/** Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* this file is found by cordova-lib when you attempt to 'cordova platform add PATH' where path is this repo. */ var shell = require('shelljs'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var cdvcmn = require('cordova-common'); var CordovaLogger = cdvcmn.CordovaLogger; var ConfigParser = cdvcmn.ConfigParser; var ActionStack = cdvcmn.ActionStack; var selfEvents = cdvcmn.events; var xmlHelpers = cdvcmn.xmlHelpers; var PlatformJson = cdvcmn.PlatformJson; var PlatformMunger = cdvcmn.ConfigChanges.PlatformMunger; var PluginInfoProvider = cdvcmn.PluginInfoProvider; var BrowserParser = require('./browser_parser'); var PLATFORM_NAME = 'browser'; function setupEvents (externalEventEmitter) { if (externalEventEmitter) { // This will make the platform internal events visible outside selfEvents.forwardEventsTo(externalEventEmitter); return externalEventEmitter; } // There is no logger if external emitter is not present, // so attach a console logger CordovaLogger.get().subscribe(selfEvents); return selfEvents; } function Api (platform, platformRootDir, events) { this.platform = platform || PLATFORM_NAME; // MyApp/platforms/browser this.root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); this.events = setupEvents(events); this.parser = new BrowserParser(this.root); this._handler = require('./browser_handler'); this.locations = { platformRootDir: platformRootDir, root: this.root, www: path.join(this.root, 'www'), res: path.join(this.root, 'res'), platformWww: path.join(this.root, 'platform_www'), configXml: path.join(this.root, 'config.xml'), defaultConfigXml: path.join(this.root, 'cordova/defaults.xml'), build: path.join(this.root, 'build'), // NOTE: Due to platformApi spec we need to return relative paths here cordovaJs: 'bin/templates/project/assets/www/cordova.js', cordovaJsSrc: 'cordova-js-src' }; this._platformJson = PlatformJson.load(this.root, platform); this._pluginInfoProvider = new PluginInfoProvider(); this._munger = new PlatformMunger(platform, this.root, this._platformJson, this._pluginInfoProvider); } Api.createPlatform = function (dest, config, options, events) { var creator = require('../../lib/create'); events = setupEvents(events); var name = 'HelloCordova'; var id = 'io.cordova.hellocordova'; if (config) { name = config.name(); id = config.packageName(); } var result; try { // we create the project using our scripts in this platform result = creator.createProject(dest, id, name, options) .then(function () { // after platform is created we return Api instance based on new Api.js location // Api.js has been copied to the new project // This is required to correctly resolve paths in the future api calls var PlatformApi = require(path.resolve(dest, 'cordova/Api')); return new PlatformApi('browser', dest, events); }); } catch (e) { events.emit('error', 'createPlatform is not callable from the browser project API.'); throw (e); } return result; }; Api.updatePlatform = function (dest, options, events) { // console.log("test-platform:Api:updatePlatform"); // todo?: create projectInstance and fulfill promise with it. return Promise.resolve(); }; Api.prototype.getPlatformInfo = function () { // console.log("browser-platform:Api:getPlatformInfo"); // return PlatformInfo object return { 'locations': this.locations, 'root': this.root, 'name': this.platform, 'version': { 'version': '1.0.0' }, // um, todo! 'projectConfig': this.config }; }; Api.prototype.prepare = function (cordovaProject, options) { // First cleanup current config and merge project's one into own var defaultConfigPath = path.join(this.locations.platformRootDir, 'cordova', 'defaults.xml'); var ownConfigPath = this.locations.configXml; var sourceCfg = cordovaProject.projectConfig; // If defaults.xml is present, overwrite platform config.xml with it. // Otherwise save whatever is there as defaults so it can be // restored or copy project config into platform if none exists. if (fs.existsSync(defaultConfigPath)) { this.events.emit('verbose', 'Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "' + this.platform + '"'); shell.cp('-f', defaultConfigPath, ownConfigPath); } else if (fs.existsSync(ownConfigPath)) { this.events.emit('verbose', 'Generating defaults.xml from own config.xml for platform "' + this.platform + '"'); shell.cp('-f', ownConfigPath, defaultConfigPath); } else { this.events.emit('verbose', 'case 3"' + this.platform + '"'); shell.cp('-f', sourceCfg.path, ownConfigPath); } // merge our configs this.config = new ConfigParser(ownConfigPath); xmlHelpers.mergeXml(cordovaProject.projectConfig.doc.getroot(), this.config.doc.getroot(), this.platform, true); this.config.write(); // Update own www dir with project's www assets and plugins' assets and js-files this.parser.update_www(cordovaProject, options); // Copy or Create manifest.json // todo: move this to a manifest helper module // output path var manifestPath = path.join(this.locations.www, 'manifest.json'); var srcManifestPath = path.join(cordovaProject.locations.www, 'manifest.json'); if (fs.existsSync(srcManifestPath)) { // just blindly copy it to our output/www // todo: validate it? ensure all properties we expect exist? this.events.emit('verbose', 'copying ' + srcManifestPath + ' => ' + manifestPath); shell.cp('-f', srcManifestPath, manifestPath); } else { var manifestJson = { 'background_color': '#FFF', 'display': 'standalone' }; if (this.config) { if (this.config.name()) { manifestJson.name = this.config.name(); } if (this.config.shortName()) { manifestJson.short_name = this.config.shortName(); } if (this.config.packageName()) { manifestJson.version = this.config.packageName(); } if (this.config.description()) { manifestJson.description = this.config.description(); } if (this.config.author()) { manifestJson.author = this.config.author(); } // icons var icons = this.config.getStaticResources('browser', 'icon'); var manifestIcons = icons.map(function (icon) { // given a tag like this : // /* configParser returns icons that look like this : { src: 'res/ios/icon.png', target: undefined, density: 'mdpi', platform: null, width: 57, height: 57 } ******/ /* manifest expects them to be like this : { "src": "images/touch/icon-128x128.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "128x128" } ******/ // ?Is it worth looking at file extentions? return { 'src': icon.src, 'type': 'image/png', 'sizes': (icon.width + 'x' + icon.height) }; }); manifestJson.icons = manifestIcons; // orientation // var oriPref = this.config.getGlobalPreference('Orientation'); if (oriPref) { // if it's a supported value, use it if (['landscape', 'portrait'].indexOf(oriPref) > -1) { manifestJson.orientation = oriPref; } else { // anything else maps to 'any' manifestJson.orientation = 'any'; } } // get start_url var contentNode = this.config.doc.find('content') || { 'attrib': { 'src': 'index.html' } }; // sensible default manifestJson.start_url = contentNode.attrib.src; // now we get some values from start_url page ... var startUrlPath = path.join(cordovaProject.locations.www, manifestJson.start_url); if (fs.existsSync(startUrlPath)) { var contents = fs.readFileSync(startUrlPath, 'utf-8'); // matches var themeColorRegex = /]*name="theme-color")\s[^>]*content="([^>]*)"/i; var result = themeColorRegex.exec(contents); var themeColor; if (result && result.length >= 2) { themeColor = result[1]; } else { // see if there is a preference in config.xml // themeColor = this.config.getGlobalPreference('StatusBarBackgroundColor'); } if (themeColor) { manifestJson.theme_color = themeColor; } } } fs.writeFileSync(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifestJson, null, 2), 'utf8'); } // update project according to config.xml changes. return this.parser.update_project(this.config, options); }; Api.prototype.addPlugin = function (pluginInfo, installOptions) { // console.log(new Error().stack); if (!pluginInfo) { return Promise.reject(new Error('The parameter is incorrect. The first parameter ' + 'should be valid PluginInfo instance')); } installOptions = installOptions || {}; installOptions.variables = installOptions.variables || {}; // CB-10108 platformVersion option is required for proper plugin installation installOptions.platformVersion = installOptions.platformVersion || this.getPlatformInfo().version; var self = this; var actions = new ActionStack(); var projectFile = this._handler.parseProjectFile && this._handler.parseProjectFile(this.root); // gather all files needs to be handled during install pluginInfo.getFilesAndFrameworks(this.platform) .concat(pluginInfo.getAssets(this.platform)) .concat(pluginInfo.getJsModules(this.platform)) .forEach(function (item) { actions.push(actions.createAction( self._getInstaller(item.itemType), [item, pluginInfo.dir, pluginInfo.id, installOptions, projectFile], self._getUninstaller(item.itemType), [item, pluginInfo.dir, pluginInfo.id, installOptions, projectFile])); }); // run through the action stack return actions.process(this.platform, this.root) .then(function () { if (projectFile) { projectFile.write(); } // Add PACKAGE_NAME variable into vars if (!installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME) { installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME = self._handler.package_name(self.root); } self._munger // Ignore passed `is_top_level` option since platform itself doesn't know // anything about managing dependencies - it's responsibility of caller. .add_plugin_changes(pluginInfo, installOptions.variables, /* is_top_level= */true, /* should_increment= */true) .save_all(); var targetDir = installOptions.usePlatformWww ? self.getPlatformInfo().locations.platformWww : self.getPlatformInfo().locations.www; self._addModulesInfo(pluginInfo, targetDir); }); }; Api.prototype.removePlugin = function (plugin, uninstallOptions) { // console.log("NotImplemented :: browser-platform:Api:removePlugin ",plugin, uninstallOptions); uninstallOptions = uninstallOptions || {}; // CB-10108 platformVersion option is required for proper plugin installation uninstallOptions.platformVersion = uninstallOptions.platformVersion || this.getPlatformInfo().version; var self = this; var actions = new ActionStack(); var projectFile = this._handler.parseProjectFile && this._handler.parseProjectFile(this.root); // queue up plugin files plugin.getFilesAndFrameworks(this.platform) .concat(plugin.getAssets(this.platform)) .concat(plugin.getJsModules(this.platform)) .forEach(function (item) { actions.push(actions.createAction( self._getUninstaller(item.itemType), [item, plugin.dir, plugin.id, uninstallOptions, projectFile], self._getInstaller(item.itemType), [item, plugin.dir, plugin.id, uninstallOptions, projectFile])); }); // run through the action stack return actions.process(this.platform, this.root) .then(function () { if (projectFile) { projectFile.write(); } self._munger // Ignore passed `is_top_level` option since platform itself doesn't know // anything about managing dependencies - it's responsibility of caller. .remove_plugin_changes(plugin, /* is_top_level= */true) .save_all(); var targetDir = uninstallOptions.usePlatformWww ? self.getPlatformInfo().locations.platformWww : self.getPlatformInfo().locations.www; self._removeModulesInfo(plugin, targetDir); // Remove stale plugin directory // TODO: this should be done by plugin files uninstaller shell.rm('-rf', path.resolve(self.root, 'Plugins', plugin.id)); }); }; Api.prototype._getInstaller = function (type) { var self = this; return function (item, plugin_dir, plugin_id, options, project) { var installer = self._handler[type]; if (!installer) { console.log('unrecognized type ' + type); } else { var wwwDest = options.usePlatformWww ? self.getPlatformInfo().locations.platformWww : self._handler.www_dir(self.root); if (type === 'asset') { installer.install(item, plugin_dir, wwwDest); } else if (type === 'js-module') { installer.install(item, plugin_dir, plugin_id, wwwDest); } else { installer.install(item, plugin_dir, self.root, plugin_id, options, project); } } }; }; Api.prototype._getUninstaller = function (type) { var self = this; return function (item, plugin_dir, plugin_id, options, project) { var installer = self._handler[type]; if (!installer) { console.log('browser plugin uninstall: unrecognized type, skipping : ' + type); } else { var wwwDest = options.usePlatformWww ? self.getPlatformInfo().locations.platformWww : self._handler.www_dir(self.root); if (['asset', 'js-module'].indexOf(type) > -1) { return installer.uninstall(item, wwwDest, plugin_id); } else { return installer.uninstall(item, self.root, plugin_id, options, project); } } }; }; /** * Removes the specified modules from list of installed modules and updates * platform_json and cordova_plugins.js on disk. * * @param {PluginInfo} plugin PluginInfo instance for plugin, which modules * needs to be added. * @param {String} targetDir The directory, where updated cordova_plugins.js * should be written to. */ Api.prototype._addModulesInfo = function (plugin, targetDir) { var installedModules = this._platformJson.root.modules || []; var installedPaths = installedModules.map(function (installedModule) { return installedModule.file; }); var modulesToInstall = plugin.getJsModules(this.platform) .filter(function (moduleToInstall) { return installedPaths.indexOf(moduleToInstall.file) === -1; }).map(function (moduleToInstall) { var moduleName = plugin.id + '.' + (moduleToInstall.name || moduleToInstall.src.match(/([^\/]+)\.js/)[1]); var obj = { file: ['plugins', plugin.id, moduleToInstall.src].join('/'), /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */ id: moduleName, pluginId: plugin.id }; if (moduleToInstall.clobbers.length > 0) { obj.clobbers = moduleToInstall.clobbers.map(function (o) { return o.target; }); } if (moduleToInstall.merges.length > 0) { obj.merges = moduleToInstall.merges.map(function (o) { return o.target; }); } if (moduleToInstall.runs) { obj.runs = true; } return obj; }); this._platformJson.root.modules = installedModules.concat(modulesToInstall); if (!this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata) { this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata = {}; } this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata[plugin.id] = plugin.version; this._writePluginModules(targetDir); this._platformJson.save(); }; /** * Fetches all installed modules, generates cordova_plugins contents and writes * it to file. * * @param {String} targetDir Directory, where write cordova_plugins.js to. * Ususally it is either /www or /platform_www * directories. */ Api.prototype._writePluginModules = function (targetDir) { // Write out moduleObjects as JSON wrapped in a cordova module to cordova_plugins.js var final_contents = 'cordova.define(\'cordova/plugin_list\', function(require, exports, module) {\n'; final_contents += 'module.exports = ' + JSON.stringify(this._platformJson.root.modules, null, ' ') + ';\n'; final_contents += 'module.exports.metadata = \n'; final_contents += '// TOP OF METADATA\n'; final_contents += JSON.stringify(this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata || {}, null, ' ') + '\n'; final_contents += '// BOTTOM OF METADATA\n'; final_contents += '});'; // Close cordova.define. shell.mkdir('-p', targetDir); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(targetDir, 'cordova_plugins.js'), final_contents, 'utf-8'); }; /** * Removes the specified modules from list of installed modules and updates * platform_json and cordova_plugins.js on disk. * * @param {PluginInfo} plugin PluginInfo instance for plugin, which modules * needs to be removed. * @param {String} targetDir The directory, where updated cordova_plugins.js * should be written to. */ Api.prototype._removeModulesInfo = function (plugin, targetDir) { var installedModules = this._platformJson.root.modules || []; var modulesToRemove = plugin.getJsModules(this.platform) .map(function (jsModule) { return ['plugins', plugin.id, jsModule.src].join('/'); }); var updatedModules = installedModules .filter(function (installedModule) { return (modulesToRemove.indexOf(installedModule.file) === -1); }); this._platformJson.root.modules = updatedModules; if (this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata) { delete this._platformJson.root.plugin_metadata[plugin.id]; } this._writePluginModules(targetDir); this._platformJson.save(); }; Api.prototype.build = function (buildOptions) { var self = this; return require('./lib/check_reqs').run() .then(function () { return require('./lib/build').run.call(self, buildOptions); }); }; Api.prototype.run = function (runOptions) { return require('./lib/run').run(runOptions); }; Api.prototype.clean = function (cleanOptions) { return require('./lib/clean').run(cleanOptions); }; Api.prototype.requirements = function () { return require('./lib/check_reqs').run(); }; module.exports = Api;