# crawl_ouchn [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-v1.1.0-brightgreen)](https://git.yoqi.me/lyq/crawl_ouchn) [![.Python](https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-v3.8.5-brightgreen?style=plastic)](https://git.yoqi.me/lyq/crawl_ouchn) ["国家开放大学终身教育平台"](http://le.ouchn.cn/)课程视频批量下载 ## Usage 1. Configure `config/config.json` file add some url which you want to download video. ``` "courseUrl": [ "http://le.ouchn.cn/#/courseDetails/CAAA010000023530" ] ``` 2. run it xx.exe 3. downloading some lesson video need to login, So please configure `config/config.json` file `username` and `messageCode` ## Docker deploy 1. create a `config.json` file, add below in it: ``` { "username": "15016215661", "messageCode": "123456", "courseUrl": [ "http://le.ouchn.cn/#/courseDetails/CAAA010000023530" ] } ``` you want to download a video which need to login. then you neet to modify `usename` and `messageCode`. the `courseUrl` are some urls which you can copy it from browser 2. run the docker container: ``` docker pull ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/jianboy/crawl_ouchn:v2022.05.24 docker run -it --rm -v /data/crawl_ouchn/config/config.json:/app/config/config.json -v /data/crawl_ouchn/Video:/app/Video ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/jianboy/crawl_ouchn:v2022.05.24 ``` ## Development please read [Develop](./docs/Develop.md) ### Update History - [x] Multithreaded download. - [x] Docker deployment has been implemented. ### Licenses 本项目开源,免费使用,无任何限制,下载的课件视频建议个人使用,请勿以盈利性目的分发哦. 仅供技术交流,有关部门认清形势,请勿随意请喝茶,喝咖啡欢迎! QQ Group:772583198 WeChat Group: