package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import epson.print.CommonDefine; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; public class GoogleDownloader { private static final String ROOT_ID = "root"; private static final String TARGET_SCOPE = ""; private final Drive mDrive; private final FolderManager mFolderManager = new FolderManager(); public static String getTargetScope() { return ""; } private GoogleDownloader(@NonNull Drive drive) { this.mDrive = drive; } public DownloadTask startDownload(@NonNull ActivityWrapper activityWrapper, @NonNull OnlineFile onlineFile, @NonNull DownloadTask.DownloadCompleteListener downloadCompleteListener) { DownloadTask downloadTask = new DownloadTask(activityWrapper.getActivity().getApplicationContext(), this, downloadCompleteListener); downloadTask.execute(new OnlineFile[]{onlineFile}); return downloadTask; } public void startListTask(@Nullable OnlineFile onlineFile, @NonNull DriveListTask.ListTaskCompleteListener listTaskCompleteListener) { new DriveListTask(this, listTaskCompleteListener).execute(new OnlineFile[]{onlineFile}); } public boolean isRootFolder() { return this.mFolderManager.isRootFolder(); } @Nullable public OnlineFile downloadPdf(GoogleDriveFile googleDriveFile, File file) throws IOException { Throwable th; String id = googleDriveFile.getId(); if (id != null) { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { this.mDrive.files().export(id, "application/pdf").executeMediaAndDownloadTo(fileOutputStream); fileOutputStream.close(); return new DownloadFile(file.getPath(), "application/pdf"); } catch (Throwable th2) { th.addSuppressed(th2); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } throw th; } /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:?, code lost: r2.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x002f, code lost: if (r7 == null) goto L_0x0034; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:14:0x0031, code lost: r7.close(); */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:15:0x0034, code lost: return r0; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:16:0x0035, code lost: r8 = th; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x0036, code lost: r9 = null; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:21:0x003a, code lost: r9 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x003b, code lost: r5 = r9; r9 = r8; r8 = r5; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public downloadFile( r7, r8, r9) throws { /* r6 = this; r0 = new java.lang.String r1 = r8.getPath() java.lang.String r2 = r7.getMimeType() r0.(r1, r2) r7 = r6.getFileInputStream(r7) r1 = 0 r2 = new // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } r2.(r8) // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } r8 = 1024(0x400, float:1.435E-42) byte[] r8 = new byte[r8] // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x0038, all -> 0x0035 } L_0x001b: int r3 = // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x0038, all -> 0x0035 } if (r3 < 0) goto L_0x002c boolean r4 = r9.canceled() // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x0038, all -> 0x0035 } if (r4 != 0) goto L_0x002c r4 = 0 r2.write(r8, r4, r3) // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x0038, all -> 0x0035 } goto L_0x001b L_0x002c: r2.close() // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } if (r7 == 0) goto L_0x0034 r7.close() L_0x0034: return r0 L_0x0035: r8 = move-exception r9 = r1 goto L_0x003e L_0x0038: r8 = move-exception throw r8 // Catch:{ all -> 0x003a } L_0x003a: r9 = move-exception r5 = r9 r9 = r8 r8 = r5 L_0x003e: if (r9 == 0) goto L_0x0049 r2.close() // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x0044 } goto L_0x004c L_0x0044: r0 = move-exception r9.addSuppressed(r0) // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } goto L_0x004c L_0x0049: r2.close() // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } L_0x004c: throw r8 // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x004f } L_0x004d: r8 = move-exception goto L_0x0052 L_0x004f: r8 = move-exception r1 = r8 throw r1 // Catch:{ all -> 0x004d } L_0x0052: if (r7 == 0) goto L_0x0062 if (r1 == 0) goto L_0x005f r7.close() // Catch:{ Throwable -> 0x005a } goto L_0x0062 L_0x005a: r7 = move-exception r1.addSuppressed(r7) goto L_0x0062 L_0x005f: r7.close() L_0x0062: throw r8 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:,,"); } @NonNull public static GoogleDownloader createGoogleDownloader(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull GoogleSignInAccount googleSignInAccount) { GoogleAccountCredential usingOAuth2 = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(context, Collections.singleton(getTargetScope())); usingOAuth2.setSelectedAccount(googleSignInAccount.getAccount()); return new GoogleDownloader(new Drive.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new GsonFactory(), usingOAuth2).setApplicationName(getDriveApplicationName(context)).build()); } public static String getDriveApplicationName(@NonNull Context context) { String appName = getAppName(context); return appName == null ? context.getPackageName() : appName; } private static String getAppName(@NonNull Context context) { try { PackageInfo packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 128); String str = (String) packageInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(context.getPackageManager()); if (packageInfo.versionName == null) { return str; } return str + CommonDefine.SLASH + packageInfo.versionName; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException unused) { return null; } } @NonNull public ArrayList listFile(@Nullable OnlineFile onlineFile) throws IOException { Drive.Files files = this.mDrive.files(); this.mFolderManager.changeCurrentFolder(onlineFile); String currentFolderId = this.mFolderManager.getCurrentFolderId(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); String str = null; do { Drive.Files.List list = files.list(); FileList fileList = (FileList) list.setQ("'" + currentFolderId + "' in parents and trashed = false and (mimeType contains 'image/' or mimeType contains 'application/' or mimeType contains 'text/')").setFields("nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, trashed)").setPageToken(str).execute(); if (!this.mFolderManager.isRootFolder()) { arrayList.add(new ParentFolder()); } for ( googleDriveFile : fileList.getFiles()) { arrayList.add(new GoogleDriveFile(googleDriveFile)); } str = fileList.getNextPageToken(); } while (str != null); return arrayList; } private InputStream getFileInputStream(@NonNull OnlineFile onlineFile) throws IOException { String id = onlineFile.getId(); if (id != null) { return this.mDrive.files().get(id).executeMediaAsInputStream(); } throw new IOException("getId() return null"); } private static class FolderManager { private OnlineFile mCurrentFolder = null; private final LinkedList mParentDirList = new LinkedList<>(); FolderManager() { } /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public void changeCurrentFolder(@Nullable OnlineFile onlineFile) { if (onlineFile == null || !onlineFile.isFolder()) { return; } if (onlineFile instanceof ParentFolder) { gotoParent(); return; } OnlineFile onlineFile2 = this.mCurrentFolder; if (onlineFile2 != null) { this.mParentDirList.push(onlineFile2); } this.mCurrentFolder = onlineFile; } private void gotoRoot() { this.mParentDirList.clear(); this.mCurrentFolder = null; } private void gotoParent() { if (this.mParentDirList.isEmpty()) { this.mCurrentFolder = null; gotoRoot(); return; } OnlineFile pop = this.mParentDirList.pop(); if (pop == null) { gotoRoot(); return; } this.mCurrentFolder = pop; this.mCurrentFolder.getId(); } private String getCurrentFolderId() { OnlineFile onlineFile = this.mCurrentFolder; if (onlineFile == null) { return GoogleDownloader.ROOT_ID; } return onlineFile.getId(); } /* access modifiers changed from: private */ public boolean isRootFolder() { return this.mCurrentFolder == null; } } }