotifyContinueable(int i) throws RemoteException { if (!SettingScr.this.mFinishRequested) { EPLog.m313i("IEpsonServiceCallback", "onNotifyContinueable code = " + i); if (i == 0) { SettingScr settingScr = SettingScr.this; settingScr.isInfoAvai = true; int unused = settingScr.lang = settingScr.getPrinterLang(); SettingScr settingScr2 = SettingScr.this; settingScr2.undoFlag = false; settingScr2.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } } } public void onNotifyError(int i, int i2, boolean z) throws RemoteException { if (!SettingScr.this.mFinishRequested) { EPLog.m313i("IEpsonServiceCallback", "onNotifyError errorCode = " + i2); SettingScr settingScr = SettingScr.this; settingScr.isInfoAvai = true; int unused = settingScr.lang = settingScr.getPrinterLang(); SettingScr settingScr2 = SettingScr.this; settingScr2.undoFlag = false; settingScr2.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } } }; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Context mContext = null; private ServiceConnection mEpsonConnection = new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) { EPLog.m316v("SettingScr", "onServiceDisconnected"); try { SettingScr.this.mEpsonService.unregisterCallback(SettingScr.this.mCallback); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } IEpsonService unused = SettingScr.this.mEpsonService = null; } public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) { IEpsonService unused = SettingScr.this.mEpsonService = IEpsonService.Stub.asInterface(iBinder); EPLog.m316v("SettingScr", "onServiceConnected"); if (SettingScr.this.mEpsonService != null) { try { SettingScr.this.mEpsonService.registerCallback(SettingScr.this.mCallback); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public IEpsonService mEpsonService = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public volatile boolean mFinishRequested; Handler mHandler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() { /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for TypeSearchVarInfo{r1v4, resolved type: boolean} */ /* JADX WARNING: type inference failed for: r1v1 */ /* JADX WARNING: type inference failed for: r1v5 */ /* JADX WARNING: type inference failed for: r1v14, types: [int] */ /* JADX WARNING: type inference failed for: r1v28 */ /* JADX WARNING: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:199:0x0636 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:202:0x0653 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:206:0x0667 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:212:0x0689 */ /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:216:0x06a1 A[LOOP:9: B:214:0x069b->B:216:0x06a1, LOOP_END] */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public boolean handleMessage(android.os.Message r15) { /* r14 = this; java.lang.String r0 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r1 = "handleMessage call setScreenState = false" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r0, r1) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r1 = 0 java.lang.Boolean r2 = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(r1) r0.setScreenState(r2) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this boolean r0 = r0.mFinishRequested r2 = 1 if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x001b return r2 L_0x001b: epson.print.screen.PrintSetting r0 = new epson.print.screen.PrintSetting epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this boolean r4 = r3.isDocumentSetting if (r4 == 0) goto L_0x0028 epson.print.screen.PrintSetting$Kind r4 = epson.print.screen.PrintSetting.Kind.document goto L_0x002a L_0x0028: epson.print.screen.PrintSetting$Kind r4 = L_0x002a: r0.(r3, r4) int r3 = r15.what r4 = 64 r5 = 32 r6 = 3 r7 = 0 r8 = 100 r10 = 2 if (r3 == r5) goto L_0x0cba if (r3 == r4) goto L_0x0b62 r4 = 6 r11 = 5 r12 = 4 r13 = 8 switch(r3) { case 0: goto L_0x0b45; case 1: goto L_0x0996; case 2: goto L_0x06e5; case 3: goto L_0x04c7; case 4: goto L_0x03b6; case 5: goto L_0x0243; case 6: goto L_0x013c; default: goto L_0x0044; } L_0x0044: switch(r3) { case 17: goto L_0x00e7; case 18: goto L_0x0079; default: goto L_0x0047; } L_0x0047: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "default" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.printerName epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r1 = 2131625174(0x7f0e04d6, float:1.8877549E38) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231128(0x7f080198, float:1.8078328E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this java.lang.Boolean r0 = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(r2) r15.setScreenState(r0) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0079: int r0 = r15.arg1 r3 = -1100(0xfffffffffffffbb4, float:NaN) if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x00c9 r3 = -1000(0xfffffffffffffc18, float:NaN) if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x00c9 int r15 = r15.arg1 java.lang.Integer[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x00a5 java.lang.Integer[] r15 = new java.lang.Integer[r6] r0 = 2131624506(0x7f0e023a, float:1.8876194E38) java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r0) r15[r1] = r0 r0 = 2131624507(0x7f0e023b, float:1.8876196E38) java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r0) r15[r2] = r0 java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r2) r15[r10] = r0 L_0x00a5: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3 = r15[r2] int r3 = r3.intValue() java.lang.CharSequence r3 = r0.getText(r3) java.lang.String r3 = r3.toString() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15 = r15[r1] int r15 = r15.intValue() java.lang.CharSequence r15 = r4.getText(r15) java.lang.String r15 = r15.toString() r0.showErrorDialog(r3, r15) goto L_0x00e0 L_0x00c9: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131624778(0x7f0e034a, float:1.8876745E38) java.lang.String r15 = r15.getString(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r1 = 2131624777(0x7f0e0349, float:1.8876743E38) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r1 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r1.showErrorDialog(r15, r0) L_0x00e0: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.resetSettings() goto L_0x0e25 L_0x00e7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService r0 = 17 if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0133 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } int r15 = r15.printerLocation // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } if (r15 == r10) goto L_0x0124 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r1 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } java.lang.String r1 = r1.printerId // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } java.lang.String r3 = r3.printerIp // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } int r4 = r4.printerLocation // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } if (r4 != r6) goto L_0x0114 goto L_0x0115 L_0x0114: r10 = 1 L_0x0115: int r15 = r15.searchPrinters(r1, r3, r10) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r0, r8) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0124: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } r15.sendEmptyMessage(r1) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x012d } goto L_0x0e25 L_0x012d: r15 = move-exception r15.printStackTrace() goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0133: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r0, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x013c: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x014d epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r4, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x014d: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "GET_COLOR" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = r15.color_info = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r0 = r0.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } int r3 = r3.printerLocation // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } if (r3 != r10) goto L_0x016b r3 = 1 goto L_0x016c L_0x016b: r3 = 0 L_0x016c: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } boolean r4 = r4.isDocumentSetting // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } if (r4 == 0) goto L_0x0176 r4 = 1 goto L_0x0177 L_0x0176: r4 = 2 L_0x0177: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r6 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } int r6 = r6.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r7 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } int r7 = r7.typeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } int[] r0 = r0.getColor(r3, r4, r6, r7) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } int[] unused = r15.color_info = r0 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x018b } goto L_0x0193 L_0x018b: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() L_0x0193: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x019f epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 L_0x019f: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x01b0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > 0) goto L_0x01c7 L_0x01b0: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r10] int[] unused = r15.color_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info r15[r1] = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info r15[r2] = r2 L_0x01c7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.color_info int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 r15 = 0 L_0x01d9: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.color_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 >= r0) goto L_0x01f6 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.color epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3.color_info r3 = r3[r15] if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x01f3 goto L_0x01f6 L_0x01f3: int r15 = r15 + 1 goto L_0x01d9 L_0x01f6: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.color_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x020a epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r15.color_info r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.color = r0 L_0x020a: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$Color r0 = new$Color r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.colorInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.color int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r5) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0243: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x0254 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r11, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0254: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "GET_PAPER_SOURCE" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = r15.paper_source_info = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r0 = r0.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r3 = r3.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r5 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r5 = r5.typeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r6 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r6 = r6.printerLocation // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] r0 = r0.getPaperSource(r3, r5, r6) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] unused = r15.paper_source_info = r0 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x02ea epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } boolean r15 = r15.isDocumentSetting // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x02ea java.util.ArrayList r15 = new java.util.ArrayList // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } r15.() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] r0 = r0.paper_source_info // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r3 = r0.length // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } r5 = 0 L_0x029e: if (r5 >= r3) goto L_0x02af r6 = r0[r5] // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } if (r6 != r13) goto L_0x02a5 goto L_0x02ac L_0x02a5: java.lang.Integer r6 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r6) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } r15.add(r6) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } L_0x02ac: int r5 = r5 + 1 goto L_0x029e L_0x02af: int r0 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } if (r0 <= 0) goto L_0x02dc epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r3 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] r3 = new int[r3] // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] unused = r0.paper_source_info = r3 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } r0 = 0 L_0x02c1: int r3 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x02ea epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] r3 = r3.paper_source_info // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } java.lang.Object r5 = r15.get(r0) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } java.lang.Integer r5 = (java.lang.Integer) r5 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r5 = r5.intValue() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } r3[r0] = r5 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int r0 = r0 + 1 goto L_0x02c1 L_0x02dc: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } int[] unused = r15.paper_source_info = r7 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x02e2 } goto L_0x02ea L_0x02e2: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() L_0x02ea: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x0305 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 int[] r0 = new int[r2] int[] unused = r15.paper_source_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info r0 = 128(0x80, float:1.794E-43) r15[r1] = r0 L_0x0305: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 r15 = 0 L_0x0317: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.paper_source_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 >= r0) goto L_0x0334 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.paperSource epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3.paper_source_info r3 = r3[r15] if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x0331 goto L_0x0334 L_0x0331: int r15 = r15 + 1 goto L_0x0317 L_0x0334: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.paper_source_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0348 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r15.paper_source_info r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.paperSource = r0 L_0x0348: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.paperSource epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x036f epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.paper_source_info int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > r2) goto L_0x036f epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231313(0x7f080251, float:1.8078703E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) r15 = 128(0x80, float:1.794E-43) goto L_0x0383 L_0x036f: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231313(0x7f080251, float:1.8078703E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r1) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.paperSource L_0x0383: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$PaperSource r1 = new$PaperSource r1.() unused = r0.mLookupTable = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r0 = r0.paperSourceInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r1 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r3 = r1.mLookupTable int r15 = r3.getStringId(r15) java.lang.String r15 = r1.getString(r15) r0.setText(r15) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r4) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x03b6: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x03c7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r12, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x03c7: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "GET_QUALITY" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r0 = r0.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } int r3 = r3.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } int r4 = r4.typeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } int[] r0 = r0.getQuality(r3, r4) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } int[] unused = = r0 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x03ef } goto L_0x03f7 L_0x03ef: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() L_0x03f7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x0410 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 int[] r0 = new int[r2] int[] unused = = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15[r1] = r10 L_0x0410: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > r2) goto L_0x0439 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231394(0x7f0802a2, float:1.8078868E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) goto L_0x0447 L_0x0439: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231394(0x7f0802a2, float:1.8078868E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r1) L_0x0447: r15 = 0 L_0x0448: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 >= r0) goto L_0x0465 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.quality epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3 = r3[r15] if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x0462 goto L_0x0465 L_0x0462: int r15 = r15 + 1 goto L_0x0448 L_0x0465: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0479 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.quality = r0 L_0x0479: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length int[] r0 = new int[r0] int[] unused = r15.quality_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int[] unused = r15.quality_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$Quality r0 = new$Quality r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.qualityInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.quality int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r11) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x04c7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x04d8 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r6, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x04d8: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "GET_LAYOUT" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r0 = r0.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } int r3 = r3.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } int r4 = r4.typeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } int[] r0 = r0.getLayout(r3, r4) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } int[] unused = = r0 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0500 } goto L_0x0508 L_0x0500: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() L_0x0508: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this boolean r15 = r15.isDocumentSetting if (r15 != r2) goto L_0x0520 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r2] int[] unused = = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15[r1] = r10 goto L_0x053c L_0x0520: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x053c epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x053c epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r10] r0 = {2, 1} // fill-array int[] unused = = r0 L_0x053c: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(r15, r10) if (r15 < 0) goto L_0x05ba epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.printerLocation if (r15 == r10) goto L_0x05ba java.util.ArrayList r15 = new java.util.ArrayList epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length r15.(r0) r0 = 0 L_0x055d: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x0578 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3 = r3[r0] java.lang.Integer r3 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r3) r15.add(r3) int r0 = r0 + 1 goto L_0x055d L_0x0578: r0 = 65536(0x10000, float:9.18355E-41) java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r0) r15.add(r0) r0 = 131072(0x20000, float:1.83671E-40) java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r0) r15.add(r0) r0 = 262144(0x40000, float:3.67342E-40) java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r0) r15.add(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r15.size() int[] r3 = new int[r3] int[] unused = = r3 r0 = 0 L_0x059f: int r3 = r15.size() if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x05ba epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = java.lang.Object r4 = r15.get(r0) java.lang.Integer r4 = (java.lang.Integer) r4 int r4 = r4.intValue() r3[r0] = r4 int r0 = r0 + 1 goto L_0x059f L_0x05ba: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > r2) goto L_0x05e3 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231162(0x7f0801ba, float:1.8078397E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) goto L_0x05f1 L_0x05e3: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231162(0x7f0801ba, float:1.8078397E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r1) L_0x05f1: r15 = 0 L_0x05f2: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 >= r0) goto L_0x062d java.lang.String r0 = "layout info" java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r3.() java.lang.String r4 = "layout info " r3.append(r4) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r4 = r4 = r4[r15] r3.append(r4) java.lang.String r3 = r3.toString() epson.print.Util.EPLog.m316v(r0, r3) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.layout epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3 = r3[r15] if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x062a goto L_0x062d L_0x062a: int r15 = r15 + 1 goto L_0x05f2 L_0x062d: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0641 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.layout = r0 L_0x0641: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.widgets.LayoutEx r0 = new epson.print.widgets.LayoutEx r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.layout if (r15 != r13) goto L_0x0658 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.layout = r10 L_0x0658: java.util.ArrayList r15 = new java.util.ArrayList r15.() r0 = 0 L_0x065e: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x0683 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3 = r3[r0] if (r3 == r13) goto L_0x0680 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3 = r3[r0] java.lang.Integer r3 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r3) r15.add(r3) L_0x0680: int r0 = r0 + 1 goto L_0x065e L_0x0683: int r0 = r15.size() if (r0 != 0) goto L_0x0690 java.lang.Integer r0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r10) r15.add(r0) L_0x0690: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r15.size() int[] r3 = new int[r3] int[] unused = r0.layout_info = r3 L_0x069b: int r0 = r15.size() if (r1 >= r0) goto L_0x06b6 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.layout_info java.lang.Object r3 = r15.get(r1) java.lang.Integer r3 = (java.lang.Integer) r3 int r3 = r3.intValue() r0[r1] = r3 int r1 = r1 + 1 goto L_0x069b L_0x06b6: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.layoutInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.layout int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r12) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x06e5: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x06f6 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r10, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x06f6: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r3 = "GET_PAPER_TYPE" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r3) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r3 = r3.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int r4 = r4.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] r3 = r3.getPaperType(r4) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] unused = = r3 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] r15 = // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0786 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } boolean r15 = r15.isDocumentSetting // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0786 java.util.ArrayList r15 = new java.util.ArrayList // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r15.() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] r3 = // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int r4 = r3.length // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r5 = 0 L_0x0734: if (r5 >= r4) goto L_0x074b r8 = r3[r5] // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r9 = 91 if (r8 < r9) goto L_0x0741 r9 = 93 if (r8 > r9) goto L_0x0741 goto L_0x0748 L_0x0741: java.lang.Integer r8 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(r8) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r15.add(r8) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } L_0x0748: int r5 = r5 + 1 goto L_0x0734 L_0x074b: int r3 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } if (r3 <= 0) goto L_0x0778 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int r4 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] r4 = new int[r4] // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] unused = = r4 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r3 = 0 L_0x075d: int r4 = r15.size() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } if (r3 >= r4) goto L_0x0786 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] r4 = // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } java.lang.Object r5 = r15.get(r3) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } java.lang.Integer r5 = (java.lang.Integer) r5 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int r5 = r5.intValue() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } r4[r3] = r5 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int r3 = r3 + 1 goto L_0x075d L_0x0778: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } int[] unused = = r7 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x077e } goto L_0x0786 L_0x077e: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() L_0x0786: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x07af epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x07af epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = new int[r10]$MediaName r4 = int r4 = r4.getCode() r3[r1] = r4$MediaName r4 = int r4 = r4.getCode() r3[r2] = r4 int[] unused = = r3 L_0x07af: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > r2) goto L_0x07d8 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3 = 2131231316(0x7f080254, float:1.807871E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r3) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) goto L_0x07e6 L_0x07d8: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3 = 2131231316(0x7f080254, float:1.807871E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r3) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r1) L_0x07e6: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.typeIndex = r1 L_0x07eb: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r15 >= r3) goto L_0x0817 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.paperType epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r4 = r4.typeIndex r3 = r3[r4] if (r15 != r3) goto L_0x0811 goto L_0x0817 L_0x0811: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1708(r15) goto L_0x07eb L_0x0817: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r15 < r3) goto L_0x085a int r15 = r0.getDefaultPaperType() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.typeIndex = r1 L_0x082f: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x085a epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.typeIndex r0 = r0[r3] if (r15 != r0) goto L_0x0854 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.paperType = r15 goto L_0x085a L_0x0854: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1708(r0) goto L_0x082f L_0x085a: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0923 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this boolean r15 = r15.isDocumentSetting if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x08a8$MediaName r15 = int r15 = r15.getCode() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.typeIndex = r1 L_0x087c: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x0923 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.typeIndex r0 = r0[r3] if (r15 != r0) goto L_0x08a2 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.paperType = r15 goto L_0x0923 L_0x08a2: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1708(r0) goto L_0x087c L_0x08a8:$MediaName r15 = int r15 = r15.getCode() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.typeIndex = r1 L_0x08b3: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x08de epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.typeIndex r0 = r0[r3] if (r15 != r0) goto L_0x08d8 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.paperType = r15 goto L_0x08de L_0x08d8: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1708(r0) goto L_0x08b3 L_0x08de: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0923$MediaName r15 = int r15 = r15.getCode() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.typeIndex = r1 L_0x08f8: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x0923 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.typeIndex r0 = r0[r3] if (r15 != r0) goto L_0x091d epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.paperType = r15 goto L_0x0923 L_0x091d: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1708(r0) goto L_0x08f8 L_0x0923: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.typeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0948 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.typeIndex = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r1 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r1 = r1.typeIndex r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.paperType = r0 L_0x0948: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length int[] r0 = new int[r0] int[] unused = r15.paper_type_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int[] unused = r15.paper_type_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$PaperType r0 = new$PaperType r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.paperTypeInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.paperType int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r6) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0996: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x09a7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r2, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x09a7: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r3 = "GET_PAPER_SIZE" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r3) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x09c3 } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x09c3 } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r3 = r3.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x09c3 } int[] r3 = r3.getPaperSize() // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x09c3 } int[] unused = = r3 // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x09c3 } goto L_0x09cb L_0x09c3: r15 = move-exception r15.printStackTrace() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 L_0x09cb: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x0a27 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.undoFlag = r2 r3 = 9 int[] r3 = new int[r3]$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r1] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r2] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r10] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r6] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r12] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r11] = r5$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r4] = r5 r4 = 7$PaperName r5 = int r5 = r5.getCode() r3[r4] = r5$PaperName r4 = int r4 = r4.getCode() r3[r13] = r4 int[] unused = = r3 L_0x0a27: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e25 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = int r15 = r15.length if (r15 > r2) goto L_0x0a50 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3 = 2131231309(0x7f08024d, float:1.8078695E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r3) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r13) goto L_0x0a5e L_0x0a50: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r3 = 2131231309(0x7f08024d, float:1.8078695E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r3) android.widget.ImageView r15 = (android.widget.ImageView) r15 r15.setVisibility(r1) L_0x0a5e: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.sizeIndex = r1 L_0x0a63: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.sizeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r15 >= r3) goto L_0x0a8f epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.paperSize epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r4 = r4.sizeIndex r3 = r3[r4] if (r15 != r3) goto L_0x0a89 goto L_0x0a8f L_0x0a89: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1208(r15) goto L_0x0a63 L_0x0a8f: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.sizeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r15 < r3) goto L_0x0ad2 int r15 = r0.getDefaultPaperSize() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.sizeIndex = r1 L_0x0aa7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.sizeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = int r3 = r3.length if (r0 >= r3) goto L_0x0ad2 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.sizeIndex r0 = r0[r3] if (r15 != r0) goto L_0x0acc epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r0.paperSize = r15 goto L_0x0ad2 L_0x0acc: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.screen.SettingScr.access$1208(r0) goto L_0x0aa7 L_0x0ad2: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r15 = r15.sizeIndex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0af7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int unused = r15.sizeIndex = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr r1 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r1 = r1.sizeIndex r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.paperSize = r0 L_0x0af7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int r0 = r0.length int[] r0 = new int[r0] int[] unused = r15.paper_size_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = int[] unused = r15.paper_size_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$PaperSize r0 = new$PaperSize r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.paperSizeInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.paperSize int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r10) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0b45: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0b59 epson.print.screen.SettingScr$3$1 r15 = new epson.print.screen.SettingScr$3$1 r15.() java.lang.Void[] r0 = new java.lang.Void[r1] r15.execute(r0) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0b59: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r1, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0b62: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0 = 2131231301(0x7f080245, float:1.807868E38) android.view.View r15 = r15.findViewById(r0) android.widget.TextView r15 = (android.widget.TextView) r15 java.lang.StringBuilder r0 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r0.() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.startValue r0.append(r3) java.lang.String r3 = ".." r0.append(r3) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.endValue r0.append(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.toString() r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$FeedDirection r0 = new$FeedDirection r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.feedDirectionInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r3 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r4 = r4.feedDirection int r3 = r3.getStringId(r4) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r3) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$PrintDate r0 = new$PrintDate r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.printDateInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r3 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r4 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r4 = r4.printdate int r3 = r3.getStringId(r4) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r3) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.brightness epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.brightnessValue java.lang.String r0 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r0) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.brightnessMinus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.brightnessValue r3 = -50 if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x0c15 r0 = 1 goto L_0x0c16 L_0x0c15: r0 = 0 L_0x0c16: r15.setEnabled(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.brightnessPlus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.brightnessValue r4 = 50 if (r0 == r4) goto L_0x0c2b r0 = 1 goto L_0x0c2c L_0x0c2b: r0 = 0 L_0x0c2c: r15.setEnabled(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.contrast epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.contrastValue java.lang.String r0 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r0) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.contrastMinus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.contrastValue if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x0c52 r0 = 1 goto L_0x0c53 L_0x0c52: r0 = 0 L_0x0c53: r15.setEnabled(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.contrastPlus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.contrastValue if (r0 == r4) goto L_0x0c66 r0 = 1 goto L_0x0c67 L_0x0c66: r0 = 0 L_0x0c67: r15.setEnabled(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.saturation epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.saturationValue java.lang.String r0 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r0) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.saturationMinus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.saturationValue if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x0c8d r0 = 1 goto L_0x0c8e L_0x0c8d: r0 = 0 L_0x0c8e: r15.setEnabled(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.Button r15 = r15.saturationPlus epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.saturationValue if (r0 == r4) goto L_0x0ca0 r1 = 1 L_0x0ca0: r15.setEnabled(r1) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r15.updateSettingView() epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this java.lang.Boolean r0 = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(r2) r15.setScreenState(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this boolean r0 = r15.undoFlag boolean unused = r15.updateSupportedMediaFile(r0) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0cba: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService if (r15 != 0) goto L_0x0ccb epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(r5, r8) goto L_0x0e25 L_0x0ccb: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "GET_DUPLEX" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } epson.print.service.IEpsonService r15 = r15.mEpsonService // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } int r0 = r0.sizeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } int r3 = r3.typeIndex // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } int r15 = r15.getDuplex(r0, r3) // Catch:{ RemoteException -> 0x0cee } goto L_0x0cf7 L_0x0cee: r15 = move-exception epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this r0.undoFlag = r2 r15.printStackTrace() r15 = 0 L_0x0cf7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this java.lang.String r0 = r0.printerId if (r0 != 0) goto L_0x0d2e epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.paperType$MediaName r3 = int r3 = r3.getCode() if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x0d2e epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r6] int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r1] = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r2] = r2 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r10] = r10 goto L_0x0da4 L_0x0d2e: if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0d95 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.paperSource r3 = 16 if (r0 == r3) goto L_0x0d95 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.layout if (r0 != r2) goto L_0x0d75 r15 = r15 & r10 if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0d65 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r6] int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r1] = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r2] = r2 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r10] = r10 goto L_0x0da4 L_0x0d65: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r2] int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r1] = r1 goto L_0x0da4 L_0x0d75: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r6] int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r1] = r1 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r2] = r2 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r10] = r10 goto L_0x0da4 L_0x0d95: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = new int[r2] int[] unused = r15.duplex_info = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info r15[r1] = r1 L_0x0da4: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info if (r15 == 0) goto L_0x0e17 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r15 = r15.duplex_info int r15 = r15.length if (r15 <= 0) goto L_0x0e17 r15 = 0 L_0x0db6: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.duplex_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 >= r0) goto L_0x0dd3 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r0 = r0.duplex epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r3 = r3.duplex_info r3 = r3[r15] if (r0 != r3) goto L_0x0dd0 goto L_0x0dd3 L_0x0dd0: int r15 = r15 + 1 goto L_0x0db6 L_0x0dd3: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r0.duplex_info int r0 = r0.length if (r15 < r0) goto L_0x0de7 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int[] r0 = r15.duplex_info r0 = r0[r1] int unused = r15.duplex = r0 L_0x0de7: epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$Duplex r0 = new$Duplex r0.() unused = r15.mLookupTable = r0 epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.widget.TextView r15 = r15.duplexInfo epson.print.screen.SettingScr r0 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r1 = r0.mLookupTable epson.print.screen.SettingScr r3 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this int r3 = r3.duplex int r1 = r1.getStringId(r3) java.lang.String r0 = r0.getString(r1) r15.setText(r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this$AbstractInfo r15 = r15.mLookupTable r15.destructor() L_0x0e17: java.lang.String r15 = "SettingScr" java.lang.String r0 = "get Color setScreenState = true" epson.print.Util.EPLog.m313i(r15, r0) epson.print.screen.SettingScr r15 = epson.print.screen.SettingScr.this android.os.Handler r15 = r15.mHandler r15.sendEmptyMessage(r4) L_0x0e25: return r2 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: epson.print.screen.SettingScr.C23643.handleMessage(android.os.Message):boolean"); } }); /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public MediaInfo.AbstractInfo mLookupTable; private MediaInfo.AbstractInfo mPaperSizeType; private boolean mPrinterSelectDone; private int mSharpnessValue; private TextView mSharpnessValueText; private boolean mWaiteInkReplenProgress; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int paperSize; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView paperSizeInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int paperSource; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView paperSourceInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int paperType; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView paperTypeInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] paper_size_info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] paper_source_info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] paper_type_info = null; private int photoApfValueForLocalPrinter; private boolean printAll; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView printDateInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int printdate; private MyPrinter printer = null; private String printerDeviceId; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public String printerEmailAddress; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public String printerId; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public String printerIp; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int printerLocation; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView printerName; private String printerSerialNo; private View progressGetOption; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int quality; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView qualityInfo; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int[] quality_info = null; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public TextView saturation; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button saturationMinus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public Button saturationPlus; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int saturationValue; private int sheets = 1; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int sizeIndex = 0; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int startValue; /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public int typeIndex = 0; boolean undoFlag = true; static /* synthetic */ int access$1208(SettingScr settingScr) { int i = settingScr.sizeIndex; settingScr.sizeIndex = i + 1; return i; } static /* synthetic */ int access$1708(SettingScr settingScr) { int i = settingScr.typeIndex; settingScr.typeIndex = i + 1; return i; } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { super.onCreate(bundle); setContentView((int) R.layout.setting_layout); setActionBar((int) R.string.str_btn_printer_settings, true); bindEpsonService(); this.mContext = this; this.isDocumentSetting = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(PrintProgress.PARAM_DOCUMENT_MODE, false); if (this.isDocumentSetting) { this.sheets = getIntent().getIntExtra("SHEETS", 1); this.disablePrintArea = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("PRINTAREA", false); } this.printerName = (TextView) findViewById(; this.paperSizeInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.paperTypeInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.layoutInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.qualityInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.paperSourceInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.copies = (TextView) findViewById(; this.copiesMinus = (Button) findViewById(; this.copiesPlus = (Button) findViewById(; LongTapRepeatAdapter.bless(this.copiesMinus); LongTapRepeatAdapter.bless(this.copiesPlus); this.colorInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.duplexInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.feedDirectionInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.printDateInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; this.apfStateText = (TextView) findViewById(; this.mSharpnessValueText = (TextView) findViewById(; this.brightness = (TextView) findViewById(; this.brightnessMinus = (Button) findViewById(; this.brightnessPlus = (Button) findViewById(; this.contrast = (TextView) findViewById(; this.contrastMinus = (Button) findViewById(; this.contrastPlus = (Button) findViewById(; this.saturation = (TextView) findViewById(; this.saturationMinus = (Button) findViewById(; this.saturationPlus = (Button) findViewById(; this.progressGetOption = findViewById(; this.enableShowPreview = getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREFS_EPSON_CONNECT, 0).getBoolean(Constants.ENABLE_SHOW_PREVIEW, true); loadConfig(); setClickListener(); updatePrinterIcon(); if (this.printerId != null) { this.undoFlag = false; if (loadSupportedMediaFile()) { this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(1); } else { this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(17); } } else { this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(1); } } private void updatePrinterIcon() { if (this.printerName.getText().equals(getString(R.string.str_lbl_title_scan))) { ((ImageView) findViewById(; return; } ((ImageView) findViewById(; switch (this.printerLocation) { case 1: ((ImageView) findViewById(; return; case 2: ((ImageView) findViewById(; return; case 3: ((ImageView) findViewById(; return; default: return; } } private void setClickListener() { this.copiesMinus.setOnClickListener(this); this.copiesPlus.setOnClickListener(this); this.brightnessMinus.setOnClickListener(this); this.brightnessPlus.setOnClickListener(this); this.contrastMinus.setOnClickListener(this); this.contrastPlus.setOnClickListener(this); this.saturationMinus.setOnClickListener(this); this.saturationPlus.setOnClickListener(this); if (this.isDocumentSetting) { findViewById(; } findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; } private void loadConfig() { MyPrinter curPrinter = MyPrinter.getCurPrinter(this); if (curPrinter == null || curPrinter.getName() == null) { this.printerName.setText(getString(R.string.str_lbl_title_scan)); } else { this.printerName.setText(curPrinter.getUserDefName(this)); } this.printerDeviceId = curPrinter.getName(); this.printerId = curPrinter.getPrinterId(); this.printerIp = curPrinter.getIp(); this.printerSerialNo = curPrinter.getSerialNo(); this.printerEmailAddress = curPrinter.getEmailAddress(); this.printerLocation = curPrinter.getLocation(); boolean z = true; if (this.printerLocation == 0) { this.printerLocation = 1; } this.autoConnectSsid = WiFiDirectManager.getConnectInfo(this, WiFiDirectManager.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER); PrintSetting printSetting = new PrintSetting(this, this.isDocumentSetting ? PrintSetting.Kind.document :; printSetting.loadSettings(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperSize(); this.paperSize = printSetting.paperSizeValue; this.paperSizeInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.paperSize))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperType(); this.paperType = printSetting.paperTypeValue; this.paperTypeInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.paperType))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mPaperSizeType = printSetting.loadPaperSizeTypePear(); this.mPaperSizeType.putID(this.paperSize, this.paperType); this.mLookupTable = new LayoutEx(); int i = printSetting.layoutMultiPageValue; if (i != 0) { this.layout = i; } else { this.layout = printSetting.layoutValue; } this.layoutInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.layout))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Quality(); this.quality = printSetting.qualityValue; this.qualityInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.quality))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperSource(); this.paperSource = printSetting.paperSourceValue; this.paperSourceInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.paperSource))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Color(); this.color = printSetting.colorValue; this.colorInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.color))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.copiesValue = printSetting.copiesValue; this.copies.setText(String.valueOf(this.copiesValue)); this.copiesMinus.setEnabled(this.copiesValue != 1); Button button = this.copiesPlus; if (this.copiesValue == 30) { z = false; } button.setEnabled(z); this.brightnessValue = printSetting.brightnessValue; this.contrastValue = printSetting.contrastValue; this.saturationValue = printSetting.saturationValue; this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Duplex(); this.duplex = printSetting.duplexValue; this.duplexInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.duplex))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.FeedDirection(); this.feedDirection = printSetting.feedDirectionValue; this.feedDirectionInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.feedDirection))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.lang = curPrinter.getLang(); if (this.isDocumentSetting) { this.printAll = printSetting.printAll; this.startValue = printSetting.startValue; this.endValue = printSetting.endValue; ((TextView) findViewById( + ".." + this.endValue); return; } this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PrintDate(); this.printdate = printSetting.printdate; this.printDateInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(this.printdate))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter = printSetting.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter; displayApfState(this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter); this.mSharpnessValue = printSetting.sharpnessForPhoto; displaySharpnessState(this.mSharpnessValue); } private void displayApfState(int i) { MediaInfo.ApfState apfState = new MediaInfo.ApfState(); this.apfStateText.setText(apfState.getStringId(i)); apfState.destructor(); } private void displaySharpnessState(int i) { MediaInfo.SharpnessState sharpnessState = new MediaInfo.SharpnessState(); this.mSharpnessValueText.setText(sharpnessState.getStringId(i)); sharpnessState.destructor(); } private boolean loadSupportedMediaFile() { ExternalFileUtils instance = ExternalFileUtils.getInstance(this); File savedSupportedMedia = instance.getSavedSupportedMedia(); File supportedMedia = instance.getSupportedMedia(); File preSupportedMedia = instance.getPreSupportedMedia(); EPLog.m313i("PrintSetting", "call loadSupportedMedia"); try { if (!savedSupportedMedia.exists()) { EPLog.m318w("loadSupportedMedia", savedSupportedMedia.getName() + " not exist"); return false; } Utils.copyFile(savedSupportedMedia, supportedMedia); Utils.copyFile(savedSupportedMedia, preSupportedMedia); File savedAreaInfo = instance.getSavedAreaInfo(); File areaInfo = instance.getAreaInfo(); File preAreaInfo = instance.getPreAreaInfo(); try { if (!savedAreaInfo.exists()) { return true; } Utils.copyFile(savedAreaInfo, areaInfo); Utils.copyFile(savedAreaInfo, preAreaInfo); return true; } catch (Exception e) { EPLog.m318w("loadSupportedMedia", "failure " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } catch (Exception e2) { EPLog.m318w("loadSupportedMedia", "failure " + e2.getMessage()); return false; } } /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public boolean updateSupportedMediaFile(boolean z) { ExternalFileUtils instance = ExternalFileUtils.getInstance(this); EPLog.m313i("PrintSetting", "call updateSupportedMedia"); File supportedMedia = instance.getSupportedMedia(); File preSupportedMedia = instance.getPreSupportedMedia(); if (z) { File file = preSupportedMedia; preSupportedMedia = supportedMedia; supportedMedia = file; } try { Utils.copyFile(supportedMedia, preSupportedMedia); File areaInfo = instance.getAreaInfo(); File preAreaInfo = instance.getPreAreaInfo(); if (!z) { File file2 = areaInfo; areaInfo = preAreaInfo; preAreaInfo = file2; } try { if (!preAreaInfo.exists()) { return true; } Utils.copyFile(preAreaInfo, areaInfo); return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (preAreaInfo != null && preAreaInfo.exists()) { preAreaInfo.delete(); } if (areaInfo != null && areaInfo.exists()) { areaInfo.delete(); } EPLog.m318w("updateSupportedMediaFile", "failure " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } catch (Exception e2) { if (supportedMedia != null && supportedMedia.exists()) { supportedMedia.delete(); } if (preSupportedMedia != null && preSupportedMedia.exists()) { preSupportedMedia.delete(); } EPLog.m318w("updateSupportedMediaFile", "failure " + e2.getMessage()); return false; } } private boolean saveSupportedMediaFile() { ExternalFileUtils instance = ExternalFileUtils.getInstance(this); EPLog.m313i("PrintSetting", "call saveSupportedMedia"); File supportedMedia = instance.getSupportedMedia(); File savedSupportedMedia = instance.getSavedSupportedMedia(); try { if (!supportedMedia.exists()) { EPLog.m318w("updateSupportedMediaFile", supportedMedia.getName() + " not exist"); return false; } Utils.copyFile(supportedMedia, savedSupportedMedia); File areaInfo = instance.getAreaInfo(); File savedAreaInfo = instance.getSavedAreaInfo(); int i = this.printerLocation; if (i == 1 || i == 3) { try { if (!areaInfo.exists()) { EPLog.m318w("updateSupportedMediaFile", areaInfo.getName() + " not exist"); return false; } Utils.copyFile(areaInfo, savedAreaInfo); } catch (Exception e) { EPLog.m318w("saveSupportedMediaFile", "failure " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } else { EPLog.m313i("PrintSetting", "delete AreaInfo"); instance.removeAreaInfo(); } return true; } catch (Exception e2) { EPLog.m318w("saveSupportedMediaFile", "failure " + e2.getMessage()); return false; } } private void saveChanged() { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = getSharedPreferences("PrintSetting", 0).edit(); edit.putInt(Constants.PREFS_INFO_PRINT_SAVE, 1); edit.commit(); MyPrinter myPrinter = new MyPrinter(this.printerDeviceId, this.printerIp, this.printerId, this.printerSerialNo, this.printerEmailAddress, this.printerLocation); myPrinter.setLang(this.lang); myPrinter.setCurPrinter(this); PrintSetting printSetting = new PrintSetting(this, this.isDocumentSetting ? PrintSetting.Kind.document :; printSetting.paperSizeValue = this.paperSize; printSetting.paperTypeValue = this.paperType; int i = this.layout; if ((-65536 & i) != 0) { printSetting.layoutValue = 2; printSetting.layoutMultiPageValue = i; } else { printSetting.layoutValue = i; printSetting.layoutMultiPageValue = 0; } printSetting.qualityValue = this.quality; printSetting.paperSourceValue = this.paperSource; printSetting.colorValue = this.color; printSetting.duplexValue = this.duplex; printSetting.feedDirectionValue = this.feedDirection; printSetting.copiesValue = this.copiesValue; printSetting.brightnessValue = this.brightnessValue; printSetting.contrastValue = this.contrastValue; printSetting.saturationValue = this.saturationValue; if (this.isDocumentSetting) { printSetting.printAll = this.printAll; printSetting.startValue = this.startValue; printSetting.endValue = this.endValue; } else { printSetting.printdate = this.printdate; printSetting.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter = this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter; printSetting.sharpnessForPhoto = this.mSharpnessValue; } printSetting.saveSettings(); printSetting.savePaperSizeTypePear((MediaInfo.PaperSizeType) this.mPaperSizeType); saveSupportedMediaFile(); String str = this.autoConnectSsid; if (str == null || str.length() <= 0) { WiFiDirectManager.resetConnectInfo(this, WiFiDirectManager.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER); } else { WiFiDirectManager.setConnectInfo(this, this.autoConnectSsid, WiFiDirectManager.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, myPrinter.getName()); } EPPrinterManager ePPrinterManager = new EPPrinterManager(this.mContext); ePPrinterManager.commitIPPrinterInfo(); ePPrinterManager.commitRemotePrinterInfo(); refreshRemoteServiceRemotePrinter(); if (this.mPrinterSelectDone) { new InkRplnRepository(false).savePermanently(this); } } private void refreshRemoteServiceRemotePrinter() { IEpsonService iEpsonService = this.mEpsonService; if (iEpsonService != null) { try { iEpsonService.refreshRemotePrinterLogin(); } catch (RemoteException unused) { } } } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); unbindEpsonService(); EPLog.m313i("SettingScr", "onDestroy"); this.mPaperSizeType.destructor(); } private void bindEpsonService() { EPLog.m316v("SettingScr", "bindEpsonService"); if (this.mEpsonService == null) { bindService(new Intent(this, EpsonService.class), this.mEpsonConnection, 1); } } private void unbindEpsonService() { EPLog.m316v("SettingScr", "unbindEpsonService"); IEpsonService iEpsonService = this.mEpsonService; if (iEpsonService != null) { try { iEpsonService.unregisterCallback(this.mCallback); unbindService(this.mEpsonConnection); this.mEpsonService = null; } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void onClick(View view) { if (this.progressGetOption.getVisibility() == 8) { IEpsonService iEpsonService = this.mEpsonService; if (iEpsonService != null) { try { iEpsonService.cancelSearchPrinter(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } switch (view.getId()) { case /*2131230819*/: launchDetailScreen(this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter,; return; case /*2131230848*/: this.brightnessValue--; if (this.brightnessValue <= -50) { this.brightnessValue = -50; this.brightnessMinus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.brightnessMinus.setEnabled(true); } this.brightnessPlus.setEnabled(true); this.brightness.setText(String.valueOf(this.brightnessValue)); return; case /*2131230850*/: this.brightnessValue++; if (this.brightnessValue >= 50) { this.brightnessValue = 50; this.brightnessPlus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.brightnessPlus.setEnabled(true); } this.brightnessMinus.setEnabled(true); this.brightness.setText(String.valueOf(this.brightnessValue)); return; case /*2131230930*/: launchDetailScreen(this.color,; return; case /*2131230942*/: this.contrastValue--; if (this.contrastValue <= -50) { this.contrastValue = -50; this.contrastMinus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.contrastMinus.setEnabled(true); } this.contrastPlus.setEnabled(true); this.contrast.setText(String.valueOf(this.contrastValue)); return; case /*2131230943*/: this.contrastValue++; if (this.contrastValue >= 50) { this.contrastValue = 50; this.contrastPlus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.contrastPlus.setEnabled(true); } this.contrastMinus.setEnabled(true); this.contrast.setText(String.valueOf(this.contrastValue)); return; case /*2131230945*/: this.copiesValue--; if (this.copiesValue <= 1) { this.copiesValue = 1; this.copiesMinus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.copiesMinus.setEnabled(true); } this.copiesPlus.setEnabled(true); this.copies.setText(String.valueOf(this.copiesValue)); return; case /*2131230946*/: this.copiesValue++; if (this.copiesValue >= 30) { this.copiesValue = 30; this.copiesPlus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.copiesPlus.setEnabled(true); } this.copiesMinus.setEnabled(true); this.copies.setText(String.valueOf(this.copiesValue)); return; case /*2131231005*/: launchDetailScreen(this.duplex,; return; case /*2131231037*/: launchDetailScreen(this.feedDirection,; return; case /*2131231158*/: launchDetailScreen(this.layout,; return; case /*2131231300*/: Intent intent = new Intent(this, PageRangeSetting.class); intent.putExtra("SHEETS", this.sheets); intent.putExtra("printAll", this.printAll); intent.putExtra("startValue", this.startValue); intent.putExtra("endValue", this.endValue); startActivityForResult(intent, 2); return; case /*2131231306*/: launchDetailScreen(this.paperSize,; return; case /*2131231311*/: int i = this.paperSource; int[] iArr = this.paper_source_info; if (iArr != null && iArr.length <= 1) { i = 128; } launchDetailScreen(i,; return; case /*2131231314*/: launchDetailScreen(this.paperType,; return; case /*2131231355*/: launchDetailScreen(this.printdate,; return; case /*2131231358*/: unbindEpsonService(); new AsyncTask() { /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onPreExecute() { SettingScr.this.findViewById(; } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public Void doInBackground(Void... voidArr) { SettingScr settingScr = SettingScr.this; WiFiDirectManager.disconnect(settingScr, WiFiDirectManager.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, settingScr.printerIp); SettingScr settingScr2 = SettingScr.this; WiFiDirectManager.disconnectSimpleAP(settingScr2, settingScr2.autoConnectSsid, SettingScr.this.printerIp); return null; } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onPostExecute(Void voidR) { Intent intent = new Intent(SettingScr.this, SearchPrinterScr.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(Constants.PRINTER_ID, SettingScr.this.printerId); bundle.putString(Constants.PRINTER_IP, SettingScr.this.printerIp); bundle.putString(Constants.PRINTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, SettingScr.this.printerEmailAddress); bundle.putInt(Constants.PRINTER_LOCATION, SettingScr.this.printerLocation); bundle.putString(SettingScr.EXTRA_SIMPLEAP, SettingScr.this.autoConnectSsid); intent.putExtras(bundle); SettingScr.this.startActivityForResult(intent, 0); SettingScr.this.findViewById(; } }.execute(new Void[0]); return; case /*2131231392*/: launchDetailScreen(this.quality,; return; case /*2131231425*/: this.saturationValue--; if (this.saturationValue <= -50) { this.saturationValue = -50; this.saturationMinus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.saturationMinus.setEnabled(true); } this.saturationPlus.setEnabled(true); this.saturation.setText(String.valueOf(this.saturationValue)); return; case /*2131231426*/: this.saturationValue++; if (this.saturationValue >= 50) { this.saturationValue = 50; this.saturationPlus.setEnabled(false); } else { this.saturationPlus.setEnabled(true); } this.saturationMinus.setEnabled(true); this.saturation.setText(String.valueOf(this.saturationValue)); return; case /*2131231482*/: launchDetailScreen(this.mSharpnessValue,; return; default: return; } } } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void launchDetailScreen(int i, int i2) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, PrinterInfoDetail.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("ID", i2); bundle.putInt("sizeIndex", this.sizeIndex); bundle.putInt("typeIndex", this.typeIndex); bundle.putInt("curValue", i); bundle.putBoolean("isDocumentSetting", this.isDocumentSetting); switch (i2) { case /*2131230930*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.COLOR_INFO, this.color_info); break; case /*2131231005*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.DUPLEX_INFO, this.duplex_info); break; case /*2131231158*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.LAYOUT_INFO, this.layout_info); break; case /*2131231306*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.PAPER_SIZE_INFO, this.paper_size_info); break; case /*2131231311*/: int[] iArr = this.paper_source_info; bundle.putIntArray(Constants.PAPER_SOURCE_INFO, (iArr == null || iArr.length > 1) ? this.paper_source_info : new int[]{128}); break; case /*2131231314*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.PAPER_TYPE_INFO, this.paper_type_info); break; case /*2131231392*/: bundle.putIntArray(Constants.PRINT_QUALITY_INFO, this.quality_info); break; } intent.putExtras(bundle); startActivityForResult(intent, 1); } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onActivityResult(int i, int i2, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(i, i2, intent); String callingPackage = getCallingPackage(); EPLog.m313i(callingPackage, "requestCode = " + i + " resultCode = " + i2); if (i != 0) { if (i != 4) { if (i != 2) { int i3 = 1; if (i == 1 && i2 == -1) { int i4 = intent.getExtras().getInt("curValue"); switch (intent.getExtras().getInt("ID")) { case /*2131230819*/: if (i4 != 1) { i3 = 0; } this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter = i3; displayApfState(this.photoApfValueForLocalPrinter); break; case /*2131230930*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Color(); this.colorInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.color = i4; break; case /*2131231005*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Duplex(); this.duplexInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.duplex = i4; break; case /*2131231037*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.FeedDirection(); this.feedDirectionInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.feedDirection = i4; break; case /*2131231158*/: this.mLookupTable = new LayoutEx(); this.layoutInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.layout = i4; this.undoFlag = false; this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(32); break; case /*2131231306*/: this.sizeIndex = intent.getExtras().getInt("INDEX"); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperSize(); this.paperSizeInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.paperSize = i4; this.paperType = this.mPaperSizeType.getID(this.paperSize); this.undoFlag = false; this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(2); break; case /*2131231311*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperSource(); this.paperSourceInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); int[] iArr = this.paper_source_info; if (iArr != null && iArr.length > 1) { this.paperSource = i4; } this.undoFlag = false; this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(32); break; case /*2131231314*/: this.typeIndex = intent.getExtras().getInt("INDEX"); this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PaperType(); this.paperTypeInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.paperType = i4; this.mPaperSizeType.putID(this.paperSize, this.paperType); this.undoFlag = false; this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(3); break; case /*2131231355*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.PrintDate(); this.printDateInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.printdate = i4; break; case /*2131231392*/: this.mLookupTable = new MediaInfo.Quality(); this.qualityInfo.setText(getString(this.mLookupTable.getStringId(i4))); this.mLookupTable.destructor(); this.quality = i4; break; case /*2131231482*/: if (i4 != 1) { i3 = 0; } this.mSharpnessValue = i3; displaySharpnessState(this.mSharpnessValue); break; } } } else if (i2 == -1) { this.printAll = intent.getExtras().getBoolean("printAll"); this.startValue = intent.getExtras().getInt("startValue"); this.endValue = intent.getExtras().getInt("endValue"); this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(64); } } else { endInkReplAndGoProbePrinter(); } } else { onPrinterSelectEnd(i2, intent); } updatePrinterIcon(); } /* JADX WARNING: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:25:0x00ea, code lost: if (r7.loadIpPrinterInfo(r6.printerId) == null) goto L_0x00f7; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:27:0x00f3, code lost: if (r7.loadRemotePrinterInfo(r6.printerEmailAddress) == null) goto L_0x00f7; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ private void onPrinterSelectEnd(int r7, android.content.Intent r8) { /* r6 = this; r0 = 0 r1 = 1 r2 = -1 if (r7 != r2) goto L_0x00d6 android.os.Bundle r7 = r8.getExtras() java.lang.String r2 = "myprinter" android.os.Parcelable r7 = r7.getParcelable(r2) epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = (epson.print.MyPrinter) r7 r6.printer = r7 android.widget.TextView r7 = r6.printerName epson.print.MyPrinter r2 = r6.printer java.lang.String r2 = r2.getName() r7.setText(r2) epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer java.lang.String r7 = r7.getName() r6.printerDeviceId = r7 epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer java.lang.String r7 = r7.getPrinterId() r6.printerId = r7 epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer java.lang.String r7 = r7.getIp() r6.printerIp = r7 epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer java.lang.String r7 = r7.getSerialNo() r6.printerSerialNo = r7 epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer java.lang.String r7 = r7.getEmailAddress() r6.printerEmailAddress = r7 epson.print.MyPrinter r7 = r6.printer int r7 = r7.getLocation() r6.printerLocation = r7 epson.print.EPPrinterManager r7 = new epson.print.EPPrinterManager r7.(r6) int r2 = r6.printerLocation switch(r2) { case 2: goto L_0x0075; case 3: goto L_0x0059; default: goto L_0x0058; } L_0x0058: goto L_0x0090 L_0x0059: java.lang.String r2 = r6.printerId epson.print.EPPrinterInfo r7 = r7.loadIpPrinterInfo(r2) if (r7 == 0) goto L_0x0090 java.lang.String r2 = r7.userDefName if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0090 java.lang.String r2 = r7.userDefName int r2 = r2.length() if (r2 <= 0) goto L_0x0090 android.widget.TextView r2 = r6.printerName java.lang.String r7 = r7.userDefName r2.setText(r7) goto L_0x0090 L_0x0075: java.lang.String r2 = r6.printerEmailAddress epson.print.EPPrinterInfo r7 = r7.loadRemotePrinterInfo(r2) if (r7 == 0) goto L_0x0090 java.lang.String r2 = r7.userDefName if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0090 java.lang.String r2 = r7.userDefName int r2 = r2.length() if (r2 <= 0) goto L_0x0090 android.widget.TextView r2 = r6.printerName java.lang.String r7 = r7.userDefName r2.setText(r7) L_0x0090: android.os.Bundle r7 = r8.getExtras() java.lang.String r8 = "simpleap" java.lang.String r7 = r7.getString(r8) r6.autoConnectSsid = r7 android.content.Context r7 = r6.getApplicationContext() java.lang.String r8 = "PrintSetting" java.lang.String r2 = "RE_SEARCH" epson.common.Utils.savePref((android.content.Context) r7, (java.lang.String) r8, (java.lang.String) r2, (boolean) r1) r6.undoFlag = r0 r6.mPrinterSelectDone = r1 r6.mWaiteInkReplenProgress = r1 android.content.Context r7 = r6.getApplicationContext() java.lang.String r8 = r6.printerId boolean r7 = epson.print.inkrpln.InkReplnHelper.isSimpleApOrP2p(r7, r8) if (r7 != 0) goto L_0x00d2 epson.print.inkrpln.PrintSettingDependencyBuilder r7 = new epson.print.inkrpln.PrintSettingDependencyBuilder java.lang.String r1 = r6.printerId java.lang.String r2 = r6.printerIp java.lang.String r3 = r6.printerSerialNo int r4 = r6.printerLocation java.lang.String r5 = r6.printerDeviceId r0 = r7 r0.(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5) android.content.Intent r7 = epson.print.inkrpln.InkRplnProgressDialog.getStartIntent2(r6, r7) r8 = 4 r6.startActivityForResult(r7, r8) goto L_0x00fc L_0x00d2: r6.endInkReplAndGoProbePrinter() goto L_0x00fc L_0x00d6: r6.bindEpsonService() epson.print.EPPrinterManager r7 = new epson.print.EPPrinterManager r7.(r6) int r8 = r6.printerLocation switch(r8) { case 2: goto L_0x00ed; case 3: goto L_0x00e4; default: goto L_0x00e3; } L_0x00e3: goto L_0x00f6 L_0x00e4: java.lang.String r8 = r6.printerId epson.print.EPPrinterInfo r7 = r7.loadIpPrinterInfo(r8) if (r7 != 0) goto L_0x00f6 goto L_0x00f7 L_0x00ed: java.lang.String r8 = r6.printerEmailAddress epson.print.EPPrinterInfo r7 = r7.loadRemotePrinterInfo(r8) if (r7 != 0) goto L_0x00f6 goto L_0x00f7 L_0x00f6: r1 = 0 L_0x00f7: if (r1 == 0) goto L_0x00fc r6.resetSettings() L_0x00fc: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: epson.print.screen.SettingScr.onPrinterSelectEnd(int, android.content.Intent):void"); } private void endInkReplAndGoProbePrinter() { this.mWaiteInkReplenProgress = false; bindEpsonService(); this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(17, 100); } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void updateSettingView() { int i = 8; if (this.isDocumentSetting) { if (this.printerLocation != 2) { setVisibilityPageRange(true); setClickablePageRange(true); } else if (!this.enableShowPreview) { setVisibilityPageRange(false); } else if (this.disablePrintArea) { setVisibilityPageRange(true); setClickablePageRange(false); } else { setVisibilityPageRange(true); setClickablePageRange(true); } if (this.sheets == 1) { ((ImageView) findViewById(; } else { ((ImageView) findViewById(; } } else { setVisibilityPageRange(false); } int[] iArr = this.color_info; if (iArr == null) { ((ImageView) findViewById(; } else if (iArr.length <= 1) { ((ImageView) findViewById(; } else { ((ImageView) findViewById(; } int[] iArr2 = this.duplex_info; if (iArr2 == null) { findViewById(; ((LinearLayout) findViewById(; } else if (iArr2.length <= 1) { findViewById(; ((LinearLayout) findViewById(; } else { findViewById(; ((LinearLayout) findViewById(; } switch (this.lang) { case 2: case 3: findViewById(; findViewById(; break; default: findViewById(; findViewById(; break; } if (this.isDocumentSetting || this.printerLocation == 2) { findViewById(; } else { findViewById(; } if (this.printerLocation != 2 && !this.isDocumentSetting) { i = 0; } findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public int getPrinterLang() { int i; IEpsonService iEpsonService; if (!(this.printerLocation == 2 || (iEpsonService = this.mEpsonService) == null)) { try { i = iEpsonService.getLang(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } EPLog.m305d("PrintSetting", "getPrinterLang called : ret = " + i); return i; } i = 1; EPLog.m305d("PrintSetting", "getPrinterLang called : ret = " + i); return i; } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setVisibilityPageRange(boolean z) { int i = 0; findViewById( ? 0 : 8); View findViewById = findViewById(; if (!z) { i = 8; } findViewById.setVisibility(i); } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setClickablePageRange(boolean z) { findViewById(; int i = 0; findViewById( ? 0 : 8); View findViewById = findViewById(; if (!z) { i = 8; } findViewById.setVisibility(i); } /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void resetSettings() { this.printerDeviceId = null; this.printerId = null; this.printerEmailAddress = null; this.printerIp = null; this.printerLocation = 0; = null; this.paper_source_info = null; this.color_info = null; this.paper_size_info = null; this.paper_type_info = null; this.layout_info = null; this.quality_info = null; this.duplex_info = null; this.autoConnectSsid = ""; this.printerName.setText(getString(R.string.str_lbl_title_scan)); ((ImageView) findViewById(; updateSettingView(); setScreenState(true); } public void onBackPressed() { super.onBackPressed(); this.mFinishRequested = true; IEpsonService iEpsonService = this.mEpsonService; if (iEpsonService != null) { try { iEpsonService.cancelSearchPrinter(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } loadSupportedMediaFile(); EPPrinterManager ePPrinterManager = new EPPrinterManager(this.mContext); ePPrinterManager.rollbackRemotePrinterInfo(); ePPrinterManager.rollbackIPPrinterInfo(); new InkRplnRepository(false).deleteTemporaryData(this); } /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public void setScreenState(Boolean bool) { if (bool.booleanValue()) { this.progressGetOption.setVisibility(8); } else { this.progressGetOption.setVisibility(0); } findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; } public void showErrorDialog(String str, String str2) { new CustomTitleAlertDialogBuilder(this).setCancelable(false).setTitle(str).setMessage(str2).setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.f343ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { SettingScr.this.setScreenState(true); dialogInterface.cancel(); } }).create().show(); updateSupportedMediaFile(true); } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onResume() { super.onResume(); EPLog.m307e("SettingScr", "onResume()"); if (this.printerId != null && this.printerLocation == 1 && this.isRetryAfterConnectSimpleAp && !this.mWaiteInkReplenProgress) { this.undoFlag = false; if (loadSupportedMediaFile()) { this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(1); } else { this.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(17); } } } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onPause() { EPLog.m305d("SettingScr", "onPause"); super.onPause(); if (isFinishing()) { this.mFinishRequested = true; deleteLongTapMessage(); } WiFiDirectManager.disconnect(this, WiFiDirectManager.DEVICE_TYPE_PRINTER, this.printerIp); WiFiDirectManager.disconnectSimpleAP(this, this.autoConnectSsid, this.printerIp); } public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(R.C2138menu.menu_done, menu); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem menuItem) { if (menuItem.getItemId() != { return super.onOptionsItemSelected(menuItem); } saveChanged(); setResult(3, getIntent()); finish(); return true; } /* access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void deleteLongTapMessage() { MotionEvent obtain = MotionEvent.obtain(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + 10, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0); this.copiesMinus.dispatchTouchEvent(obtain); this.copiesPlus.dispatchTouchEvent(obtain); } public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) { super.onConfigurationChanged(configuration); deleteLongTapMessage(); } }