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Automatic Commit By liuyuqi

liuyuqi-dellpc 2 years ago
1 changed files with 72 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 72 0

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import requests
+import os
+@Contact :
+@Time    :   2022/03/08 21:12:55
+@License :   Copyright © 2017-2020 liuyuqi. All Rights Reserved.
+@Desc    :   
+# 2. 编写一个工具(LOL皮肤下载工具) ----封装的思想
+#   给用户展示所有的英雄名称和id (在控制台输出 所有英雄的名称和id  每三个为一行)
+#   用户输入想要的英雄皮肤   (用户输入所需要的英雄id)
+#   如果有,则进行下载,      判断id是否在英雄id列表中存在
+#   如果没有让用户从新输入    y 继续数据皮肤信息    n 输出程序结束
+hero_list_url = ""
+s = requests.Session()
+hero_id_list = []
+def getHeroId():
+    global hero_id_list
+    response = s.get(hero_list_url).json()
+    hero_list = response["hero"]
+    print("-----------所有英雄id和名字--------------------")
+    input("按任意键继续")
+    index = 1
+    tmp = ""
+    for hero in hero_list:
+        tmp = tmp + hero["heroId"] + " " + hero["name"] + "    "
+        if index % 3 == 0:
+            print(tmp)
+            tmp = ""
+        hero_id_list.append(hero["heroId"])
+        index = index + 1
+def getHeroPic():
+    while(1):
+        mHeroId = input("用户输入所需要的英雄id:")
+      # 获取所有英雄图片的地址
+        for hero_id in hero_id_list:
+            if mHeroId == hero_id:
+                hero_img_url = "" % (
+                    hero_id)
+                skin_list = s.get(hero_img_url).json()["skins"]
+                for skin in skin_list:
+                    mainImg = skin["mainImg"]
+                    heroName = skin["heroName"]
+                    name = skin["name"]
+                    if not os.path.exists(heroName):
+                        os.mkdir(heroName)
+                    if mainImg == "":
+                        with open(heroName + "/" + name + ".jpg", "wb") as file:
+                            file.write(s.get(skin["chromaImg"]).content)
+                    else:
+                        with open(heroName + "/" + name + ".jpg", "wb") as file:
+                            file.write(s.get(skin["mainImg"]).content)
+        yn = input("y 继续    n 输出程序结束:")
+        if yn == "n":
+            exit()
+def getHero():
+    getHeroId()
+    getHeroPic()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    getHero()