Upload videos to Youtube from the command line https://github.com/tokland/youtube-upload

Arnau Sanchez b09ad842ff update changelog 10 years ago
bin e70474dc55 general refactor using APIv3 and Oauth2 10 years ago
examples f2d77fa29c clone from google code 10 years ago
youtube_upload b09ad842ff update changelog 10 years ago
CHANGELOG b09ad842ff update changelog 10 years ago
README f2d77fa29c clone from google code 10 years ago
client_secrets.json e70474dc55 general refactor using APIv3 and Oauth2 10 years ago
setup.py e70474dc55 general refactor using APIv3 and Oauth2 10 years ago


= Introduction =

_Youtube-upload_ is a command-line script that uploads videos to Youtube. If a video does not comply with Youtube limitations (<15mins for a normal user) you must split it before using ffmpeg or any other tool. _Youtube-upload_ should work on any platform (GNU/Linux, BSD, OS X, Windows, ...) that runs Python.

= Dependencies =

* [http://www.python.org python 2.6 or 2.7]
* [http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client python-gdata] (>= 1.2.4)

Note: You must have logged in at least once into your Youtube account prior to uploading any videos.

= Download & Install =

* [http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/downloads/list Stable release]:

$ wget http://youtube-upload.googlecode.com/files/youtube-upload-VERSION.tgz
$ tar xvzf youtube-upload-VERSION.tgz
$ cd youtube-upload-VERSION
$ sudo python setup.py install

* [http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/source/checkout From repository]:

$ svn checkout http://youtube-upload.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ youtube-upload
$ cd youtube-upload
$ sudo python setup.py install

* If you don't want (or you can't) install software on the computer, run it directly from sources:

$ cd youtube-upload-VERSION
$ python youtube_upload/youtube_upload.py ...

= Usage examples =

* Upload a video:

$ youtube-upload --email=myemail@gmail.com --password=mypassword \
--title="A.S. Mutter" --description="A.S. Mutter plays Beethoven" \
--category=Music --keywords="mutter, beethoven" anne_sophie_mutter.flv

* Upload a video with a description from file (_description.txt_):

$ youtube-upload --email=myemail@gmail.com --password=mypassword \
--title="A.S. Mutter" --description="$(< \description.txt)" \
--category=Music --keywords="mutter, beethoven" anne_sophie_mutter.flv

* Upload the video using the Youtube API:

$ youtube-upload --api-upload [OTHER OPTIONS] file.flv

If you set explicitly the {{{--api-upload}}} options or {{{pycurl}}} isn't installed, the original Youtube API will be used to upload the video file. This method is not recommended because it does not shows the nice progressbar.

* Upload a splited video:

$ youtube-upload [OPTIONS] --title="TITLE" video.part1.avi video.part2.avi
www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxzZ-fYjeYs # title: TITLE [1/2]
www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxzZ-fYsdff # title: TITLE [2/2]

* Add a video to a playlist:

$ youtube-upload [OPTIONS] --add-to-playlist=http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/7986C428284A40A1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpqu97l3G1U

Note that the argument must be the video URL (not a local file) and the playlist is the URL of the feed (with no prefix "PL").

* Get available categories:

$ youtube-upload --get-categories
Tech Education Animals People Travel Entertainment Howto Sports Autos Music News Games Nonprofit Comedy Film

* Split a video with _ffmpeg_

Youtube currently limits videos to <2Gb and <15' for almost all users. You can use the Bash example script to split it before uploading:

$ bash examples/split_video_for_youtube.sh video.avi

* Upload videos with _curl_

The script uses pycurl by default (when available) to upload the video, but if you need to tweak the upload parameters take a look at the Bash script included with the sources ([http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/source/browse/trunk/examples/upload_with_curl.sh examples/upload_with_curl.sh]). This command, for example, would upload _somevideo.flv_ with a limit rate of 100KBytes:

$ youtube-upload --get-upload-form-info [OPTIONS] | bash examples/upload_with_curl.sh --limit-rate 100k

* Upload a non-public (private/unlisted) video:

$ youtube-upload --private ...

$ youtube-upload --unlisted ...

* Get password from standard input

$ cat password.txt | youtube-upload -p - ....

* Use a HTTP proxy

Set environment variables *http_proxy* and *https_proxy*:

$ export http_proxy=http://user:password@host:port
$ export https_proxy=http://user:password@host:port
$ youtube-upload ....


* Update metadata (title or description).

Set new title for video:

$ youtube-upload --email=EMAIL --password=PASSWORD --update-metadata --title "new title" www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxzZ-fYjeYs

= Caveats =

== Validate your credentials ==
Before you upload a video using the script, do it manually to make sure everything is ok (you have a valid user/password and an associated channel). See issue57 for more details.

== Using two-step verification ==

If you are using [https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/180744?hl=en two-step verification] issue an application-specific password and use it in the script as if it was your real password. See [https://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/issues/detail?id=111 issue111] for more details.

== Sign in using App Passwords ==

An App password is a 16-digit passcode that gives an app or device permission to access your Google Account. If you use 2-Step-Verification and are seeing a “password incorrect” error when trying to access your Google Account, an App password may solve the problem.


== Progressbar ==

You need both packages *python-progressbar* and *pycurl* installed to see the progress bar when uploading a video.

= Feedback =

Use the [http://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/issues/ issues tracker] to report bugs or suggest improvements.